Portrait of Queen Berta: I accidentally got pregnant with His Majesty's child

8 [8] Prince Louis

The child born was named Louis.

First boy with direct throne inheritance rights. And at the same time, of course, he's the first child for Berta.

The two elements will have a huge impact on Berta's life from now on, but now it's just no different to being the mother of one who embraces the happiness of being.

As an extension of their traditional duties, the maids from the living house serve the masters of the palace, which has grown to two. For them, Berta does not change the perception of "Our Princess", even if she wants to be a mother.

On the other hand, the women, who were increased on the occasion of childbirth, headed by Nanny Johanna, were naturally aware that they still existed as the only prince of the current king, and were very motivated and humble to work.

They watch Berta and her son daily as if they were breeders caring for precious rare beast mothers and children.

"You have the same color as His Majesty."

"I'm so excited for your future."

All the people in Berta's palace were relieved of Louis as soon as possible.

"Your dark-haired son must be lovely, too."

"You're fast."

"Oh, I wanted to be a nanny too and take care of you all day like you, Johanna"

Berta's body had shown signs of recovery from childbirth, but she still couldn't get out of her puerperium, and the doctor has told her to rest.

Berta laughed bitterly when she was advised that if she didn't take care of this period, she would also suffer from her next pregnancy. I hear your doctors are totally counting on this belly.

It's bad for them, but I don't think they can live up to expectations.

"Louis. Rui..."

In a well-ventilated room, on a cushioned bench, Berta spends all day wandering or flailing Louis.

The prince is currently napping, so Berta put her hand on the edge of the cradle whispering her name softly.

It seems that the little creatures that have come closer to people than they did shortly after birth have not yet adapted to this world. Spend most of the day sleeping, suddenly crying and showing in trivial glitches, sleeping again like a thread broken.

My dear, my time with my child is calm, and a little uncut.

Because this child cannot help but think that Louis is not a royal son.

The women also stepped back so as not to obstruct their sleep. Every nanny, Johanna, would be in the next room, so if there was any anomaly, it would come. Shall I keep Berta asleep?

I close my eyes thinking so, but I didn't visit drowsiness as I thought.

A few days after birth, when Louis' eyes were found out, Berta felt strange that this child was truly His Majesty's child.

Husband and child made between themselves.

When I remember that time, Berta always felt a little depressed.

It was a marriage as a political ploy, a visit that was only a duty.

I fully understood, and convinced myself of my role and married.

But even if I knew with my head that it was, who could blame Berta for remaining daughterly sentimental?

It's quite painful to sleep with someone who doesn't seem to think anything about this one offering everything.

The truth is, I thought I could break it off better. That's why Berta feels traumatized when she's even hurt by her emotions that have disappointed her.

I wasn't expecting anything less than not knowing myself.

No, maybe that's not the same. I don't think you want me to love you as a wife or replace you with a spouse. I just want you to acknowledge and treat Berta as the one, willing person involved in his life as well.

For her husband, she is a pawn named Lady with Kasha's blood.

Because that's the kind of thing you put in for the role, like a mechanical doll, it lets you try not to underestimate the movement you need when you need it. So all he cares about is the story of the dimension of whether the move is beneficial or harmful to the royal family.

As king of one country, it may be the right answer. And as a husband there, I have no face as a family.

(I was too shallow before I got here)

There was no distinction between working for Kasha, the begotten family, under his father, and entering the royal family to serve His Majesty.

I might even have thought it wouldn't change that much. And Berta overtrusted herself and was going to do it well.

What was it that I enjoyed without knowing in the affection I was given unconditionally as a daughter? Berta finally realized after she left, but she can't just go back to being the daughter of that house anymore.

Everything is different from a faded gray royal palace with a view of the homeland that you can easily remember if you close your eyes.

Berta just missed her birthplace.