President's fake girlfriend

Chapter 181

Fu Yuncong now doubts huifengling more and more.

Mu Jifei was shocked when he heard this sentence——

The two haunted events in Rongyuan are also well arranged

If these are all planned by huifengling

Mu Jifei tightly pursed his thin lips, and his black eyes were very deep, just like a Wang sea.

"Yun Cong, you say." Mu Jifei felt his voice a little dry. He swallowed his saliva secretly.

"Mr. mu, I don't agree with ah Xiong's point of view!" Fu Yuncong said positively.


Hearing the speech, mu Jifei looked straight at him, waiting for his next analysis.

"According to my understanding of Ruan Lingyun, he is not so boring. He will not make up the lie that Le Yutong is Le Xiaoyu for revenge. After all, the risk is too great. As for Le Xingxing, the orphanage number 118, he is also Le Xiaoyu's little partner. It is reasonable that he can only try to help Le Xiaoyu recover his identity. It is absolutely impossible for him to sneak into the orphanage and burn the orphanage's files, because his files should also be in it. "

"Besides, Le Xingxing is a rough man. He doesn't read many books. Can he have the ability of computer hackers? As a taxi driver, he doesn't have the money to hire hackers, does he? "

"So... You mean, Le Yutong is the real Le Xiaoyu?" Mu Jifei frowned, leaned against the cushion and asked.

Fu Yuncong smiled wisely: "Mr. mu, I don't know who is Le Xiaoyu. The key is to see who you think is!"

There is no doubt that this is where Fu Yuncong is superior to the four King Kong and is deeply admired by Jifei, because he never speaks wildly and makes rash decisions.

Isn't it? If I say Le Yutong is Le Xiaoyu, will you believe Mr. mu?

It's not that I didn't remind you before, but don't you still believe that huifengling is the happy fish?

At this time, Fu Yuncong pulled out a document bag from his document bag.

"Mr. mu, I just found it in the old archives of the orphanage. It's broken and a little dirty. Do you need to see it now?"

Mu Jifei took the file bag in Fu Yuncong's hand.

Then slowly open the document bag and pull out some incomplete, yellow and black fragments from it.

On the fragments, he could vaguely piece together some sporadic numbers such as number, sex and blood type.

As for those who were adopted and where they went, there were basically no written materials.

It was all burned down by the fire.

However, mu Jifei's fingertips touched half of the slightly hard paper

When I picked it up, it turned out to be a photo that burned only a small part.

His eyes flashed slightly——

This is a picture of the little fish.

A picture of the little fish as a child.

Although the top, bottom, left and right of the picture were burnt by the fire, fortunately, the little fish's face was still vaguely recognizable.

He can still recognize her!

As like as two peas in the face of a little girl who dreams of returning to his dream at midnight.

This face is like huifengling!

So much like

Except for the eyes.

How does this make him believe that huifengling is a fake?


Mu Jifei's fingers rubbed on the picture of the little fish, touching it a little, with endless love and lingering.

After a long time, he opened his mouth low: "anyway, I will find out who the real little fish is, and I will make the person who deceived me pay a painful price!"

With these words, mu Jifei's tenderness and affection disappeared, replaced by endless haze and cold.

"But Mr. mu, the file has been destroyed. Where should we start?" Ah Hsiung asked in some frustration.

Listening to Mr. Mu's tone, he is also doubting huifengling. It seems that his efforts to please huifengling these days have been in vain.

Most importantly, he just called huifengling "Mu Tai"!

I went! Flattery is on the hoof!

After listening to his words, mu Jifei picked up the sword eyebrow, put these broken files into the bag, and then said, "I will start with me. As long as it is a fake, I will show my feet!"

How determined and courageous he must be to say such a thing!

That face, that childish and beautiful face

It turns out that he has always been in love with only one face!

Should this be his failure or the enemy is too cunning?

He put his hand on his temple and pressed it hard——


He forgot that his hand had just taken those blackened file fragments.

Then, after he rubbed his temples, a black mark appeared on his forehead.

The four men's eyes rested on his face.

"Mr. mu -" Fu Yuncong quickly took out a piece of wet towel paper and handed it up, "start with your side... Mr. Mu means..."

Mu Jifei took the wet tissue paper, wiped it carelessly, and then smiled coldly: "do you think I have no way to destroy the files? If we don't find out who's behind the scenes, I will go to bury the little fish! "


Does he already believe that Le Yutong is a little fish?

Fu Yuncong, Xiong, Yong and Yi stared straight.

After mujifei finished his words, he cast his cold eyes on Fu Yuncong and Xiong, Yong and Yi. It took a long time to give a low order: "listen, a moment..."

When mu Jifei's extended black car drove back to the banyan garden, huifengling was watering the flowers and plants on the roof of the top floor of the main house.

On the surface, she is watering, but in fact, she has been observing the movement of the surrounding gate.

Look far from the roof.

When she saw mu Jifei's car stop in front of the owner's house and get out of the car, she smiled coldly, picked her thin eyebrows and broke a rose that touched her wrist.

She clutched the pink rose in her palm and twisted it to pieces. Her heart was cold and hum: "you're finally back! If you want to check the file, I'll keep you from checking it all your life! "

Spread out her palm and looked at the flowers that were very beautiful just now. At this time, they were scattered in her hand, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help pulling a grimace

This smile, coupled with her beautiful child face, is extremely uncoordinated!

She pulled the corners of her mouth and said sarcastically to the flowers, "Alas, poor, who let you provoke me?! Since you don't know the heaven and earth, I'll let you even have no room to turn over! Le Yutong, you're ready to go with the title of a fake! "

With another smile, huifengling threw a little more broken words on the ground, then stepped on it, trampled it hard and ground it hard——

"Hum, give you a noble way of death. The scattered yellow mud is ground into dust. Only the fragrance is as good as before!"

Go to hell, your fragrance is as good as ever!

Put away the ferocious smile from the corners of his mouth. Huifengling smiled again at the sky. When he looked back, his face was naive and brilliant again.

She picked another flower, hummed a song in her mouth, and came downstairs briskly.

As soon as she got to the hall, she saw that mu Jifei had led Fu Yuncong and others in, with a bad face.