President love his wife ardently

Chapter 497

"Or shall we make a statement to clarify?"

A Qian hesitates to make a suggestion.

"It's useless. Those two video clips are very clever. In the video of umbrella delivery, Jiang Yuan's female fans are specially cut back. In the video of back support, a CI's smile is specially enlarged. Logic meticulous don't say, the details also deliberately enlarge, even if not Jiang Yuan's fans, see will be angry.

Now the online swearing is particularly hard to hear. It's......

when it comes to this, Tang yudun stops talking, and it's hard for him to go on.

"Forget it, you'd better not listen."

"I've heard anything worse than that."

Gu jiuci chuckles and doesn't care. She took out her laptop directly, opened her microblog and found the malicious clip of the video to watch. The whole video should be from the perspective of the roadside camera. Most of the images were fuzzy, but Gu jiuci's expression was deliberately enlarged.

These deliberately gathered pictures can not only provoke the anger of Jiang Yuan's fans, but also the anger of those who eat Gualu. The public praise of Jiang Yuan's works accumulated over the years can not be underestimated. Passers by will subconsciously stand on Jiang Yuan's side.

Just recently, nothing happened in the entertainment circle. Jiang Yuan and her micro blog became the most popular position. Soon, Jiang Yuan published a micro blog.

"Yuan V: please don't be angry, Yuan Yuan will sing to you. "

in the back of Weibo, she also keeps up with the new songs she just recorded in the daytime.

This copywriting is very ingenious. It seems to appease fans with tolerance and magnanimity and calm down events. In fact, in the eyes of fans, it is the gentle expression of grievances by idols.

In her micro blog comment, many fans suddenly claimed to be present at that time, accusing Gu jiuci of bumping into Jiang Yuan and trying to replace her position in the singing world.

With the rapid development of these comments, Jiang Yuan's fans and even passers-by all went to major music platforms to actively support Jiang Yuan's new songs. Within two hours, Jiang Yuan's new songs topped the list.

Eat melon: I'm a passer-by, but I support Jiang Yuan. "

" @ xiaoerxiao: although she is not a fan of Jiang Yuan, she can't watch Gu jiuci jump! "

similar comments continue to copy and paste fermentation on the Internet, which has pushed Jiang Yuan's enthusiasm to an unprecedented height.

In the other room of the hotel,

"brother Zhao's move is so beautiful. Now Gu jiuci can't argue, and my sister's new song is also popular!"

Jiang Min opened a bottle of red wine happily.

"I guess now, Gu jiuci is crying in his room! It's worth opening a bottle of wine to celebrate such a happy event! "

The manager took the glass in Jiang Min's hand and was very pleased.

"The most powerful move is the new song. Today we release the new song first, and Gu jiuci loses the chance. Even if she wants to release the song tomorrow, the ending can only be one, fight the street!!!"


Two people finish saying then smile to make a regiment.

Jiang Yuan sits leisurely aside, with cold eyes. After today's uproar, no matter how good Gu jiuci's singing is, netizens will stand on the moral level and despise Gu jiuci. No one will listen to Gu jiuci's songs seriously.

Thinking of this, she looked up and told the agent.

"You've watched Gu jiuci for me tomorrow. Once she dares to sing, you'll let fans report it immediately. I'll see which music platform doesn't have long eyes and dare to let her songs go on the shelves!"

"OK, I'll say hello to your fan support immediately! This time, we must thoroughly dirty Gu jiuci! "

Jiang Yuan's agent said with a sullen smile.

Huh? Gu jiuci, no matter what you are, you will not be given the chance to sing this time!