President love his wife ardently

Chapter 1877

There are countless beautiful stars on the screen, each of which is close to her finger. Suddenly, she saw one of the stars on the grassland. At that moment, she felt a strong premonition that he must be there!

She enlarged the picture and stared at the stars. She quickly searched for the place where the picture was taken. Fortunately, she just found the seller of the picture on the dark net.

Seller: This is Mogan in Africa. It's said that it's the closest place to the stars in summer. If you want to travel, I can be your guide. 】

when Si Chen looked at the chat box, his heart moved and he immediately asked.

Chen Chen AI Piano: did you take this picture? 】[seller: No, it's taken by a handsome guy, but he already has someone he likes. It's said that he wants to give this star to his favorite person, but it's hard for me to get one.

His photos are so popular that several people have come to consult him. 】

seeing these two lines, sichen's heart beat violently. It was him, it must be him!

The next second, the other side played a line of words, sichen frowned fiercely.

How many people consult? Did Gordon find that guy too?!!

Sichen was flustered and didn't care much. She asked the other party for the specific address immediately! right off! See him!

It snowed late in the night in Paris. When everyone was asleep, sichen picked up his luggage and got on the plane to Africa.

When she got off the plane, she went around the bus for more than ten hours, and finally met the black guy in a dilapidated and uninhabited town.

The boy was riding an old tricycle to greet her.

"Hello, I'm the one who sells pictures to you on the Internet. You can call me big melon."

Si Chen quickly followed up and asked anxiously.

"Hello, can you take me to see him?"

"Er... I'm sorry. He went to other tribes far away. Didn't you come here for the stars?"

Da Gua touched his nose and looked at Si Chen with suspicion.

Sichen keenly noticed the other side's small movements, which was not trusting her, but also a kind of vigilant defense. She quickly changed her tongue.

"Yes, mainly for the stars, but I'm a filmmaker. I'd like to meet this photographer."

"So it is."

After hearing this, Da Gua took off his guard and gave a simple and honest smile.

Sichen took advantage of the situation and said, "will the photographer return to your tribe?"

"Well... I don't know, maybe."

"Then... Take me to your tribe first."

Seeing the black guy's sincere reply, a dim light flashed through sichen's eyes. Why did she always stop at the next stage whenever she got a clue?

But now that he was in Africa, she couldn't give up.

"All right, you're on your feet."

The black guy is very talkative. Along the way, he also introduced the local conditions and customs of Africa to sichen. It's a pity that sichen's mind is full of Vincent's things, and he doesn't have the heart to listen, but the black guy didn't realize it at all and continued to read it all the way.

"Miss sichen, the public order in Mogan is very chaotic. There are many wars among different small tribes. Since we found oil here, it's even more dangerous. You must not go out alone. You must find a local to accompany you. For example, in the front of this area, there are often gunfights. We local people don't pass easily. If it's not for the purpose of picking you up... "

before the black guys finish their words, there is a violent explosion on the calm road. All of a sudden, the sand is all over the sky, and the blast wave directly overturns their tricycle!

Sichen fell down from the car and fell heavily on the sand. His body rolled down the slope uncontrollably!

Oh, no! They are really caught in a tribal fire!