Portrait of Queen Berta: I accidentally got pregnant with His Majesty's child

36 [34] Monarch's public and private

Sergio is not originally as high in origin. He was just a man who was elected from a lineage clumsy house and put himself in a position like Harold's alumni, who was then Prince Wang.

Nevertheless, it's not like we spent a long time together as adolescents.

The sudden death of the former king led Harold to take office unexpectedly early, and Sergio was also to be strictly re-educated away from his master as a side of the young monarch. The king and he were not, in fact, as comfortable a relationship as they were seen around.

Still, Sergio knows he's a monarch enough to ask for him.

Harold always responds to his servants who serve in a foolish and useful manner.

Sergio, who comes from the inside, well too young to become a heavy minister of the state, is still in a low position externally now, but if he continues to do so properly, he will emerge to that point in the future as a practitioner.

Yes, the squire that we both acknowledge was precisely positioned as the closest to the king.

Sergio was surprised when His Majesty said he would use Joel in his quest for the Otto family. When did he start using such a flattery hand?

Sergio has nothing in particular to think about with regard to those twins.

There was also His Majesty's intention to keep the conservatives growing, starting with the Otto family, and Henri in particular was not required to respond fundamentally to how much more of a problem he caused the emerging aristocracy and his second queen. Sometimes I complained, because Sergio was too busy from time to time in the first place, and I didn't have time to put it on my kids.

Henri was the owner of an easy-to-understand discriminatory ideology, in accordance with the traditional values of the Otto family.

Joel, on the other hand, though his witty attitude, which he knows to take care of more than Henri's, will be on his nose, its interior would not have been so different from that of a single crack in the twins. I mean, for not being honest, it's extra bad.

That's them, but from the beginning, only their loyalty to Harold was double. Daimyo, you must have grown up genuinely internalizing the royal worship ideas listed by conservatives, but it was also hilarious that they believed in the idea that was mortally honest in their parents' behalf.

Joel was very discernible and upset as soon as he was smelled of the whereabouts of his own home betraying Harold.

And in the end, that boy chose loyalty to the state over home. It was Joel who came with the first report that the Lady Dowager had left the royal palace with the Conservatives.

'Thank you for your hard work. I will reward you for your loyalty. "

Joel no longer looked ready.

'The Otto clan... my father is a sinner who should be brought to justice in the Great Reverse. But my mother's house, though conservative, is a nobleman in our country who is not involved in this disturbance. Please, can't you forgive my mother or my sister for not knowing anything'

Regardless of my sister, the claim that my mother was not involved at all is impossible, but, well, historically, noble women cannot be sentenced to extreme imprisonment without much leeway. In the end, it would be reasonable to commute the sentence where it is not difficult.

His Majesty also seemed unable to decide how far to beat the Otto clan, and in the course of the march following him, he also asked Sergio for his opinion. Henri was expelled in the name of home prudence after returning from an inspection in the south. Otto, you will still be acting with our Lord.

"Joel still seems to have a use for keeping him alive in the future, but it's also not sleepy to execute a single crack in the twins if he does. What do you think about Henri? Sergio '

"I just have to say I was unlucky."

Smell me wanting you to give up in the dark, but His Majesty laughed bitterly.

'Well don't say that. Figure out how to use Henri to roll Joel well.'

I don't wish I could, but His Majesty's policy of not trying to cut it off as much as possible is consistent.

If His Majesty would forgive a handful like this one, Sergio had a plan.

'Is it possible to flee Henri to an enemy country in a natural stream?

Now Henri is one of the first to be captured as a party.

"I think I can make a hole if I want to, but what if I miss Henri"

'I'm not letting Henri go himself. They are twins, so similar that they are not immediately discernible. If you replace it and let Joel trick Henri into his name, and let Otto take refuge in the main house, or maybe you'll find out what Rotoranto's inside'.

"Switch twins?

Because His Majesty looked suspicious, Sergio hung up on himself at once.

