Portrait of Queen Berta: I accidentally got pregnant with His Majesty's child

31 [29] The Back Palace and Politics

There were days like Harold coming to the palace and just looking at Louis' face and going home.

In fact, at the beginning of his return from the inspection, Louis had a fever and fell asleep to say what he still said. At that time, not everyone in the palace was at the king's mercy.

Although fever in toddlers is not uncommon, the visit was refused by Berta. In the unlikely event that I fall for Harold, the problem gets bigger.

I think the lady on duty served Harold about a cup of tea, but Berta herself didn't even go back to her room for a while because of Louis' medical attention, so I'm not sure around there. When I asked him later, he was disciplined to check in detail with his female officers about Louis and Berta before returning.

By the time Louis's physical condition had finally settled and his main obedience stroked down his chest, it had become normal for Harold to frequently bring his feet to the palace.

"It's my supervisory responsibility that Louis got the disease. Sorry, sir."

Berta came in from apologizing for a special victory because of the awkwardness of ignoring Harold, but Harold didn't say anything to blame for apparently understanding the situation.

"No. Speaking of the former, it would be because I took my young child out of the royal palace, even though I couldn't leave him. I'm glad you got back to me. Hard work."

Looking like Louis has been chasing me around lately so I can walk on my own, striking the right gavel at a toddler rant that doesn't make a lot of sense yet, Harold seemed to have gotten used to dealing with Louis a lot more than he did at the beginning of his birth.

I had guessed it would be noisy if I stepped outside the palace, but subjectively I stayed with nothing to worry about but Louis' physical condition.

Nor did Harold do anything to talk about getting involved in the political situation.

Sometimes we tried to check and weigh up the security situation in the palace and especially the staffing around Louis.

That was proof that he was moving something within the royal palace if he returned the back, but Berta didn't hear anything, nor did Harold ask Berta for any special moves.

One day after those days and wondering if winter was going to deepen, Harold abruptly demanded payment when he was visiting Louis' room as usual.

It was just time for Louis to take a nap, so Berta had a good time just looking at her sleeping face and wondering if she would be home any time soon.

"I'll call you when Louis wakes up"

The women below the nanny had just stopped following Harold's instructions, and Berta stroked Louis' cloth shabby.

I understand exactly what the ladies are expecting, but obviously that's not the kind of story.

Berta's current attitude, as the Second Lady, has nothing to do with the outer mornings, is the right one if it is to be considered on par.

But it takes superficial correctness as a shield, and people who should have moved more realize it, but they don't, and that kind of situation is terribly unsettling for Berta. That was just the human attitude she hated the most.

"Berta. I want you to watch out for the conservative nobles"

"I understand. I'm not letting Louis near them."

I wonder what Harold thinks of Berta doing nothing. Will he shut up because it's convenient for him not to move this one?

Or perhaps he does not envisage the fact that the Queen moves in influence of the faction in the outer dynasty. At least to figure out how to run the Queen, I can see that Harold would be thinking of separating women from politics.

"Louis, of course. I want you to be particularly careful with Smurl and Otto. They have no trail in the country, but there is a way to escape by following blood ties to other countries. I can't grasp their aim, and I'm tightening it up right now. I don't know what they're gonna do when they corner me."

"I understand the Earl of Smurl family, is that Otto? Isn't this the house where His Majesty is being served?... but, oh, if it means surveillance"

Berta continued the conversation while hiding the upset about what Harold was talking about on the premise of trumpeting conservatives.

Even as he watched the outside morning move, he hadn't shown how to move heavily, and Berta hadn't grasped its sincerity until now.

"There's that too. Otto has a low status in the country, but the mainstay muscles in other countries also have power and are widened within conservatives. Regardless, the Lord wanted to see how stained the trail was and to hold it hostage."

Berta will also know the outcome of that prospectus.

They, Henri and Joel, were strong foolish boys only loyalty to the King and not rubbed enough to connect with other countries like Viscount Otto.

