Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 444: Kill! Caribou Pirates

"Dual Swordsmanship · Blue Dragon · Thousand Cut Valley!"

  After coming to the sky above the first row of pirate ships, Bai Yu quickly swung her two knives.

   A series of huge half-moon-shaped slashes quickly slashed towards the pirate ship.

   Bang, bang, bang.

  In an instant, when it came into contact with the slashed pirate ship, the hull was instantly cut open.

  A whole row of pirate ships sank into the sea.

   And this is just the beginning.

  After the first row of pirate ships was destroyed.

   Soon there will be the second and third row of pirate ships.

  These pirate ships simply don\'t care about the life and death of the first row of pirates who crashed into the sea.

   directly crushed the past.

   Among them are Caribou\'s ships.


  As soon as they met, Bai Yu didn\'t wait for Bai Yu to make a move.

  Caribou couldn\'t wait to jump into the sky.

   "Hahaha Bai Yu\'s head is mine now!"

   "The swamp devours!"

  The voice fell.

  Kalib opened his hands, and a huge swamp wave formed by the swamp rolled and swept towards Bai Yu.

  Looking at that posture, he is doing his best when he makes a move.


  Seeing that Caribou took the initiative to attack, Bai Yu snorted coldly with disdain.

  The double knives immediately swept out horizontally.

   Huh boom!

   With a sweep of the two sabers, the flame of sword intent burning on the saber body suddenly turned into a fiery snake and sprang out.

  The moment it touched the swamp, it was burned dry and cut to pieces.

  The huge swamp wave in a large area was cut in half, and finally avoided Bai Yu\'s body perfectly, and fell to the sea.


at the same time.

  Bai Yu\'s feet, lightning surged.

   Ben Lei used it.

  Bai Yu took a step forward and disappeared in place instantly.

  When Bai Yu\'s aura reappeared, it was already behind Caribou in the air.

  The body maintains a posture of slashing with a knife.

   "Who gave you the confidence to take the initiative to give away the head?"

  Bai Yu\'s voice came to Caribou\'s ears.

   "so fast"

  Caribou was surprised.


   The next second.

  Two completely penetrating cross knife marks exploded from the front of Caribou\'s body.

  A shocking blood mist sputtered out in an instant.

   It was like a blood-red rain falling from the sky.

  Caribou was killed with one blow.


  Finally, Caribou\'s body fell weightlessly onto the pirate ship.

   Crashed a piece of deck floor.

"elder brother!"

  Seeing that Caribou was instantly killed, Caribou\'s younger brother, Caribou, suddenly yelled sadly.

"Kill you!"

"I\'m going to kill you!"

  Crib suddenly fell into a state of madness.

  Same as Caribou, Caribou is also a pirate with a reward of over 100 million.

   It\'s just that a pirate with over 100 million dollars is no match for Bai Yu.



   "Shoot him down!"

  At the same time, the pirates on the other pirate ships came to their senses.

   shouted one by one.

   Bang bang bang bang bang.

  In an instant, countless shells and bullets attacked Bai Yu overwhelmingly.

   Seeing this, Bai Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.


   With a flash, he disappeared into the sky.

   Bang, bang, bang!

  As soon as Bai Yu\'s front legs disappeared, the shell bullets on his back legs arrived.

  Countless artillery fire exploded continuously in the sky.

   Look at the boat where Creeb is.

  Crib and all the pirates of the Caribou Pirates stared at the explosion above.

  Trying to confirm whether Bai Yu has been dealt with from it.


at this time.

  In the middle of the crowd of pirates on the ship, a ray of thunder suddenly appeared.

   Followed by Bai Yu\'s figure.

   "You are looking for me."

  Bai Yu\'s voice immediately reached the ears of all the pirates.

  Suddenly heard a voice behind him, Cribb turned around in surprise.

   In sight, it was Bai Yu who had just beheaded his brother Caribou.


"kill him!"

   "Avenge my brother!"

  As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, not to mention the newly forged revenge of killing brothers.

  Crib reacted immediately, picked up the shovel, and rushed towards Bai Yu.

   Around, the pirates of the Caribou Pirates also picked up the guys one by one, and rushed towards Bai Yu.

   It was Creeb who rushed to Bai Yu first.

   "The navy that died at the hands of your two brothers, at least has three digits."

   "Today, let\'s take care of your Caribou Pirates."

   Facing the pirates barking their teeth and claws, Bai Yu said indifferently.


  The next moment, there was a loud impact sound.

  Bai Yu dodged Cribb\'s attack with just a nimble little step.

  Crib\'s shovel finally hit the ground of the hull deck heavily.

  With such a powerful force, a large piece of the ground of the deck was shattered.


   After evading Creeb\'s attack.

   Bai Yu said very easily.

   Raising the knife in his hand, he swung the knife and slashed at Cribb\'s neck.


   There was only a puff, the sound of flesh and blood being cut.

  Crib\'s neck was cut off in an instant.

  The head fell to the ground.

  Compared to a devil fruit capable user like Caribou, Cribb is not too easy to kill.

  After finishing Cribb with one knife, Bai Yu quickly turned around and raised his left hand horizontally to Sakura Budu Yuhun.


   Just blocked the weapons of the three pirates attacking from behind with great precision.

   "And then you three."


  Bai Yu\'s voice fell.

  The weapons in the hands of the three were instantly smashed to pieces by Bai Yu\'s knife.

  Puff, puff, puff!

   Along with that, the throats of the three of them were also cut off.

   This scene instantly made the pirates who were about to rush forward stop in their tracks.

  Better than their captain and vice-captain, they are all instant-killed goods.

  How could they be Bai Yu\'s opponents.

   "It\'s too troublesome to come one by one."

   "Let\'s go together."

  But in the next second, all the pirates heard Bai Yu\'s extremely provocative words.


   "Avenge the Captain!"

  Being provoked by Bai Yu, the pirates around you look at me and I look at you.

   One by one, they took courage and rushed towards Bai Yu again.

  Seeing the pirates rushing over in groups, Bai Yu laughed heartily.

   "Dual Swordsmanship・Sakura・Thousand Falling Feather Slash."

   Waiting until a group of pirates rushed to the front.

  The white feather double knives suddenly slashed towards the sky.


  The two slashes released from Dao immediately rushed into the sky and exploded in the sky.

  In an instant, the exploding slash turned into gorgeous petals of cherry blossoms all over the sky.

   Slowly falling.

  The pirates who surrounded Bai Yu looked at the cherry blossom petals falling in the sky in puzzlement.

   Obviously, he couldn\'t understand the lethality of Bai Yu\'s move.

  But soon, all the pirates understood.

   Whoo, whoo, whoo!

  I saw Bai Yu\'s thoughts move.

  The petals all over the sky suddenly became as sharp and hard as metal fragments.

  The petals exude a strange metallic luster, like feathers, shooting down at an accelerated rate.