Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 11

After waiting for a meeting outside the airport, her best friend Fang Xiaocheng came with a half used truck. She looked for Xu Xiyan at the appointed place, but she didn't recognize her when she stood in front of her.

Finally, Xu Xiyan called out to her first, "orange, I've arrived, right in front of you!"

Fang Xiaocheng looks at the face of the strange woman, and is obviously stunned. But when she responds, he says, "ah ah..." Come here.

"Dead woman, you've been away for five years, and you haven't come back until now. You're a tough guy. Is there too many foreign handsome men! You're fascinated, aren't you? Have you ever thought of my friend? "

Yes, Xu Xiyan.

Although she has excellent makeup skills and Fang Xiaocheng doesn't recognize it, the key chain of the little stupid bear on her bag is still the birthday present she gave her back then. She still has it!

Two women hugged each other cordially, listening to Fang Xiaocheng's wordy voice, Xu Xiyan was very happy and couldn't help but feel happy and want to shed tears.

"No matter how many foreign handsome men there are, they are not as good as you."

Xu Xiyan releases her and looks at her in tears.

So many years, what she thinks most is Fang Xiaocheng. They used to go to school together and laugh together, which made her miss them very much.

"Still so glib." Fang Xiaocheng looked at her up and down and smiled with tears! I didn't recognize it. I haven't seen you for five years. Why are you so slim? Look at me... "

"Xu Xiyan also smiled," you look good, more and more like an orange

"Oranges are round, elder sister." Fang Xiaocheng expressed deep concern for her growing weight. If she continues to develop like this, she will soon join the ranks of grapefruit.

If she could, she would like to change her name to chopsticks, which are becoming more and more slim like chopsticks.

"Hello, aunt orange. I'm cherry. We are all members of the fruit family

Fang Xiaocheng felt that someone pulled her clothes, looked down, and there was a small spot on the ground. Looking at the face, he laughed at a pair of beautiful dimples.

Oh, oh, it's a dimple baby. Her heart is broken in an instant.

"Cherry? Where are the children from? "

Xu Xiyan pulled his daughter and said, "my daughter, Yingbao, has just turned 4 this year."

Listen to her saying that Fang Xiaocheng was suddenly struck by lightning, holding his head and saying "ah",

"you, you When did you have a daughter?

"Why didn't you tell me I'm not prepared at all

"The child Have you got married? And who... My God... It must be an illusion... "

Fang Xiaocheng smashed his forehead three times, opened his eyes, and the little cherry didn't disappear.

So it's true?!

"Aunt orange, hold!"

Yingbao likes Fang Xiaocheng. She opens her arms to hug her.

What Fang Xiaocheng can't refuse most is that the children are cute to her. She holds up Yingbao, and her heart is already in a sea.

Xu Xiyan has children?

Xu Xiyan has a 4-year-old daughter?

I didn't hear that marriage has children!?

On the way back, Fang Xiaocheng kept muttering, "go abroad without a word, and give birth to the children again without a word.". Xu Xiyan, you are really... "

No one said she was stupid.

Don't you know how hard it is for an unmarried woman to bring her children alone?