Though the conservatives' mindset was stained, and there was little floating around in the squire, and one of them was so blind that he didn't notice it.

"I am now temporarily unwrapping Henri Otto's prudence and returning it to the Viscount House. I'm sorry this is a bad time to punish you strongly for one of your inspections."

"There is nothing different about me. Originally, it's not a very prestigious problem."

It's a lot of trouble if you're serious about trying to incriminate yourself, and it's also a matter of making it very clear that the Second Lady is being taken lightly by the king's side.

"I understand about Henri, but does Joel still have His Majesty beside him?

I ask if it would normally be dangerous to set things up with conservatives. Though it's hard to imagine that that boy would take such great action that he would harm Harold because his father ordered him to.

"I don't use it in situations where there are no other escorts. The neighbors are doing well."

Around that area, it was thought that Berta, the gatekeeper, would pinch his mouth any more.

Berta, instead, was remembering Joel's face, which had turned bright red and denied her love heart.

"Why don't you let Joel try and betray the raw house"

"... can that be used as a spy?

"Even if you can't expect to work as much as a spy, it's more useful than letting you sneer around without knowing anything. If it works, you can also leave it as a pawn. Otherwise, I was wondering if it could be used, at a minimum, for the degree of deflection that puts conservative movements on it."

You don't have to reveal everything in this hand. Smell the facts and you'll rub it from yourself with a sense of justice, and the person will get on your face with the intention of hiding it. They need to be handled well, but they are easy to handle.

Telling Harold such a thing, he showed a bit of thinking.

"Sure, I want to put an early hit on their aim, and it's better to have more hands"

What are you up to in the back with bold hands? Already Harold says it's certainly creepy that the conservatives don't bend their claims in a sort of pale way, without the look of a rush, as they have shown skepticism about the samurai's story of pregnancy.

"But Berta, are you okay? Joel would have taken a scathing attitude towards you, too."

Berta was decent.

"I'm nothing. I don't know if I care."

To Berta's reaction, Harold looked a little troubled.

"If I endure inconvenience like that, I'll be left unaware until something goes wrong, as in one of the inspections. Tell me everything you can to protect your environment."

Does he think Berta lives with her eyes closed to all kinds of inconvenience in this royal palace, enduring all the time?

I can't do that. If you take every slander seriously and see it as a problem, there's no day in this royal palace where things haven't gone wrong for Berta.

"Your Majesty. I seem to return your word, but without swallowing and recirculating the inconvenience, I cannot live in this rear house. Unfortunately, from the perspective of the old statesmen, there is no distinction between a mistress and a second queen. Louis also seems to be flying rumours that he's a bastard of His Majesty in the first place, and I'm sure His Majesty knows that."

Berta is basically choosing silence because if you try to complain about something from Berta's point of view, you will inevitably be referring to the faction of the Queen.

Given that, I have come to the feeling that it is only bad hands to mention the doctrine of the Prospero Church almost for the first time now in this environment.

But he's the one who's been telling me to say it now. It is also a topic that would not have passed Harold before he went on inspection.

"Your Majesty says you understand the significance of polygamy in southern culture."

At least he rewrote the royal law and formally held Berta as his queen. And you must have seen my father's wives treated equally as Kasha's clan in the south.

Berta cut the words and asked for Harold's expression. As usual, he wondered if he was just looking down at Berta with a face full of some guilt. I thought that would be the end of this story.

But he was an ideological face close to faceless.

"I had it as knowledge, and I meant to understand it. Understood, tried to get on with the culture and let you in as Second Lady.... but you certainly didn't loosen the rebellion in the royal palace more than originally assumed. Is it unexpected that the Church has been linked to those who want to deny the legitimacy of the prince who was born"

Berta had never seen much talk about separating herself as an individual.

From the point of view of the king, Harold takes on the presence of the Second Lady. The Queen in front of her is out of sight, apparently talking about politics.

