Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 454: Thunder flashes! Blackbeard Awakens


   On the scene.

  Bai Yu\'s thoughts moved quickly.

  The thunder arc condensed by the rushing thunder move, flashing continuously.

  The thunder arc is behind the feet covered with white feathers.

   Continued to move, and came to Bai Yu\'s double sabers.

   Then, under the compression of Bai Yu\'s thoughts.

  The arc of thunder began to fuse with the flame of the blade\'s sword intent quickly.

   turned into a brand new thunder fire power.

  I felt the terrifying power of thunder and fire condensed by Bai Yu.

  The three of Shiliu formed a triangular formation, posing a defensive posture.

  The three of them knew that they couldn\'t keep up with Bai Yu\'s extreme speed.

  The only chance for a backhand attack.

  Only when Bai Yu appeared to attack, the attacked person resisted Bai Yu\'s attack.

  The other two people around him will immediately support and attack Bai Yu.

  Just now Diemei was able to block Bai Yu\'s attack for Lafitte first.

   is also for this reason.

   It\'s not that Bai Yu\'s movement track was captured.

   It\'s just knowing that Bai Yu will attack Lafitte first and move ahead of time.

   It\'s just not so lucky this time.

   The three of them don\'t know who Bai Yu will attack first.

   Only in a defensive posture, the triangle formation takes care of each other.

  But the three of them still underestimated Bai Yu\'s speed and cutting power.

   "God Thunder and Fire Flash."

   Seeing the appearance of the three of them, the corner of Bai Yu\'s mouth couldn\'t help but playfully curled up.

   said lightly in his mouth.

   Raising the twin knives lingering in thunder and fire, he took a step forward with his right foot.

  The seemingly slow step made the three of Shiliu tense up.


next moment.

  Following Bai Yu\'s step, he stepped down.

  Thunderburst and air blast sounded at the same time.

  Bai Yu\'s figure turned into an incomparably fast lightning shadow.

   In a flash, they passed through the triangular formation of the three of Shiliu.

   Wait for Bai Yu\'s figure to reappear clearly.

   is already behind the three of them.

  The body maintains a posture of half-bending the knees and swinging the knife forward.

   Fast, too fast.

   The speed of the outbreak was so fast that the three of Shiliu didn\'t even know what happened.

   When he reacted, his pupils constricted one by one.

   Subconsciously check the condition of the body.

   Shiliu looked at his body, but didn\'t notice anything unusual.

  Diemei also looked at her body, and there was nothing unusual about it.

   Immediately afterwards, the two swallowed nervously.

  Looking at Lafitte on the other side.


   It was almost the moment when the eyes met.

   In the sight of Xiliu and Diemei, there was only a headless corpse standing in place.

  A spring of blood spurted out immediately.

  Blood splashed on the bodies of the two of them.

   Plop, plop!

   Even more terrifying.

   Followed by a headless corpse, the sudden drop of two arms.

   At the position of the shoulder joints of both arms, two smooth mirror-like incisions appeared.

   Lafitte, beheaded by a broken arm.

  In the end, Lafitte\'s body fell backwards, unable to support himself.

   In the blink of an eye, Lafitte died under Bai Yu\'s knife.

  Laffitte\'s severed head flew up into the air, and after a while, it fell heavily to the ground.

   Shiliu and Diemei, who were still alive, only had fear in their eyes.

   Both of them didn\'t see clearly at all.

  White Feather\'s trajectory.

  How did Bai Yu swing the knife and cut off Raffit\'s head and arms.

   That speed is too amazing.



  Bai Yu didn\'t give Xiliu and the others a buffer time.

  Stand up and turn around.

  The double knives are raised again.

  The thunder and fire on the blade and feet are shining brightly.

   "Hide near me!"

  Seeing this, Diemei was shocked.

   Hastily shouted to Shiliu beside him.

   Shiliu understood immediately.

   Quickly came to Diemei\'s transformed nine-tailed fox.


at the same time.

  The nine-tailed fox transformed by Die Mei, the whole body is shining brightly.

  The remaining eight tails curled up and bent.

   It seemed to form a wall, wrapping the front of her body and Shiliu in it.

   Prepared to use this to delay Bai Yu\'s beheading.

   What Die Meixin thinks is to pay the price of multiple tails.

   At least it can resist Bai Yu\'s attacks a few more times.

  At that time, their captain, Blackbeard, should have been ready.

   "God Thunder and Fire Flash!"


  Nine-tailed fox just got ready to defend.

  Bai Yu\'s cold shout came again.

   Bai Yu took another step towards the Nine-Tailed Fox.

  The figure instantly turned into thunder and fire, shaking the air.

   passed through the position of the Nine-Tailed Fox in a flash.

  The moment he passed through the position of the Nine-Tailed Fox, the two knives slashed down like lightning.



   Terrible speed, terrible cutting power.

   Brutally chopped off Nine-Tailed Fox\'s entire body.

   The body of the Nine-Tailed Fox was shattered into pieces.


Not only that.

  The instant breaking of the defense also exposed Shiliu, who was protected by the Nine-Tailed Fox.

   There was a poof.

  Even Shiliu\'s left arm was cut off.


   was severely injured, and Shiliu suddenly screamed.

   Hastily used his right hand to cover the severed wound on his left arm.

the other side.

   The white feathers of the nine-tailed fox flashed past, and appeared behind the nine-tailed fox.

   Turned around and looked at Shiliu and Nine-Tailed Fox.


   This time, the light emitted by the chopped body of the Nine-Tailed Fox became much dimmer.

  Under the light, the body of the nine-tailed fox, which was broken into pieces, gathered and fused again.

   After a while.

  The appearance of the nine-tailed fox appeared again in the \'resurrection\'.

  But on Nine-Tailed Fox\'s face, there was no joy that should have been due to blocking Bai Yu\'s blow.

  Because Diemei, who transformed into a nine-tailed fox, discovered it.

   Under Bai Yu\'s cut.

   Actually took three \'lives\' of Nine-Tailed Fox abruptly!

   Eight tails, only five left at once!

  The power of the nine-tailed fox form has been greatly weakened.


   After condensing its body again, Nine-Tailed Fox spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

   "His slash."

   "It\'s actually so powerful."

   Diemei\'s astonishing voice came from Nine-Tailed Fox\'s body.

  The resurrection of the nine-tailed fox form is not really calculated according to the nine lives.

  That is to calculate the lethality of the fatal blow.

   Obviously, Bai Yu\'s slashing lethality is enough to kill Die Meihao several times with one blow.

   If it weren\'t for some of the power falling on Shiliu.

   How many tails are left now, not sure.

   "What kind of monster is he"

   Diemei said in horror.


at this time.

  In the distance behind Shiliu and Diemei.

   Near the edge of the domain barrier.

  A powerful breath rose into the sky.


   What followed was endless darkness.

   The darkness spread out at an extremely fast speed.

   In the blink of an eye, the surface of the barrier was covered together.

   The entire field space was completely plunged into a dark environment.

   Immediately afterwards, Xiliu and Diemei beamed with joy.

   heard their long-awaited laughter.