Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 437: Arrived in Advance City! Strengthen the line of defense

"I just have one request."

   "The process and the result, don\'t delve into it with me."

   "I just want to keep the city of advancement."

   Bai Yu continued.

  Hearing Bai Yu\'s request, Akainu on the phone bug\'s side obviously paused for a while.

  Finally, I agreed.

"no problem."

   "Everything is up to you."

   "I don\'t ask any questions."

   "Extreme times, extraordinary policies, advance the city, and leave it to you."

   After finishing speaking, the two parties hung up the phone.

   "I\'m going to inform Lieutenant General Smoker."

   Seeing this, Tashiki, who had been listening to the conversation between Shiraha and Akainu, said immediately.

   After finishing speaking, he quickly exited the room.

   Having been together for such a long time, many times, Bai Yu didn\'t need to ask.

  With just one look, Da Siqi already knew what to do.


   Under Da Siqi\'s message.

  Aokiji, Smoker, Kebi, Bellumebo, Maya et al.

   came to Bai Yu\'s office one after another.

   Sit one after another.

  After everyone arrived, Bai Yu also told everyone about the city and his plan not to bring too many G5 naval soldiers there.

  After listening to Bai Yu\'s words, everyone started a heated discussion.

   "General Bai Yu, you are considering that G5 will participate in the Mariejoya War in the future, we can all understand."

   "However, according to the current appeal of Rocks in the world."

   "I\'m afraid there will be a lot of pirates attacking the city!"

   Smoker spoke first.


   "The headquarters has no manpower to dispatch, not even a general."

   "If there are too few people with you, will the advance city be in danger of being captured?"

   Hearing the words, Keby and Beru Meber echoed one after another.

  Bai Yu didn\'t want to take too many G5 naval soldiers there, they all understood.

  But the current situation does not allow this.

   Otherwise, Jinjin City will be surrounded by a large number of people, can Bai Yu take care of one side, and can he take care of all directions?

   "The naval soldiers of G5 have just experienced a major battle, if they have to participate in two wars successively."

   "It\'s easy to go wrong."

  Seeing that everyone agrees that it is impossible for the navy soldier without the G5, Bai Yu immediately raises his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet.

   then explained.

   "I mean no G5 Marines."

   "Didn\'t you say that you won\'t invite other \'foreign aid\'?"

   Bai Yu said with a smile.

  Hearing Bai Yu\'s explanation, everyone was taken aback for a moment.

   Then they all thought of something, and their eyes lit up.

  The next combat meeting became smoother in an instant.

   No one is planning for Bai Yu any more, so there are different opinions.

  This meeting lasted until noon.

   In the afternoon, I had a simple lunch.

  Bai Yu summoned the planned manpower to the port of G5.

   boarded the warship one after another.

   There are a total of ten warships and 30,000 naval soldiers.

   Among them, all the cadres were dispatched except Smoker who stayed behind and G5 stayed behind.

   Of course, the moon wolf of the orc army is also indispensable.

   As for the super battleship, it was used in the crusade against Kaido before.

  Now there is still a need for energy storage and hull maintenance.

  This time the defense advances to the city, but it cannot be brought.

"Set off!"

   "Go to Advance City!"

   After making all the preparations, Bai Yu gave an order.

  Ten warships left the G5 port in mighty force, heading towards the city of advance.

   It is not unreasonable for Akainu to say that G5 is closer to the city of advancement.

  After the warship that Bai Yu and others boarded left the G5 port.

   directly entered the windless zone.

  The powerful propulsion devices of the warships were turned on one after another, without any obstruction at all, and they almost moved forward all the way straight.

   Just before dusk, the warships of Bai Yu and others had already arrived at the waters around Jinjin City.

   Advancing City, which has experienced two pirate escapes, has now strengthened the defense around the outer wall.

  Sturdy mixed metals are used throughout the exterior walls.

   Even in the face of repeated shelling by pirate ships, he can persist.

  Bai Yu and his party immediately came to the entrance of the front entrance.

  Through the phone bug hanging in it, they contacted Magellan and others in the advancing city.

   Immediately afterwards, the gate opened, and ten warships entered the port.

   Finally stopped at the entrance and exit of the promotion city.

  Because the area of ​​the first floor of the city\'s sea surface is actually not too large.

  Bai Yu didn\'t let all the navy soldiers who followed get off the warship.

  Leaving the warship with only Aokiji and other high-level officials, they headed towards the advancing city.

  Not long after they walked out, a group of people came from the advancing city.

   Headed by Magellan and Hannibal.

  At this time, Magellan had already been demoted by the Navy headquarters because of two losses.

  Hannibal got his wish and was promoted to warden.

   "General Bai Yu, long time no see!"

  As soon as Hannibal saw Bai Yu, he was very happy and took the initiative to say hello.

   Behind him, Magellan also nodded at Bai Yu.

   "I have already heard from the headquarters about the change of pirates."

   "I will trouble General Bai Yu this time!"

   "With Admiral Bai Yu here, the advancement of the city is as solid as gold!"


  Hannibal flattered.

  Listening to Hannibal talking endlessly to himself.

  Bai Yu raised her eyebrows pretending to be impatient.

   Hannibal stopped suddenly.

   looked behind Bai Yu.

   "Admiral Bai Yu, I wonder how many navy brothers you brought here this time?"

   Seeing that there were only Aokiji behind Bai Yu, Hannibal immediately asked.

   "Thirty thousand."

   Bai Yu said.

  Hearing Bai Yu\'s answer, Hannibal\'s expression turned ugly.

   "Thirty to thirty thousand?!"

   "General Bai Yu, there are too few people, isn\'t it?"

  Hannibal scratched his head in embarrassment.

   Even Magellan frowned slightly.

  Although they have been guarding the city of advance, Hannibal and Magellan are very familiar with the outside world.

  The headquarters will send a copy of the latest information about pirates to Hannibal and the others.

  Hannibal and Magellan naturally also knew about the "resurrection" of the Lockes Pirates.

  And, the ones who want to attack the city this time are the Rocks Pirates.

  According to Hannibal\'s initial imagination, the navy should not send hundreds of thousands of elites to protect the city of advance.

  The result is.

  Only 30,000 people came.

  Of course, it was far from what Hannibal expected.

   "Don\'t worry, this is only on the surface."

   "Since I\'m here, I must ensure that there will be no problems in advancing the city."

  Bai Yu promised with a smile.


  Hearing the words, Hannibal suddenly regained his spirits.

   Secretly guessing what Bai Yu\'s backhand plan is.

  But Bai Yu didn\'t want to say it now, and Hannibal couldn\'t continue to ask.

  Afterwards, Hannibal hurriedly entertained Bai Yu and several people into the advancing city, and unfolded the current defense of the advancing city for Bai Yu to see.

  The two sides also discussed this.

   Better consolidated the defense line of the city.