"But I don't know what to use in the first place, but the question remains about polygamy itself. In itself, it would originally be a pagan culture, not unique to the Petra. Isn't it a habit that will become obsolete in the south in the future?"

Would you say that now? Is that a cover to officially downgrade the Second Lady to the side room?

Nevertheless, Berta expressed her view because she knew that she was not being asked to feel that dimension now.

"Until the tide, I don't know. At least my father only admits one-on-one marriage to my sisters. It is also said that the pagan culture remained in the south because polygamy was convenient in order to survive as a home because the land was ravaged by the war and to protect household wealth"

"Do you mean a culture that was left in need? Kasha, which married many wives, would be to stabilize the position that succeeded the housekeeper young. thereby shaking his position as the Allied Lord of the South"

"It's on the left. Kasha's mothers are all the daughters of the great southern lords."

Berta's father got really young and by the time he was fifteen he was in a situation where he had to succeed the governor. Generations Kasha was the largest clan in the south, but it was not as influential as it is today when my father inherited the house.

It was for one thing my father who pushed it up. And in that big context, there is the fact that I made the most of marriages with powerful wives.

Harold, in a way, may have tried a similar approach to his father.

But in the royal family, he had a weak understanding of a culture like the South, and he himself was not clever enough to use multiple wives.

Above all, he himself is rooted in the teachings of the Old Nation at the root of its spirit.

In order to live in this royal palace, Berta must give up all sorts of things. She can be convinced of that. Yes, I've made up my mind in my hometown.


"... Yes"

Berta anticipated the next word Harold would say, but Hate, today seems like a very unpredictable day.

"Second, I don't think it's a good ranking. I would like to repeal the Second Queen's name and just make sure everyone calls you" Queen "in the future."


Harold continued his pale words, approximating Berta, who had been left behind in the unfolding of the story.

"In order to do this, we need rooting and landscaping in the future. For one thing, I can't move that the problem of the maid of honor is not solved. Something about Marguerite."

Was the current topic connected to the conclusion Harold had made? Weren't we talking about removing royal polygamy from the currents?

"So I want you to wait a while. You don't have to do anything about this. [M] I just want you to protect Louis and stay here."

"… what does Your Majesty intend to do about Her Majesty the Queen"

He answered after being silent for a while.

"Now it's moving in a way that puts Marguerite to blame for this one"

I thought it was a lie. Impossible. Harold's gonna cut that queen off?

"You said you wouldn't do that."

"I can't do it. If the queen's name continues to be used in the future, the country will shake. Whatever the form, Marguerite moves away from real power"

"Oh, my God. … to keep your body away"

Berta thought he was a very honest man. Just that honesty is not for Berta.

The fact that there could be an option to trump the woman who grew up with him and became his wife made Berta doubt his personality from its very roots.

Even if it were me who could be replaced next, would I be happy? For Berta and others, he can use it without further hesitation than the Queen.

"Isn't Lady Zheng family to His Majesty?

I realized that my blood was drawing. With his cold, trembling fingers, he grabs a sleeping Louis hanging cloth.

He was remembering what Harold told him on the inspection that he wanted to put Louis on a definite throne.

"Louis is. Is it so important to make Louis king?"

I don't like Berta. Must I go that far with the king? Do we have to let this child, who is dear above all, turn to such a cold, lonely throne?

"… do you want to give this child the throne to defend you until you throw your happiness at him? The outside morning voice is one fact. From mixed blood, weak princes, etc., … this child's younger brother"

"Make Louis the next king. That doesn't change my mind. From the moment I found out she was going to have a baby."

Berta is leaning over and I can't see his expression. But the voice was strong.

I reached out to hold Louis.

Berta's fingertips were cold and the temperature was gone, and Louis, surprised by it, cried like he'd been bounced out of his wake.

With the crying and Louis' raging noise, the ladies will still come into the room.

"... I'll be back"

I didn't feel like redoing and questioning Harold any more. Berta remained silent and dropped him off pretending to be distracted by sleeping Louis.

That's how I was on my way.