Portrait of Queen Berta: I accidentally got pregnant with His Majesty's child

15 14 Office

A massive visit to the southwest of the country was decided.

Harold had been ordered to accompany Second Lady Berta Kasha on this mission. For this reason, the young prince, who had just celebrated his first birthday, would also be accompanied by his biological mother's arms.

The accompaniment of Berta Kasha was not, of course, a decision made at Harold's personal convenience.

The southwestern region has its distance against the royal nobility from the northern part of the continent, which is originally Gentile.

Until his grandfather and father's generation, that was all it took, but Harold knew that the power of the local people, who had been empowered by the deal, would not be insulted.

They are ostensibly obedient to the royal family, but the emotional side will not be the same as it is.

Essentially, we take the Second Queen to ease the guard and soften the local queens.

Even though she is not a full wife, Berta Kasha's national popularity is high when she first entered the royal family from her Petra origins. Not to mention she became the biological mother of one son of the current king.

Its presence is so great that even factions that hate her so much as snake scorpions can no longer just ignore her.

"A document summarizing the dates and routes of this inspection."

Why is Harold himself bothering to make such business contacts, because whoever cares excessively about the Second Queen's political intervention is strictly alert these days to her human contact with the outside world?

"May I see through your eyes as well?

Lady Kasha, who received the documents, showed that she had confirmed the contents on the spot.

Though within the same royal palace, there is a slight distance between the office of the royal palace on the table and the palace where she resides. It will break your bones to come again and again.

"You should use that seat"

"Thank you, I know."

Sitting in the stiff chair of the clerk's office with the same flawless work and attitude, she began scrutinizing the contents more closely than Harold thought.

"Are you worried about something?

"Louis has just recently celebrated his first birthday in general. A journey with a toddler is accompanied by unforeseen circumstances. We are worried that Louis will be ill and his schedule will be disrupted, which will not affect your plans for a visit."

She's nearly ten years younger than herself, but Harold somehow remembered her old tutor, High Miss.

It was strangely fresh to deal with Lady Kasha speaking to rap.

Since Louis was born, it's almost time to line up in public with her. On those occasions she always refrains from acting like a cautious subordinate, making only the minimum claims necessary.

"That's on this one's head, no matter what. We try not to travel long distances, and if necessary, we have to divide the queues."

Lady Kasha raised her gaze off the paper after thinking with a little silence.

"If you think about splitting the line, do you mind adding a couple of my maids or so? I'd like to be able to always place a Petra maid by Louis on the road."

"I don't mind if that's about it"

Speaking pale, Harold had no idea now if she was calm or in a bad mood.

The entire schedule of inspections is close to two months. In the meantime, I'm taking you as a queen, so perhaps Lady Kasha and the carriage will also be on board. It gets awkward and heavy when I think about it.

It was a little creepy for Harold that her, dark iris hidden in the deep orbits of the sculpture moved slightly in his eyes.

Harold is not comfortable with Lady Kasha because he sees her exasperated once.

I'm scared as much as I usually am when a serene person gets angry.

And if it gets to the point where it pisses her off so much, it's probably another time when there's something more unmistakable about Harold.

"Your Majesty"

"Hey, what's up?"

"Many southern meals are more intensely seasoned than this one. I was wondering if it would be better to inform the soldiers in advance or to mention the northerly flavor to the way the hall kitchen stops on the road."

Around Harold, who was alone, Lady Kasha overlaid as if she were pale and not even a samurai.

"I see. Let me tell my companion's housekeeper that. But when you get into town, you tell them to follow you, and I want to try a southern-style meal."

Lady Kasha smiled for the first time that day. Though it was to the extent of loving laughter.

"Then Meseta will be fine. There's no ingredients you can't get there."

Don't lose your eyesight and fade your cold impression when you laugh, Harold thought.

At the end of the meeting time, which was unexpectedly full of content, Lady Kasha tried to leave with the same humility as when she came.

Huh, Harold remembered one thing he forgot to ask.

"Lady Kasha. It would be a long time ago for that. Is there somewhere on the road you'd like to stop?"

Lady Kasha, looking back on whether Harold's question was unexpected, had her eyes rounded as surprised.

But her answer was concise.

"There is no place specifically called here. For me, Kasha territory is all home, and the ancient city of Meseta, born and raised, has been incorporated into the destination of the original inspection."

Ancient city of Meseta. Needless to say, it was the city of the largest trading hub in the country and the home of the Kasha clan with influence over the southern wide area.

Seeing Meseta with this eye is one of the major aims of this inspection.