President love his wife ardently

Chapter 1873

"I didn't expect to let you know what you shouldn't know."

Sichen's heart moved and he suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"You'd better tell me now. I know you and Huo Mingche are good friends. If you don't tell me, I'll ask him. I'd better save this step!"

Harry sighed. His anger at Vincent had turned into helplessness and admiration.

"I didn't expect Vincent to love you so much that he took such a big risk!"

"What do you mean by that?"

Sichen frowned fiercely, and his uneasiness deepened.

"Did Vincent tell you his true identity?"

Si Chen nodded: "he is an orphan. He was cheated by the killer organization when he was very young, and then he defected."

"It seems that what he said was not careful enough. He defected with some members of the organization at a great cost, but Gordon, the original leader of the organization, did not die.

He's just being put in what used to be the strictest prison in the world. But now... This Gordon has escaped. "

When Harry said this, his voice was so cold that sichen was shocked.

"He wants revenge on Vincent?"

"Yes, Gordon has been running this killer organization for many years, but he was betrayed and destroyed by his favorite people. What do you think of him? He is the most abnormal person I have ever seen. Now he has ordered Vincent to go after him in the dark net. It's not like death for him to live! Now all kinds of forces all over the world are chasing him!

Even the national security of China can't guarantee his safety. He has only one choice. He can marry Anna and become a member of the Dibai royal family. Even Gordon has nothing to do.

It's just that he gave up the only way to live, just because he wanted to be loyal to you. It's stupid. "

Prince Harry said at the end, with a sneer of disdain. After all, in his country's world view, women are just goods, and it's normal to have three wives and four concubines.

"You'll never understand."

Si Chen disdained Harry, and soon worried about Vincent.

"Do you have any unique contact information to find him?"


Harry shook his head and kindly advised sichen.

"Now that he has left you, he is protecting you. Why do you have to go through this muddy water? Don't blame me for not reminding you that once you step into Vincent's world, you will be watched by Gordon. Maybe you will lose everything you have now. Is it worth it? "

Is it worth it?

Si Chen was slightly stunned for a moment. Li Jun also asked her this question.

That failed marriage made her afraid to take risks, to give her heart and to lose everything, but now there is a firm light in her eyes.

"It's worth it. If that person is Vincent, it's all worth it. Even at the end of the world, he can't get rid of me! "

Now, she clearly knows that she may lose everything, but she is suddenly not so afraid, because she clearly knows what she wants most!

"I really don't understand you. It's stupid!"

Harry frowned, but sichen just gave a faint smile.

"Maybe you will never understand. Maybe when you meet the right person, you will understand."

"Then I'd better not understand."

Prince Harry got up and said scornfully.

At this time, he did not know how painful he would be in the near future