Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 416: Destroy the Beast Pirates! great shadow falls

"Kaido was beheaded by General Bai Yu!"

   "Brothers, wipe out the Hundred Beasts Pirates!"

  Compared to the low morale of the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

  G5\'s naval soldiers heard the news from Bai Yu\'s mouth.

   One by one, they attacked the pirates with all their might.

  The Beasts Pirates, who were already at a disadvantage, were defeated in an instant.

  The pirates in the blockbuster movies are still dazzled by the news of Kaido\'s death.

   was killed on the spot by the naval soldiers who rushed up.


   "Master Kaido. How could he die?!"

   On the other side, Jhin, one of the three disasters, also looked at Bai Yu in disbelief.

  Jin, with his sharp eyesight, quickly discovered Kaido\'s shattered weapon, the Bajiezhai mace.

as well as

  Not far in front of Bai Yu, there was a puddle of blood and broken flesh.

   It belongs to Kaido!

  Despair climbed into Jin\'s heart.

   "When you are fighting me, you still dare to distract yourself."

"Ice Age!"

  At this moment, the voice of Aokiji came into Jin\'s ears.

  Jin immediately murmured badly.

   But if you want to react again, it is obviously too late.

   Ka Ka Ka!

   In the blink of an eye, Jhin was frozen into an ice sculpture by Aokiji\'s ability to freeze fruit.

  Even Jhin made a mistake and was frozen, and the surrounding Beasts Pirates were defeated even faster.

  The next large-scale battle between the two sides was completely one-sided.

  As far as the eye can see, the G5 navy soldiers are chasing and killing the pirates of the Beasts Pirates.

   Looking at the situation on the scene, Bai Yu knew that it was only a matter of time before a complete victory.

   Immediately sat down cross-legged on the spot, and quickly recovered the consumed strength with four times the recovery power.

   "Bai Yu, let me help you."

  At this time, Maya came to Bai Yu\'s side and said.

  嗡, 嗡, 嗡.

   Then, use the priestess energy, release the healing effect, and repair Bai Yu\'s body.

  Bai Yu still has more or less injuries.

   But it\'s not serious.

  Under the effect of Maya\'s healing witch energy, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Wait until the battle on the large-scale battlefield between the two sides is completely over.

  It was early morning.

   In the air, there was a strong smell of gunpowder smoke and blood.

  Ghost islands are everywhere, and countless corpses can be seen falling down.

   There are both pirates and navy.

  Of course, more are from pirates.

  At the end of World War I, G5 lost 50,000 of its 250,000 naval soldiers, and more than 100,000 wounded.

   Compared with the Beast Pirates, it is undoubtedly much better.

   Hundreds of thousands of elite Beast Pirates were wiped out.

   Among them is the top cadre Jin.

   and Kaido, the leader.

  Blood stained the entire ghost island red.

  The whole army was repaired on the spot.

  Because it is Ghost Island, there is no problem of dealing with the battlefield.

  The only thing G5 sailors need to distinguish is the 50,000 sailors who died.

   For these naval soldiers, Bai Yu will also give the highest compensation afterwards.

   After all, it is a war with the Four Emperors, and casualties are inevitable.

   Until early next morning.

  Bai Yu ordered a group of naval soldiers to return to the shore where the warships were located along the same route.

   Waited until all the staff came to the shore where the warship group was docked.

  Before all the crew boarded the warship, Bai Yu suddenly noticed something was wrong.

   It was early morning.

   Under the feet of everyone, a huge shadow was shrouded.


   Seeing this, Bai Yu immediately ordered the whole army to stop.

  Looked up at the lofty sky.

   Seeing Bai Yu\'s actions, everyone looked up in doubt.

   The next second.

   Everyone\'s complexion changed drastically.

  Because everyone saw it.

   Above the head of the army, there is a huge island floating impressively!

  The treatment area is so large that the shadow it casts almost covers the entire Ghost Island!

   "That\'s .island?!"

   "How does the island float in the air?!"

  The navy soldiers were shocked one by one.

   "It\'s a bark of terror!"

   "It\'s the ability of the Golden Lion!"

   "Quick! The whole army boards the warship and evacuates immediately!"

  Bai Yu realized it all at once, and quickly gave orders to many naval soldiers.

   Huh boom!

  However, Bai Yu\'s order had just been issued.

   At the bottom of the super-huge terrifying three-masted sailing ship, it accelerated and fell down with weightlessness!

  This kind of super-large-area offensive like a natural disaster instantly made the scalp of the G5 naval soldiers tingle.

   Two hundred thousand naval soldiers boarded the warship quickly and orderly.

   "No, it\'s too late!"

   "Got to stop it!"

   Seeing this, Bai Yu, who had analyzed the speed of the warship, said immediately.

   The rate at which the dreaded barques are falling will only get faster.

  With the progress of the naval soldiers still boarding the ship, it is impossible to escape the scope of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship before it falls.

  The only solution now is to prevent the destruction of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

   "General White Feather."

   "That\'s an island!"

  Belumebo said with a surprised face.

  The terrifying three-masted sailing ship is comparable to an island.

   Also known as the largest pirate ship.

   Hearing that Baiyu was going to destroy the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, Bellumebo and others couldn\'t be surprised.

   "Don\'t overthink it."

   "Just attack me with all your strength!"

   "The navy brothers of G5 cannot be killed or injured again!"

   Bai Yu said seriously.


   Hearing this, Bellumebo gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

  All the high-level cadres of G5 stood up at this moment.

  Bai Yu immediately gave instructions one by one.

   Arranged the tasks of everyone.

   "Do it!"

  After everything was discussed, Bai Yu immediately ordered.

   Whoo, whoo, whoo!

   The voice just fell.

   Several people headed by Aokiji rushed out first.

  Aokiji was the fastest, and in a blink of an eye came to the bottom of the fallen terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

"Ice Age!"

  The icy cold air was released without reservation.

   Ka Ka Ka!

  In an instant, the bottom of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship that had been submerged in the cold quickly condensed into a thin block of ice.

  That is the intentional control of the green pheasant, making it easier for the ice layer to be crushed together with the bottom.


   "Armed color domineering!"

   "White smoke!"

   "Miko energy!"


   Immediately afterwards, Beru Mebo, who transformed into a pterosaur, and Kebi, Maya and others joined forces to attack with all their strength.

   Bang bang bang bang bang.

   A series of powerful moves hit the bottom of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

   The ice layer was shattered in an instant, and the sand at the bottom was smashed and fell down one after another.

   under a joint attack.

   The bottom of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship was blasted with a huge pit.

   can be deep, obviously not enough to penetrate.

   "Next, it\'s up to you, Vivi."

   Seeing this, Bai Yu looked at Wei Wei who was already ready to go.



  Hearing this, Weiwei nodded with a serious face.

   Then, Weiwei came to the side of the super battleship and put her hands on the hull of the battleship.


  The power of the combined fruit was used without reservation.