Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 103

103. No one can understand Huo Yunshen at this moment, how excited and ecstatic he is, almost crying with joy.

Since the car accident five years ago, when he was judged as paralyzed and disabled by the doctor, his whole life has been in a desperate situation.

Disabled, X incompetent, disabled, the queen The rumors outside were like torrents of water and beasts, almost crushing him.

Although he laughs off the gossip he usually hears, in fact, he cares and his heart cares.

He wants to be a normal man, this idea is too strong!

Just as Huo Yunshen's heart was surging back and forth, Xu Xiyan on the bed woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and felt the pain in the back of her head.

She kneaded her head, sat up, saw the petals of the bed, looked down at her exposed self, and screamed, "ah!"

Looking around in panic, he found the man in the wheelchair beside the big bed. Xu Xiyan was shocked, "you! Huo Yunshen?! "

Huo Yunshen has gathered the waves of his heart. At this time, the surface looks calm. His eyes are bright and his mouth is slightly curved. He draws up a gentle arc and softly cries, "Jingxi."

Xu Xiyan is going crazy. She holds her arm and asks embarrassedly, "Mr. Huo, what's the matter? Why am I here? Why are you here? "

Huo Yunshen's posture is lazy with one hand on his forehead, and his tone contains a hint of irony, "you have a good father! In order to flatter me, I gave you as a gift! "

Xu Xiyan: "..."

Me! Rough!!!

At that time, she was in xujiage building. After being beaten in the head, she fell into a coma. When she woke up, she found herself lying here. It was not Xu Jinshan's frustration. Who else?

Does she look like a gift?

It was like this five years ago, and it is still like this five years later.

I really convinced Xu Jinshan. Don't you know that Huo Yunshen has lost his function?

Even if she stands in front of him naked, it's useless, OK?

Today, Xu Xiyan understood that the Xu family, for their own interests, would not hesitate to betray her again and again, regardless of other people's feelings.

After finding out what happened, Xu Xiyan took a look at the quiet man and suddenly felt a "lucky" feeling.

Fortunately, I gave her to Huo Yunshen. If I gave her to someone else, would she not be finished?

Thinking of this, Xu Xiyan's panic finally calmed down. Thinking of the words he overheard from her mother and daughter, they said that Huo Yun had a deep love for her five years ago?

Is it true?

Xu Xiyan couldn't help but want to test him. She just lay on her side of the bed, bit her lips, and stared at him smartly. "Mr. Huo, do I look good?"

"Well." Huo Yun answered.

Xu Xiyan finds out that Huo Yunshen is not looking at her. He has already glanced at other places, and the answer "hum" is perfunctory.

Xu Xiyan continued to flirt, "Hey, do you like me?"

Xu Xiyan is very straightforward. Anyway, she is such a person. Like is like it, don't like it, don't like it. She never drags her feelings.

Now it's Huo Yun's turn. He's very flustered. He didn't expect that Xu Xiyan would suddenly ask him this question. How can he answer it?

He is interested in her, but he can't say what to do?
