Pokemon Pearl

Chapter 75 - 34 - Ursaring Attacks

The next morning, as the sun rises over the horizon, the campers and their Pokémon are eating breakfast at their campfire. Breakfast for today are toasted cheese bread, berries-filled yogurt, and juice. Their Pokémon are eating their special food in food bowls. The nature around them are pleasant as a colorful painting, with Pokémon birds flying across the sky and the flowers, like the morning glory, are opening their petals. And as they eat and drink, Wesley discussed with Rico, "So what should we do today until afternoon?"

"Why me?" Rico responded with positivity.

"Because I had nothing to think for today," Wesley replied in embarrassment while scratching his head a bit. "How about yours?" Thinking about this, Rico answered, "I know! How about visiting the town to help someone?"

"Well that's a great idea," Wesley responded with enthusiasm. Monferno and Lucario then responded with happiness.

Later after breakfast, the pair and their Pokémon went back to town as the townspeople are busy for the day. It is when they came across a honey seller being desperate and fearful of a Pokémon recently attacked him. Upon seeing this, the pair an d their Pokémon became concern and worried about him and his current situation. They then asked him, "What happened to you, sir?" Standing up and dusting the dirt of his mildly stained apron, the honey seller responded, "The bear Pokémon, Ursaring, had attacked me and stole most of my honey;" he then picked up the fallen, but did not shattered, jars of honey and restock them on the shelves of his stand. Hearing test seller's witness, Wesley replied briefly, "Oh, we understand you, sir. But why?" Looking down and took off his white apron, the seller replied, "It had mistaken my clothes for berries;" he then showed them his scratch-torn, buŧŧoned long sleeves with berries designs.

"Right," Rico agreed with mild suspicion, "I think so. Ursarings loved berries a lot." Lucario then responded in agreeing with its trainer. Then, suddenly, a flash from a camera caught their attention. It was a young boy, cladded in green, collared, buŧŧoned, short polo shirt, topped it off with a long thick brown and grey unzipped jacket, blue pants, and black shoes. He also wears dark blue glasses not just for his gig, but also due to an accident that deteriorates his vision as a young child. By looks, he is more like a reporter and journalist than a random kid with a camera. Turning around to see him holding a camera, Wesley commented, "Uh, excuse me? Why are you taking a picture while not noticing that we're having a conversation about a problem of his?"

"Oh, sorry," the kid responded with positivity, "This is for my blog about weird happenings around the world." Confused by what he was saying, Rico replied, "A blog?" Lucario then responded in asking.

"Yes, a blog," the kid happily answered while putting down his camera, "my blog is about mysterious and weird happenings around the world." Looking normal, Rico replied, "Okay then." Isaiah then started recorded the happenings of the honey seller on his notepad, and left.

Minutes later, while they were walking, they came across a berries seller, who was injured and had his wooden boxes of berries stolen by some Pokémon. They were alerted by this, and quickly helped the man to stand up and pick up the fallen possessions and rearranged them.

"What happened to you, sir?" Rico asked him in concern.

"I...I was attacked by an Ursaring," the man answered calmly, "and it took my berries away." Stunned by this, Wesley responded, "What? Why?"

"Because..." the man believes, "...it loves berries and it snatches whatever berries it finds." Looking in desperate, Rico, Wesley, and their Pokémon are concern about him. And, again, suddenly, the kid they met earlier took a photo with a flash as a clue on the previous one. Annoyed by this, Rico turned around and responded with angry shouting, "Oh, will you stop taking pictures about people in desperate?!" Wesley and Lucario then tried to calm him down, and Rico lowered his temper gradually.

"Sorry, but it's for my blog, you know," the kid responded with a singsong voice.

"Okay, fine," Rico replied with agreement.

"By the way, I'm Isaiah," the kid, Isaiah, happily introduced himself to them while giving Rico a handshake. Accepting it, Rico happily replied, "I'm Rico Titus, of this region, and this is Lucario, my first Pokémon;" he then directed the latter to his Lucario. Lucario then responded in greeting.

"Woah, Rico?" Isaiah responded with stunning as he discharged from handshaking. Stunned by his response, Rico pointed his finger towards Isaiah in stunning, and retorted, "Wait, Isaiah? You mean you're my friend online?"

"Yes, and Rico of the internet?" Isaiah responded back. Removing his finger from pointing, Rico answered, "Yes, that's me." Wesley and Monferno are very shocked at this revelation. But moments later, Isaiah and Rico are happy to see each other, in real life, and both exchanging compliments to each other in friendliness.

Later, back at their campsite, after buying some honey and bread, Rico, Wesley, and Isaiah discussed about the Ursaring attacks, sitting down on the cool, green grass.

"So, why the does the Ursaring attacks the village even though the berries it sees are not real?" Isaiah started their discussion with a subject.

"I think..." Rico replied while thinking, "...this forest had no more berry trees for it to find."

"Your hypothesis is right, but it had flaws," Wesley objected.

"What is it?" Rico responded fast. Meanwhile, their Pokémon, including Isaiah's Charizard, are out in the woods exploring and going around, but instructed them not to go too far, otherwise they would get lost.

"It had to be someone or something blocked the access to the berry trees," Wesley revealed the flaws of Rico's hypothesis, "and why?"

"You're right," Rico agreed with him. They then all think for a while, trying to figure out and formulate their theories about the attacks.

Back deep in the woods, Litleo had stumbled upon a fallen beehive and sniffs it. It then calls the others, telling them to come to its discovery. They did so, and examined the said beehive.

"Lucario, car?(What is that?)" Lucario asked in response.

"Lit-leo,(I don't know)" Litleo responded back.

"Char, Char?(Is that a beehive?)" Charizard asked in response.

"Piplup, Pip,(Yes, I think so)" Piplup responded to say yes. Lucario then dipped its right paw into the spilled honey, and it found that it's sticky. In alert, Lucario tried to pull its paw from the sticky substance, and, after much effort, Lucario managed to pull it out of the honey, but with a recoil. Hearing the commotion, a Teddiursa, the first evolved form of Ursaring, intervened and soak the honey with its paw and lick it repeatedly and compulsively. The Pokémon team then watched it with amazement. Upon being seen, the Teddiursa was scared and hid behind a tree log. In concern, Lucario come closer to it and offer a handshake in greeting, but the Teddiursa still refused to give back. Lucario was then confused by this, and instead abort its greeting. Others are puzzled as well as the leaves fell from the trees in mild speeds. And, suddenly, footsteps can be heard from the distance, getting closer and louder, catching the Pokémon's attention immediately. It was a female Ursaring, who was protective of her little Teddiursa kids. That Ursaring then charged towards them in fury.

"Ursaring! " it uttered loud roaring in fury

Of course, they got scared and screamed in terror in a loud decibel, catching the attention of their trainers. Hearing them from afar in alert, Rico, Isaiah, and Wesley stand up, let go of their stuff, and ran to the direction of where the screams came from as fast as they could in desperate.