Please Stop Summoning Me!

CH 19

"Having such a weird dream must have something to do with being summoned, right?"

He silently said to himself, ‘after waking up, I must write everything about the dream in notes’.

"It shouldn\'t be a coincidence that someone related to the summoning ritual will be in a dream, but what will be the reason for it?."

He caressed the little girl\'s silver hair. The silver hair was smooth and shiny, and it felt good to touch.

She was mostly in a daze during this period and only made a few small reactions.

He smiled at the little girl who was barely moving: "Unfortunately, it\'s just a manifestation of my dream, not a real person. Come to my store if you have the opportunity in the future."

He didn\'t know what happened, but the little girl\'s eyes seemed to brighten as if she was greatly encouraged.

Shen Yi let go of the hand that touched her head, "I\'m becoming calmer and calmer now when encountering things like this. Is it because I\'m not surprised anymore?"

He found the scenery gradually became blurred as if a mosaic.

"It seems that the dream won\'t last long. I\'m about to wake up from the dream."

A question suddenly popped up in his mind.

”I have only dreamt of this place now in the past two months. Why?”

What triggered this dream to come?

With so little information, he couldn\'t think of an answer at all, except to wait here slowly for the dream to separate and dissolve ......

"Let\'s talk about it when we wake up first."

Before waking up, he looked at the silver-haired, red-eyed little girl again.

She still stood half a meter in front of him, motionless, as if she was just an extremely delicate and vivid beautiful doll.

Shen Yi smiled and patted her head finally.

"See you later, Aina."


On the outskirts of Beland, in a luxurious three-story villa.

The villa\'s main structure consisted of bricks and concrete of different sizes. Most of the furniture in the room was a combination of classical and modern styles, the price was not necessarily high, but it was elegant.

With floor-to-ceiling glass windows on many sides, the expansive garden scenery outside was unobstructed with pavilions, fountains, flowers, and trees, and the roads paved with white marble were spotless.

Towards the end of the villa\'s third floor was an elegant and solemn crimson bedroom.

In the big black bed, Aina, who had been asleep for a long time, slowly opened her burgundy eyes. She had just woken up from a great dream.

She was silent for a while, "I just met the great Lord of Ashes..."

The sound of rainstorms and thunder came to her ears, and she saw the dark rain curtain outside the window, with lightning and thunder appearing from time to time.

Such weather once again reminds her of the day that changed her destiny.

She slowly sat up, and beneath her was a large, comfortable, soft bed, to which she had not fully adapted, even after having slept here for two months.

Aina finally had her own room since the Lord of Ashes came last time, but still, she had an uneasy feeling, and living in a big luxury house was like a dream.

"I dreamed of the great Lord of Ashes. Well, without a doubt, it must be Him."

Before going to sleep, she used the invisible technique she had just learned and tried to contact the Great Lord of Ashes in her dream.

The result was really successful.

She distinctly remembered seeing the Great Lord of Ashes in her dream.

His body was still very large, giving people a strong impression.

Aina felt a burst of warm fire flashing over her head, like the dawning sun, the soft light shining on every corner of her body, sweeping away the long-accumulated gloom and cold.

In the years after her parents passed away, she had never felt this way, and the sudden warmth made Aina feel as if she was in touch with her lost loved ones again.

After waking up, Aina still remembers this moment of remembrance.

The great Lord of Ashes touched her body in the dream, and Aina could still feel the remnants of the warmth that had left her body with the scent of the Lord of Ashes.

Sitting in front of the mirror in the bedroom, she stared calmly at her reflection in the mirror.

The black velvet robe clung to the line of the body, revealing the white collarbone and shoulders, and the small crystal bottle pendant around the neck contained countless stardust.

This gorgeous villa, as well as an exquisite dress, was actually gifted to her by the sect investor, and that person didn\'t even dare to make eye contact with her.

Everyone\'s attitude towards’s changed a lot...but why don’t I feel happy?

She knew in her heart that it was all because of the Lord of Ashes.

She suddenly felt an intense burning in her back.

The burning sensation was so intense that she could feel the heat inside the body.

"It\'s so hot. Why does my back feel so hot?"

Enduring the burning pain, she gently took off half of her clothes then turned around in front of the mirror. A bright red complex ring mark appeared on her originally white back.

"Is this... the mark given by the Lord of Ashes?"

Aina was a little surprised. Lord of Ashes\' breath was imprinted in the mark on her back as if it were a brand recently imprinted.

"I was chosen..." she muttered to herself.

After half a while, the initial intense burning sensation gradually disappeared.

"Ah!" Suddenly a scream came from the first floor.

Startled, she picked up her clothes and quickly walked out of the room.

There were many female devotees serving her outside the house upon seeing her arrival they immediately bowed their heads respectfully and did not dare to look directly at her body that was devoted to the gods.

Aina\'s heart was very complicated. \'Was this the feeling of being respected and valued?\'

Perhaps, not just respect and attention, they have more negative emotions about themselves...awe, fear.

Looking at the female believers who dared not look up, she suddenly remembered herself who used to keep her head down.

Aina felt that all this was wrong. All the rules, classes, and status in the sect always gave her an invisible sense of suffocation. She didn\'t like it.

She was surprised by the sight that greeted her as she walked quickly downstairs.

"What\'s going on here?"

Several corpses had fallen to the ground, and the senior priest and devotees gathered around them, and there was a lot of discussion. There was not a single scratch could be seen on the corpses, and they had a very calm appearance.

It was as if they had died peacefully in their sleep. Have eternal peace of mind.

The senior priest\'s face was grim, and the old face was almost knotted together with anger.

"Damn it! It\'s all the work of the Quiet Word people!"

The Cult of the Quiet Word was a powerful order which scattered all over Norland.

They worship a god known as the Tranquil Singer, whose teaching was to bring true peace to the world.

The pedagogy of the Quiet Word believes that peace of mind should be the highest human pursuit, not so-called happiness.

They were exceedingly powerful and clearly out of the league of the Chaos Remnant Order.

No one knew why, but suddenly one day, Quiet Words began to kill Chaos Embers all over Nolan, trying to eradicate them all.

The High Priest and his congregation had no choice but to take refuge in Beland. Outside the Beland, the power of Chaos Embers had been eradicated by Quiet Words(silent).

Although the sect\'s hands were tied here, at least with the headquarters of the Anti-Magic Bureau here, the powerful Silent Sect would not dare to attack in large numbers.

This was what senior priest had thought so, but the audacity of the Silent sect was totally unexpected.

"Quiet Words still doesn\'t plan to let us go and doesn\'t plan to act in secret either. Are they all lunatics? Aren\'t they afraid to provoke people from the Anti-Magic Bureau?"

Just when he felt powerless, Aina stood out from the crowd, and the believers stepped aside in fear, but her thin body was very conspicuous.

"You..." The senior priest wanted to say something, and he hoped that Aina would stay in the house forever and not come out.

She ignored him, and her next words shocked the senior priest.

"We need to hold a new sacrifice, the great Lord of Ashes will help us, and this time I will preside over it."

The believers were extremely shocked, but no one objected, and the senior priest opened his mouth and finally said nothing.

She knew very well that everyone dared not oppose her because they were afraid of the Lord of Ashes.

But before holding a new sacrifice, she had something which her heart wanted to do.

She recently kept dreaming about that cafe, where she had stayed in the rainstorm two months ago, which somehow attracted her.

I want to take a look and see what\'s there...