Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 441: Move out while it is dark! Ignite the pirate ship

"no problem."

   "When I\'m not here, you can direct according to your ideas."

   After listening to Kebi\'s report, Bai Yu said.

  White Feather, who is participating in the battle, obviously has difficulty taking care of Aokiji and Magellan at the same time.

  Keby also followed Bai Yu through various wars, and as a commander, he was no problem at all.


   Right between the conversation between Bai Yu and Kebi.

  Suddenly there were bursts of unique flute sounds all around.

   Immediately afterwards, flares of red smoke exploded in the sky.

   "It\'s a signal to retreat!"

   "Retreat first!"


  Seeing the appearance of the signal flare, the pirates who had fought hard for a long time, also exhausted their physical strength.

   Suddenly relieved, one by one shouted.

  The rest of the pirate ships immediately turned around and retreated into the distance.

   "General Bai Yu!"

   "The pirates have retreated!"

   Then, Kebi\'s voice came.

  Not only on Bai Yu\'s side, but also on both sides of the battlefield, the pirates also retreated one after another.


   "Order the people below to return to the advancing city."

   Seeing this, Bai Yu didn\'t intend to pursue him either.

   Give Kirby an order.

   Then, he turned around and jumped up, stepping on the moon steps, and returned to the city.

   It didn\'t take long for Bai Yu to return to the city.

  The G5 warships that went to support the battle, as well as Aokiji and Magellan, all returned one after another.

  As soon as they met, Bai Yu saw Aokiji and Magellan, their bodies more or less stained with blood.

   Breathing is no longer as stable as it was at the beginning.

   Obviously, the consumption is not small.

  Of course, with the strength of the two of them, it is obvious that they have not suffered any real damage.

   "It should be time to take a break."

   "The sky is getting dark gradually, and it is very inconvenient for their attack."

   Bai Yu said immediately.

  Compared to the consumption of Aokiji and Magellan, Baiyu is much more relaxed.

  Four times the recovery power, making Bai Yu\'s physique look like a monster.

  This level of consumption has little effect on Bai Yu.

  Bai Yu can even restore various powers while fighting.

  Hearing Bai Yu\'s words, everyone rested on the spot in relief.

   Not even in the mood to find a comfortable place.

  The next time is just as Bai Yu thought.

  The pirates have experienced a day of battle, and they seem to need enough time to rest.

  In addition, the night is not suitable for tough battles, and there is no movement until late at night, when people are most tired.

at this time.

  Bai Yu, who was taking a nap in the monitoring room, suddenly opened her eyes.

  Get up and come to Kebi and Beru Meber, and wake them up.

   "Kerby, Bellumebo, wake up."

  Bai Yu shook their bodies with his hands.

   "Hmm, General Bai Yu?"

   The two woke up in a daze, and saw Bai Yu standing in front of them.

   A look of doubt.

   "Go, come out with me."

   Bai Yu said immediately.

   Afterwards, Bai Yu pushed forward and walked out of the city.

   Seeing this, although they were confused, the two still followed Bai Yu\'s footsteps.

   Soon, the three of them came to the edge of the entrance to the city.

   "General Bai Yu, what are we?"

   Seeing no one around, Kebi hurriedly asked Bai Yu.

   "At this point in time, the pirates should also be resting."

   "We can\'t let them get enough energy and continue to attack during the day tomorrow."

   Bai Yu explained.

  Hearing this, Kebi and Beru Meber\'s eyes lit up.

   Immediately understood what Bai Yu meant.

   This is to give the pirates a \'spiritual spirit\' while it is dark.

   Let the pirates not be able to rest well!

   "General Bai Yu, just tell me!"

  Keby and Bellumebo nodded in agreement.

  During the day, the two have been in the monitoring room to command remotely.

   did not participate in the battle, and his physical strength was well preserved.

   This is also the reason why Bai Yu found the two of them.

   "Shout the people from Jiudao and Yuelang."

   "We only send out one warship, and after getting close to a certain distance, it will be transported manually by Beru Mebo."

   "There is no need to fight them."

   "Just light a fire for all the pirate ships, and it will be enough for them to suffer for one night."

  Bai Yuxuan told the two about the plan.

   A large number of people are dispatched, which can easily attract the attention of the guards among the pirates.

  Bai Yu\'s plan is to lead the Moon Wolf group, together with Keby and Beru Mebo, to set off on a warship.

   Wait until you get close to the pirate ship within a certain range.

   Then change to the pterosaur transformed by Beru Mebo for pick-up and return.

  The final goal is to ignite the pirate ships as much as possible.

  With the current dry weather, the fire can easily spread.

  Even if not many pirates were burned to death, it was enough for them to toss for a whole night and not be able to rest in peace.

"To understanding!"

  After listening to Bai Yu\'s plan, Kebi and Bellumebo smiled knowingly.

   Immediately afterwards, Bellumebo went to the nearby warships, found Moon Wolf\'s captain Jiudao, and explained the plan.

   After a while.

   Two hundred and fifty Moon Wolf gathered on the same warship.

  The three white feathers also boarded the warship.

"Set off!"

  Seeing that everyone has arrived, Bai Yu immediately gave the order.

  The warship retracted its anchor, and began to sail towards the pirate fleet docked on the sea at a leisurely speed.

  Stay a certain distance away from the pirate fleet.

  Belumebo immediately transformed into a pterosaur form.

   quietly transported Moon Wolf members in batches to one pirate ship after another.

  Moon Wolf\'s people are all carefully selected elites with great skills.

  Plus it is too late now.

   Even the stalking pirates are sleepy.

  Moon Wolf and his party easily sneaked into the pirate ship.

  Waiting for Bai Yu\'s next instruction.

   "After the fire spread, Beru Meber brought back all the moon wolf members as usual."

   "Remember, there is no need to do extra fights."

   Wait for the last batch of moon wolf members to be transported to the pirate ship.

  White Feather then instructed Bellume Bo.

   "Keby, you stay on the warship and are ready to respond at any time."

  Bai Yu told Kebi again.


  After Kebi agreed, the corner of Bai Yu\'s mouth suddenly raised a playful arc.

"Set off!"

  The next moment, Bai Yu gave an order.

   jumped on the back of Beru Mebo.


  The pterosaur transformed into by Beru Mebo immediately flapped its wings and flew over the pirate ship.

   Whoo, whoo, whoo!

  Wait for Bai Yu and Bellumebo to come to the sky above the pirate ship.

   One after another, the signal flares suddenly lifted into the sky.

  The gorgeous fireworks exploded completely in the dark environment in an instant.

   Whoops, whoops, whoops!

   With the explosion of the signal bomb.

   On one of the pirate ships, flames suddenly ignited.

   Bang bang bang bang bang.

  The location where the flame was ignited happened to be the place where the pirate ship stored the shells.

  In an instant, a huge explosion broke the tranquility of the night.

  Pirate ships exploded and burned one after another.