Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 470: Break through one by one! Confidant reward trigger

Seeing the disappearing white feather suddenly appear under the steel giant\'s left shoulder.

   Weiwei and the six of them were all shocked.

  Among them, Ismog changed his face drastically.

  Just because of where Bai Yu appeared.

   Inside is where Smoker is!


   There was no time for Weiwei and the six to react.

   Bai Yu said softly.

  The eye of flaws has insight into the weakest position of energy before birth.

  The double swords immediately slashed horizontally.


   Similarly, no moves were used.

  Just a simple slash with a knife.

   Under one slash, the two swords are blessed with full proficiency and domineering look.

   An astonishing slashing power erupted.

  The double swords cut through the metal body of the steel giant like a bamboo.

  Advance all the way, until more than half of it was cut through, and suddenly stopped.

  The position where the double knives stop.

  Smog hidden in it is revealed.

   Looking at the blade close at hand with a look of horror.

   I didn\'t dare to take a breath.

"You\'re already dead."

   Bai Yu said again.


  The voice fell.

  Bai Yu quickly withdrew the knife.

   With a flash, he disappeared in place again.

   Wait until Bai Yu\'s figure disappears.

   Smoker finally came to his senses, sighed helplessly, and voluntarily left the Iron Giant\'s body.

   This is the rule set by Bai Yu, Smoker and others when they fought.

  Once such a similar situation occurs, it will be judged as\'death\'.

   Those who are ‘dead’ cannot continue to participate in the battle.


the other side.

   Thunder came again.

  Bai Yu\'s disappearing figure suddenly reappeared at the steel giant\'s right waist.

   Similarly, no moves were used.

  The double swords slashed out.

   Easily cut through the metal at the waist of the steel giant.

   Cut out the figure of Kebi.


   After being found by Bai Yu and pointed at him with a knife, Kebi shook his head unwillingly.

   also left the Iron Giant\'s body and retreated to the sidelines.

   "How did he find Smoker and Kirby?!"

   After regaining their senses, Weiwei and the others could only be forced to accept the exit of Keby and Smoker.

   Weiwei was even more surprised.

  After the fusion, the entire body of the Iron Giant will flow the power of the six people.

   Therefore, it is difficult, or impossible, to find the specific location of the six people from the outside world through knowledge and color sensing.

  But just now, Bai Yu found Smoker and Keby with obvious precision.

   This made Weiwei very puzzled.

   I don\'t understand how Bai Yu did it.

   "Concentrate on controlling the Iron Giant."

   "I\'ll change positions for everyone!"

   Unable to figure out Bai Yu\'s method, Wei Wei immediately stopped thinking about it.

   Hastily gave instructions to the remaining Bellumebo, Maya, and Violet.


   Huh boom!

  The remaining four people fully controlled the weakened steel giant, and attacked Bai Yu with the other fist.

   There is not even time to repair the palm that was chopped off by Bai Yu just now.

   "Knowing that I can find them, start moving?"

   On the other side, Bai Yu dodged to avoid the iron giant\'s fist.

   Then, the Eye of Flaw saw the four of Weiwei who were constantly moving.

  The corners of Bai Yu\'s mouth curled up even more.

  Such small secret movements cannot escape the insight of the eye of the flaw.


   "They actually got together."

   Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu saw it again.

   The four people who moved actually gathered in the middle of the steel giant\'s chest.

"I see."

   After looking carefully, Bai Yu suddenly realized.

  Bai Yu clearly sees through the eye of the flaw.

   After the four gathered together.

  The energy in that area became very intense.

  Obviously, the four of Weiwei wanted to use this method of joint efforts.

  Even if the position is discovered, the strength of four people can be gathered to resist the defense.

   Huh boom!

  It\'s too late to say it, but it\'s too soon.

  Bai Yu saw clearly what Weiwei and the others were doing.

  The four of Weiwei controlled the steel giant again, and slapped Bai Yu in a large area.


   available for the next second.

  The moment before the palm came.

  Bai Yu stepped on thunder steps and disappeared in place.

  The iron giant\'s palm finally hit a blank.


  After the Iron Giant\'s attack failed.

   A thunderous sound suddenly sounded.

   Immediately afterwards, a flash of thunder came and came outside the chest of the steel giant where the four of Weiwei were.

  The thunder light surged, and instantly condensed into the figure of Bai Yu.


   "As expected, Bai Yu was able to accurately locate our location!"

   Seeing Bai Yu appearing in front of her eyes, Weiwei immediately said badly to herself.

  The facts are in front of you.

  Bai Yu is not a blind cat meeting dead mice, but can really find them.

   "Work hard together."

   "Block his knife!"

   Seeing this, Weiwei hurriedly told the three Maya beside her.


  In an instant, the four of them exerted their strength at the same time.

  Four different energies are condensed and released.

   is the metal on the iron giant\'s chest, reinforcing a strong defense.

  How could the four of them know.

   No matter how precise the control is, there will always be a certain gap.

  Bai Yu concentrated on using the Eye of Flaw.

   In the blink of an eye, he found a weak point that was slightly lit.

   That is the gap left by the energy of the four people.

"it\'s over."

   Look at the location of the vulnerability point.

   Bai Yu said.

  Then, he raised his two knives high, and in a posture of chopping Huashan with all his strength, he slashed towards the weak point.


   Under the burst of heavy cutting.

  Bai Yu\'s double knives sliced ​​through the opening of the opening.

   Almost without much hindrance, he cut through the metal in the iron giant\'s chest.

  Status forward holding the knife all the way.

   Dazed, he forcibly cut a gap.

  The four of Weiwei suddenly appeared in Bai Yu\'s sight.

  Seeing Bai Yu\'s arrival, Weiwei and the four of them looked at each other.

  Silently dissipated the condensed strength.

  Weiwei also immediately canceled the fusion of the fusion fruit.


   With the release of the combined fruit ability.

  The huge steel giant instantly split into countless pieces.

   It changed back to the original metal pile and fell to the ground.

   Immediately after.

  The four of Weiwei also descended slowly from a high place with Bai Yu.

  Bai Yu smiled and dissipated the power of the two sabers, retracting the sabers back into their sheaths.

   "Bai Yu, you are too powerful!"

   "How did you find us?"

  After returning to the ground, Weiwei asked Bai Yu immediately.

  Hearing this, Bai Yu smiled even more.

   Immediately explained his flawed eye to everyone.

   The result is

  Everyone didn\'t understand, but they were stunned.

   All I know is that after Bai Yu improved his strength, he possessed a terrifying insight.

   This point, even Violet, who is glaring at the fruit ability user, can\'t do it.

  The fight between the two sides is over.

   But right after the battle ended.

  In Bai Yu\'s mind, the long-lost system confidant training reward prompt sounded suddenly.

  Because of the successful fusion of the six of Weiwei, Bai Yu was rewarded with a confidant training reward.