Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 485: Crazy Rocks! Destroy the red land


   After spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

   Akainu stood up from the ground in a panic.

   He coughed twice again.

   Breath became very weak.

   What\'s more, it can be seen on the front of Akainu\'s body.

  A knife mark deep enough to reach the bone appeared across most of Akainu\'s body.

   It was also this knife wound that caused the most serious injury to Akainu.

   After standing up, Akainu looked into the castle for the first time.

   "Admiral of the age, but so much."

   "Compared to Garp and Sengoku in the past, it\'s too far behind."

   "It disappoints me."

  A voice came from inside the castle.

   Immediately afterwards, a burly figure slowly walked out of the castle.

  Holding a knife in his right hand, he exudes the sword aura unique to top swordsmen.

   It\'s Rocks!

   Bang, bang!

   Just after Rocks came out.

   At the upper level of the castle, the wall suddenly exploded.

  Two figures jumped out from a high place.

   came to Akainu.

   It is Garp and Sengoku who have quit the navy but also participated in this war.

   It\'s just that at this time, Garp and Sengoku can clearly see some knife-cut injuries.

   Both of them were injured to some extent.

   Breathing also became very rapid.

   Afterwards, Garp and Sengoku looked at Lockes with serious expressions.

   "Time is not forgiving."

  Seeing Garp and Sengoku, Lockes sighed softly.

   "If it was you back then, maybe you could make me a little afraid."

   "Available Now"

   Talking, Rocks shook his head.

  Karp and Sengoku are both graying at the temples and entering their old age.

  The strength is not as good as it was back then.

  Facing Lockes in his youthful heyday, he didn’t have many fights, so he couldn’t stand this kind of super-intensive battle.

   Being ridiculed so blatantly by Lockes, the two of them didn\'t refute at all.

  Even in its heyday, it was Cap, Sengoku, United Roger.

   before killing Rocks.

   There is no Roger now, and both of them are old.

  How could he be Lockes\' opponent.

   "Locks, even if you risk your life."

   "I will definitely stop you too!"

   Garp then said with firm eyes.


"Can you?"

  Locks sneered disdainfully.

   Huh boom!

next moment.

  Rox swung his knife at an extremely fast speed.

   Swept across the air and slashed towards Karp and Sengoku.

  In an instant.

  A terrifying black slashing wave quickly attacked Garp and Sengoku.

  Seeing the attack from Slash, Garp and Sengoku immediately gathered their domineering and devil fruit power again.

   Just about to take the slash from Rocks.

   At this critical moment.

  A familiar voice came into the ears of the two of them.

   "Blue Dragon Slash!"


   With the sound falling.

  A half-moon-shaped flame slash that is no less than Lockes slash.

   Quickly slashed from behind Garp and the two of them.

   In the blink of an eye, Karp and Sengoku have already been crossed.

   collided violently with Rocks\' black chopping wave.



  In an instant, the two colliding slashes erupted with astonishing slashing power.

   During the friction and collision, the domineering impact spread out.

   The entire ground was cut with knife marks.

   Immediately afterwards, the two slashes fully erupted with the power contained in them.

  Rubbing and impacting each other, they rushed directly into the sky.


  Finally, the two slashes completely exploded in the sky.

  It seems that even the sky has been cut open with a gap.

   See this scene.

  Garp, Sengoku, and Akainu all had expressions of surprise on their faces.

the other side.

  Locks narrowed his eyes slightly, and subconsciously clenched the knife in his hand.


  The next second.

   A piercing thunder sounded suddenly.

   Then, a flash of thunder came.

   Lei Guang condensed in front of Garp and Sengoku, turning into a figure holding two knives.

   "White Feather!"

   After seeing the appearance of the person coming, the three of Garp suddenly shouted in surprise.

  The person who came was Bai Yu who arrived in time from the streets of Pangu City!

   "Sorry, I\'m late."

  Bai Yu turned his head, looked at the three people who were all painted, and nodded.

   Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu turned around again.

  Look at Rocks.

  A strong fighting spirit kept rising in his heart.

   "If you want to move them, first ask about the knife in my hand."

   Bai Yu stared straight at Lockes, and said very domineeringly.


   "Bai Yu, you are finally here."

   "It seems that Whitebeard has already."

  Locks laughed loudly, and said immediately.

   "The dignified Captain of the Rocks Pirates actually handed over the frontal battlefield to his cadres."

   "Hide here yourself."

   "What? Are you worried that you won\'t be able to set foot in Pangu City, and you will be cut off by me?"

   Bai Yu sarcastically said.

  Rox was obviously on the frontal battlefield at the beginning.

   But later disappeared.

   Came directly to the main castle of Pangu City.

   It looks like he has no confidence.


   "It\'s just that there are some things that need to be confirmed before fighting with you."

  Rox continued with a smile.

   He was not irritated by Bai Yu\'s ridicule at all.

  Afterwards, Rocks suddenly reached into his arms.

   took out a phone bug and dialed.

   "You can start."


   Only said such a simple sentence.

  Rox crushed the phone bug with one foot.

   This move made Karp and others very puzzled.


   Not long after Rocks hung up on the bug.

  The entire Pangu City, and even Mary Gioia.

   There were constant vibrations.

  It seems that he has suffered some devastating attack.

   "Those pirate allies are just trying to attract the attention of your navy."

   "My people have now united with people from the underground world."

   "Indiscriminately attack the entire Red Earth Continent."

   "It\'s very familiar, yes, it\'s the same as your navy\'s demon-slaying order."

   "But this time what I want to destroy is the entire Red Earth Continent!"

   Lockes said immediately.

  Hearing this, Karp and the others suddenly changed their expressions.

  The shock just now did not mean that Pangu City and Mary Joya were attacked.

   But the entire red earth continent!

  Can cause such a big commotion to the entire Red Earth Continent, God knows how many people Rocks has assembled!

   According to Rocks.

  Not all the pirates of the Rocks Pirates participated in the frontal battlefield.

   Instead, unite with people from the underground world.

  With a huge number of pirate ships, carry out devastating continuous bombardment of the Red Earth Continent!

   Just like the Navy Slaying Demon Order!

  Rox\'s goal is to destroy the entire Red Earth Continent!

   "Of course, relying on pirate ships alone is far from enough."

   "You don\'t seem to know yet."

   "Under the depths of Pangu City, there are buried devices capable of destroying the entire continent."

   "As long as you pack up and activate the device, the Red Earth Continent will cease to exist!"

  Rox threw out another extremely amazing news.