'Of course, it increases the danger for the odd, and we need to keep the real Henri, as the minimum hostage, and the mother and sister, secure'

"It's a big possibility that Joel will be taken in. What if she was evacuated by a half-breed surveillance of her mother's family? But even conservative possession is close to the north."

'You'll need to physically keep it away there, won't you? Which way, if this thing comes to a paragraph, a conservative transfer would be inevitable, so why don't we skip this place to a small country in the south by accident?

I said it because you told me to, and nothing. Sergio doesn't have any special thoughts about helping those twins.

However, as a matter of fact as it stands, our country continues to retain a military advantage over other countries. Isn't that why you can also hit a beat with play? It is likely to end in underdevelopment, but at the same time it is also pregnant with the possibility of turning into a large piece of cloth stone.

'I see. And I'll say something abrupt. Careful or bold, you can't read as usual.'

When Sergio told His Majesty the spirit of those statements, he turned his gaze to this way. I can't read my emotions from the cold, stiff look on my face.

"... you and Berta are going to like each other"

Chewing through the words, Sergio generally guessed. Whose advance did His Majesty hear when he first said he would use Joel?

Second Lady Berta Kasha.

Sergio, to be honest, still hasn't grasped the figure.

I heard a lot from my wife, who serves as a female officer in the Second Queen's palace, and observed the Queen herself during the southern inspection, but only vaguely to the extent that she had a good impression.

The basis for that preference is also rare to the extent that it compares to Marguerite, the righteous queen, who just wields and exhausts the king.

Will she be a powerful queen, like the former Queen of Kings?

(No, more than that, she could change Her Majesty in the first place)

Sergio's wife, for once, was only employed as a female officer in a position like the exploration of the Second Lady's palace, and she was calmer at the beginning of her entry. Even as the surrounding women strengthened their bond around Her Highness, they raised a report to Her Majesty to the effect that "Her Highness understands her people's mastery, but that is not the attitude she deserves as a queen".

But with the passage of time, his wife poured out to Her Highness very plainly.

Rather than serving a woman in the position of Second Lady, Sergio's wife, who would strengthen her thoughts on an individual named Berta Kasha, would suffer in the narrow between her mandate and her personal affair depending on the relationship between Her Majesty and Her Highness ahead. I think His Majesty will banish such an officer before that happens.

Sergio himself, on an earlier inspection, gained close opposition to Berta Kasha, one way or another, to his early wife.

Her care for her under is meticulous, and she even feels fragrant, if anything.

But she still has a strong appetite, not as a lump sum of the people around her as a distribution, but as a strangely individual. He also begins to see the personality of the Lord around him again, and begins to feel like he is serving her personally.

The group asking for the Lord individual, not reason, is strong, and if she were a man and in a position to lead and fight soldiers, I think she would have been a nasty commander to turn to the enemy. It is questionable how far that sphere of influence could be extended, but at least in the south, the Taisho had developed a horizontal coalition with similar measures to hers.

Berta Kasha naturally does not deserve to be the queen who reigns in the royal family of tradition as it is today.

But will welcoming such a presence, which winds a wind hole in the traditional royal way, bring about the necessary transformation in this country like the slowly decaying Ogi?

Beyond what everyone had already intended, her presence is eating deep into the royal centre.

Truth be told, Sergio had no idea what kind of couple the two opposite of the way they were going to be as those who stood on top were going to be.

His Majesty probably considers the Back House to be about one of the political mechanisms that moves the country, not his own private space.

He's too used to scorning his personal life, and maybe, after a while, he doesn't even have the idea that he's private.

His Majesty the King, like the human pillar, who possessed sufficient qualities as a monarch of the hereditary dynasty, vague distinction between the state and his personality.

Only one thing that is clear is that His Highness the Queen of the Fallen Land is undoubtedly a human being of a nature that has never existed around His Majesty before.

Originally, by His Majesty, there are only very few kinds of people in the closed world, including Sergio.

She may change Her Majesty. Or while she changes herself.

It may have reminded His Majesty of the time of his life other than that he should be as king, not under his ministry or blood, but as someone who leaned on him and passed on reciprocally.