Plague Doctor

Chapter 97

Around the altar, there was a deep and consistent chanting voice, and every rhythm was full of evil and increasing fanaticism, as if not by human beings.

In the shadow of the chanting mantra, Gu Jun's illusion triggered by the scalpel in his hand carries the obscure fog of the past and the unknown

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, I have lost a lot of letters in my mind. Every day is devoted to the study of medicine, reading a variety of classics, and discussing different topics with teachers and students, in the joy of ignorance. I wish those days were not over.

But I knew that was no longer possible, and I had to admit with shame that I had failed.

My strength and wisdom are nothing in front of this terrible storm. I think that even if we continue on this road, we may not have a chance to defeat that strange creation, nor will we touch upon the profound meanings of life, medicine, space-time and universe that transcend our intellectual capabilities and abilities.

Death may give me another answer.

As for curing the world Please also tell my classmates that everyone should have their own pursuit and not be depressed by my decision. In particular, tell rabbi payani that he is capable enough to take over my job, and don't give up, but I have to go first. 】

Gu Jun felt that he saw illusions, but they seemed to be happening to him.

On a dead cliff by the sea, the cold wind was blowing constantly, almost blowing the craggy rocks on the edge of the cliff. He stood there.

He looked at the boundless distance, the sea was like the black sea water. He suddenly raised the scalpel in his hand and forcefully wiped it off his neck. The sharp blade instantly cut the skin and cut off the trachea and common carotid artery.

The blood gushed out and was scattered by the sea breeze and splashed on the stone. He immediately made an uncomfortable sound of poor breath

Tired body shaking a few times, finally slowly knelt down on the ground, he looked at the boundless sea, murmured: "destruction, destruction..."

He repeated the word over and over. The blood soon dyed the rocks around him red, and his voice became more and more low and difficult

His spirit and flesh are returning to emptiness, but it is also this time that he feels something behind him and looks back slowly.

Just a few steps behind him, I don't know when or where he came from. Jiudao figures are standing there, obscured by the darkness. It's hard to see whether it's human shadow, animal shadow, or some other kind of shape. It's hard to tell whether it's really standing there or distorting the illusion of time and space.

"Lerore Langdon." Among the nine figures, a gloomy voice sounded quietly and said to him, "the old master has a devil seat ready for you. There is a greater mystery above human cognition. "

He looked at those figures, clearly it was the projection of the dark abyss, but he saw a light.

That's the light that finally found the way.

He stood up tottering, his bloody scalpel fell to the ground, and with his last strength he said, "those profound meanings I want to know. "

All of a sudden, the illusion broke, Gu Jun breathed quickly, the trachea was contracting, the common carotid artery was pulsating, and there was no rupture.

Gu Jun saw that he was still in the altar. Xue Ba, Dan Shu, Lin Mo and others were still around. He could recognize each of them.

Holding the kalop scalpel, which was used to dissect different species and also to commit suicide, the body and mind were filled with the taste of drinking water after a long thirst.

He can move again, his will as Gu Jun has come back completely, firmly occupying this body.

The restlessness and gloom of those unfortunate children were subdued by another feeling, which revived by illusion and aided his will. Deep in his mind, the feeling was like other people's expectation and his own will:

"don't give up End the chaos You are the result... "

Accompanied by this feeling, there are countless vague lights and shadows that can't be seen clearly, as well as thousands of clear words in different languages.

Gu Jun still doesn't know the specific knowledge of incantation, but he remembers a mantra word

"Ah Jun?" All the members of the team were disturbed. Only Xue Ba, the most tenacious willed man, could speak in a trembling voice. He was the first to notice that Gu Jun seemed to have changed back.

At the same time, the singing voice became more and more loud.

In addition to the four people in red, they were still as calm as ever, and the faces of those people in black had deformed kinks on their faces.

The mysterious patterns on their robes seem to be all the magic charms, because of their terrible and detestable curse voice:

"הבששששךךךא148814881488\14881488כככככךכךךךכךכככככךככשששששיייייך㪜נו, אניךוו!"

As the fog faded away, every giant tree around the altar turned out to be a banyan tree. Among the shadows, those gloomy twisted branches looked like they were made of various corpses. Is it these banyan trees, projecting into different spaces, spreading the pain and fear of diseaseThe red light in the fine lines of the altar stones became more and more powerful and flowed faster and faster. All of them poured into the four pillars, and the ceremony was about to be completed.

But all of a sudden, the wolf beasts were the first to smell the change, with their bristles drooping and their tails in some uneasiness.

Gu Jun, who could not have uttered his words, opened his mouth. His voice was calm and without fear:

"you Do you really know who the "son of Doom" is called to come by you

There won't be much to know that there is an answer. In foreign civilization, in earth civilization, it is.

Because of the man, he was found to have committed suicide.

The power he received at the bottom of longkan is something that the afterlife will never have a clear understanding of

Gu Jun glanced at those still calm but obviously doubted faces. His face became colder and heavier, "are you ready to be devoured by the devil before you wake up the devil?"

Langton has missed the years and teachers and friends, he also has ah, he will not give up.

The suppressed dark will in his body surged again, but this time he released it on his own initiative. These dark forces that he could not master would completely devour him at any time. At the moment, he did not fear. He opened his mouth and sent out that strange mantra, which forced him to override all the forces controlling the altar:

"destroy, destroy, destroy!" Gu Jun read over and over again and called, toward different directions, the voice from the abyss spread, "destruction!"

In different languages, "destruction" means "bad luck".

Every time he yelled again, the gray of his will became more and more, and the light and shadow in front of him were disordered.

It's like seeing all kinds of decay and fragmentary when dissecting a corpse, as if seeing a mountain of corpses in the illusion of a stone chamber.

However, his voice has become the sound of mountain collapse and tsunami. It is only a few moments. The whole altar is split into pieces in an instant. The four stone pillars also crash down. There is a terrible thunder from the ground. The earth is shaking. The 5000 meter long whirling stone ladder is collapsing.

All the living wolf beasts gave out a cry of fear and ran away in a hurry.

The confusion around the altar was suddenly broken, and the faces of those in black and red changed, and they seemed to be more real than they had just been.

And their chanting incantations have already stopped abruptly.

"Destruction..." Gu Jun's whole person is tottering, the complexion is very white and strange. He grabbed a submachine gun from Xue Ba, who was still unable to move, and then aimed at the members of the afterlife society in front of him, especially the leader in red who had just spoken.

"Destruction!" He pulled the trigger with his right index finger, and the fire came out, bang, bang, Bang

Xue Ba, as well as the egg uncle and Lou Xiaoning, who had come back to God, all gaped at the scene.

The bullets from submachine guns no longer pass through the shadows, but from the bodies of the people in black and red, with broken heads and broken bones and splashing flesh and blood. These people who just blasphemed the devil fell into the pool of blood in disbelief.

In this strange forest space, there is no strange and terrible incantation sound, and there is a general howl in hell. , the fastest update of the webnovel!