Plague Doctor

Chapter 160

By this time the sun had set and night began to fall.

Gu Jun continued to concentrate on reading the last page of the keeper's diary, and the next 150 pages were all blank.

[Mr. gard said it was a different world.

When ordinary people dream every night, the spirit is wandering between that world and the sober world. They may occasionally be able to covet a little gap, but wake up soon forget, never have a way to enter. The older they get, the more worldly things they come into contact with, and their ability to see gaps will also be lost.

Everyone in childhood is always the easiest to enter the world, occasionally inadvertently, because children still have a simple and clear mental state.

You may have heard of someone who said that he remembered that he walked into the world in the mirror, the world in the closet, etc. in fact, they were all in the same place.

But ghouls are different Their bodies have changed, so have their spiritual qualities.

Whether it's a child or not, ghouls have the power to move in and out of that world freely.

"The people you call patients jump out of the grave, and that's one way." Mr. gard said, "their spirit reached there." 】

when Gu Jun saw this, he suddenly had an idea like an electric current. He looked back at the number of pages at the beginning of his diary.

[there are also some people who seem to be crazy, they don't need to be pushed by others, they shout strange language and jump into the corpse pile at the bottom of the pit]

according to the diary, the tombs are extremely deep, which can hold thousands of people, and the depth should be more than tens of meters

Jumping down from the ground is not like having a nightmare go to the top of a tall building and jump again?

"It wasn't just suicide." Gu Jun suddenly realized that although the nightmares in this world were not transformed into ghouls, the final outcome of the patients was all the spirit or soul, going to or being sucked out of the "world", so their bodies would be completely empty shells.

And Chen fade At that time, he felt that the other side had traces of spiritual escape. Did Chen fade also return to that world?

Ghouls have the power to enter and leave the world freely, which is not a good thing

And the children? Gu Jun also remembered those super sensitive children controlled by lalaiye order. There were only more than 30 children in that classroom. However, there were more than 300 missing babies in Guangting city. Where were the others?

"We are neither ghouls, nor have nightmares, nor children. How can we get in?"

Gu Jun's heart flashed a nervous doubt. It happened that the watchman also had this question at that time, and asked Mr. geld.

If he had hallucinations in front of him, the picture suddenly appeared, as if he saw a conversation going on in a dark and damp ancient house.

"Dreaming is not the only way to get into that world." Mr. gard said, "I've walked in this way countless times. When a place has a bridge to it, and you can feel its existence, you can use a specific spell to make the door appear, open the door and go in

"But this kind of channel is not stable, and it is not permanent. Maybe some people get into it by mistake. Maybe you are still in the same place when you are looking for a lifetime."

"If you can dream, dream, so that even if there is an accident in that world, most of you will wake up and have a nightmare."

Mr. gard gave me a mantra, "if you can't enter your dream, use this mantra. But in this way, you die there, both physically and mentally. It's gorgeous, but it's not a safe world. This mantra has only one effect. It's a one-way ticket, and the door is not open to everyone. You don't need to bring anything in if you want to go in. It's useless. "

I am not without curiosity, but fear and doubt make me ask, "Mr. gaard, why are you telling me this?"

Mr. gard just laughed, and with the manner of his young gentleman, "you have been guarding me for half a month. This is your reward." 】

those hallucinations suddenly ended. Gu took a deep breath, but his heart still felt tight, but it was not so bad. After a few deep breaths, he calmed down.

This has something to do with not forming illusions and new abilities.

Mantra? He looked at the setting sun, which was about to fall completely. In his diary, the watchman had been transformed into a ghoul. Finally, he used the method of dreaming.

At that time, the mantra didn't seem to be used

Gu Jun looked at the back of the diary and found nothing. However, he noticed that the diary was covered by a leather book

Will His mind moved, and he tried to take off the book cover. Sure enough, he saw that there was a yellow parchment on the cover of his diary.

On the parchment, there are some strange black characters written on the parchment. They are not different words. They are the words on the tombstone of old dog uncle. They are the language of ghouls.

"This mantra exists in my mind. Can I use it? Is it possible to open the "gate" to the desert islandFor this unexpected harvest, Gu Jun is excited and confused. There are still many puzzles to be sorted out, but this is a breakthrough!

He put down his mind first and drew another task reward close to his eyes, a letter.

The handwriting on the envelope was faintly pasted off, only faintly visible. There was no mailing address. The sender was "old friend", and the receiver was sharpers gard.

He immediately opened the envelope and took out the only piece of writing paper in it. It seemed that there was only a short sentence on it:

[the new body experiment has made a breakthrough, and this plague will create opportunities for us. 】

Gu Jun's heart suddenly rose. Mr. gard obviously belonged to a secret organization, the new body experiment? He thought of the dead skin.

The spirit of these ghouls can be dissociated. If they can change their bodies, the spirit of ghouls will drill into the body of the dead man

"This plague" refers to the ghoul nightmare disease plague, and then the dead skin people and hemoptysis spread throughout the alien world.

And the dead skin people in this world are just weakening versions. Are the organizations behind them also conducting experiments? Is a successful nightmare plague a necessary stage?

The more Gu Jun thought, the colder his heart was, some of the undercurrent that he could not see already did not know to what extent it had developed.

He repeatedly looked at this sentence in the letter, trying to trigger the relevant illusion, but there was no hazy feeling. This was not the right place and scene

Gu Jun first turned his mind to the incomplete mantra book. He now knows that the world of different languages can be said to be a world of incantations, and Dr. karop can spell.

The mantra book is still the kind of parchment paper with some incomplete edges and corners. However, there are a lot of information on the paper. Besides, it is filled with notes in small letters.

"This handwriting!" He was suddenly excited to find that these notes were written by Langdon, the son of iron!

This page of the incomplete mantra book seems to have come from the mantra Book Langdon had studied.

He immediately read a note marked on the top:

[the mantra and the mantra itself do not work. You can write a mantra on the wall of the toilet. Each word is huge and frightens everyone who goes to the toilet. But if you don't have the power to write it down or trigger it, it's just some words, and it's ugly and boring. 】 , the fastest update of the webnovel!