President love his wife ardently

Chapter 1911

"Originally, I prepared a luxury cruise dinner..."

before aunt Fu finished speaking, Gu jiuci began to laugh at himself. The atmosphere suddenly became desolate, and a good wedding anniversary became like this.

It's just that Aunt Fu didn't hear it. There was no sadness in Gu jiuci's tone.

Suddenly, she looked up at Aunt Fu.

"By the way, aunt Fu, did brother Che say that he would not come back for dinner in the evening?"

"That's not true. It's Xiao Xu. He's not Mr. Huo's life assistant. He should be my messenger instead of Mr. Huo."

Fu aunt speculated that Gu nine words but clear pick eyebrows.

"I see."

The next second, she suddenly got up, picked up the car key on the tea table, and patted aunt Fu's shoulder with a smile.

"Aunt Fu, I won't eat at home at night. You can take a holiday for yourself."

"Ah? Young lady, where are you going? "

When Aunt Fu heard the speech, she felt anxious.

"To do what young people should do, of course."

Gu jiuci presses aunt Fu's shoulder and throws an eyebrow mysteriously. Then he leaves the villa without looking back. Instead, aunt Fu is worried.

"No, ah CI won't be sad... Do you want to go to the bar to get drunk?"

It's really said by Aunt Fu that... A little half ~

at 9 p.m., Huo's CEO's office on the top floor.

The air pressure is terrible. Zhan Ying has sweated his back several times. He looks at his watch anxiously. He has already quietly sent a reminder to his wife. Why hasn't she come yet?

Suddenly, the little assistant gave a long yawn, breaking the silence of the needle.

The man in front of the desk suddenly raised his eyes and looked at them. Zhan Ying lost again. He wanted to kick Xu Miao to Africa now!

It's killing him!

"That... Master, it's already nine o'clock. Would you like to come here first today?"

Zhan Ying tries to open his mouth. Huo Mingche's eyes fall on the mobile phone on the desk. It's very good. The screen is always quiet and dark, and there is no movement.

The next second, the devil's face was very cold.

"You go first."


" get out of here! "

Zhan Ying and Xu Miao are startled by the man's low voice and get out of the office in a hurry.

"Brother Zhan Ying, it's the first time I've seen the President get so angry! Do you think the president and the young lady are OK

Xu Miao asked with a worried face.

Zhan Ying has always regarded Xu Miao as an iron Han Han. When she looks at his face, she has a headache.

"Work hard and don't ask about your master's private affairs! Why do you want to visit Antarctica next month? "

"No, I just want to go home and sleep now."

Xu Miao shakes his head like a rattle and looks at Zhan Ying pitifully.

"All right, all right, get out of here and come to work on time tomorrow!"

"I see! Thank you, brother Zhan Ying

Xu Miao's eyes suddenly brightened, and immediately thanks Zhan Ying, and then happily took the elevator to run.

"Well, it's really a tough guy. Thanks to Huo."

Zhan Ying looks at the little assistant's back and sighs, totally unaware that her vision is far from being perfect