Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 405: Eight lives! Yamata no Orochi form


  Bai Yu\'s double swords slashed at the neck of the black charcoal snake without hindrance.

   There was a poof.

  The double-knife blade easily cut through the neck of the black charcoal snake.

  A fountain of blood spurted out immediately.

  The head of the Black Charcoal Serpent then fell to the ground.



   A dead silence.

   See this scene.

  The subordinates of both sides stopped at once.

  Especially Heitan Orochi\'s men.

   All eyes widened.

   A look of disbelief.

   their boss

   Was he killed so simply? !


   "General Bai Yu!"

   "General Bai Yu!"

   "Navy! Navy! Navy!"

   On the other hand, the navy side, after recovering.

   Shouted Bai Yu\'s name one after another.

   Then, morale soared.

   Fighting with the pirates again.

   Only he beheaded the white feather of the black charcoal snake with his own hands, frowning slightly.

   It\'s not as easy as the men.

  Although Heitan Orochi is not at the level of the Four Emperors.

   But it is not possible to be beheaded to death so easily.

  Besides, the moment Bai Yu slashed with the sword just now, he faintly felt something was wrong.

  Bai Yu looked suspiciously at Heitan Serpent\'s headless body that was still standing there.


at this time.

  The sound of a snake swallowing a letter came from the body of the black charcoal snake.


   Immediately after.

  A small turquoise snake sprang out from the neck wound on the body of the black charcoal snake.

   With a whoosh, he rushed towards Bai Yu.


   Seeing this, Bai Yu quickly raised the knife and cut it.

   Instantly cut the little green snake in half.

   Ka Ka Ka!

at the same time.

  The body of the black charcoal serpent was constantly expanding at this moment.

  Looking at it like that, it looks like it\'s about to blow itself up.

  The sudden change in Heitan Orochi\'s body caused Bai Yu\'s eyes to narrow into a line.

  The stature retreated quickly immediately.


   It was almost at the moment when Bai Yu had just stepped back.

  The rapidly expanding body of the Black Charcoal Serpent reached its peak.

   With a bang, it exploded completely.


   It is not a destructive force that produces an explosion.

   Instead, a giant monster grew out of an explosion.

   A monster with eight dragon-like snake-headed heads!

  The body is covered with scales, showing a dark green color.

   Hiss hiss!

  After the eight-headed monster appeared, the eight snake heads stared viciously at the retreating white feather, and kept spitting out highly poisonous snake letters.

   "Is this the Yata no Orochi form of Kurotan Orochi?"

   After seeing the appearance of the eight-headed monster clearly, Bai Yu whispered to himself.

   The monster is the form of Yamata no Orochi transformed from the ability of Heitan Orochi fruit!

  Every snakehead has self-awareness.

   The one in the middle, the darkest in color.

   is also the main consciousness of Heitan Orochi.

   "It forced me into this form."

   "You can\'t escape!"

   From the snake head in the middle, came the angry voice of Heitan Serpent.

   Obviously, Bai Yu\'s cut just now.

   did not let Heitan Orochi die.

   "It\'s the general!"

   "The general is not dead!"

  The moment Kurotan Orochi transforms into Yamata Orochi.

   was also noticed by the surrounding pirates.

  The morale of the pirates who fell to the bottom suddenly recovered.

   One by one, they mustered all their strength and attacked the navy.

   His eyes returned to Bai Yu and Heitan Orochi.

   "The fruits of phantom beasts are indeed those with special abilities."

   Looking at Yamata no Orochi in front of him, Bai Yu said.

   Yamata no Orochi is a legendary monster.

  The devil fruit named after him can be seen to be extraordinary.

   "Your special ability should not be immortal."

   "It\'s eight heads, maybe it has eight lives."

   After thinking for a while, Bai Yu continued.

   Careful Bai Yu observed.

  The Yamata snake in front of me has one of the snake heads, which seems to be inflexible.

It\'s just like.

  Forcibly controlled dead things.

   Not as full of life as the other snake heads.

   This made Bai Yu guess immediately.

  The special ability of Yamata no Orochi should be to have "eight lives".

  Hearing this, the eyes of the snake head in the middle of Yamata no Orochi changed slightly.

   Seeing the change in the eyes of the main snakehead, Bai Yu became more sure.

   "In that case."

   "Then cut off all eight of your heads."

   Bai Yu smiled confidently.

  Eight heads, eight lives.

   Then cut them together!

   "Dragon Power!"

   Ka Ka Ka!

next moment.

  Bai Yu\'s thoughts moved.

  Use the power of the dragon.

  In an instant, the muscles of the arms holding the knife squirmed crazily.

  Pieces of dragon scales grew rapidly.

   After a while.

  Dragon scales are all over the two arms of the white feather.

  A strong sense of power welled up in my heart.

   "Get together!"

   This is not over yet.

   Knowing that after transforming into Yamata no Orochi, coupled with the entanglement of the armed color, the defense power will become very amazing.

  Bai Yu didn\'t mean to procrastinate.

   Immediately used the gathering power of the multi-style combo.

  Tom, tom, tom!

  In an instant, Bai Yu\'s arm muscles covered by dragon scales.

   The veins popped up one by one.

  The arm that had already swelled a lot, swelled a lot again.

  The excess scattered power from the whole body immediately concentrated to the arms.

   "Die to me!"

  It seems that he also feels the pressure of the soaring strength of Bai Yu\'s arms.

  Heitan snake immediately roared angrily.

  Controls eight snake heads, and the snake mouth is wide open, from different angles.

   Biting towards Bai Yu\'s body.

   "Ben Lei."


at this time.

  Bai Yu has also completed the cohesion of strength.

   Ben Lei immediately used it.

  Both feet burst into lightning instantly.

   same moment.

  The eight snake heads of Yamata no Orochi have arrived.


  The next second.

  White Feather\'s position.

  Under the impact of the eight heads of Yamata no Orochi, layers of thick smoke exploded.

  The ground was hit and shattered into dense cracks like spider webs.

  After the attack.

   Yamata no Orochi retracted its eight heads.

  The snake\'s eyes stared in front of him.

   The smoke and dust gradually dissipated.

   At the same spot, he was knocked out of a huge pit.

   Can be inside the pit at this time.


   There is no sign of Bai Yu.


   "Join Twelve Companies!"


  Beside one of the snake heads on the right side of Yamata no Orochi.

   A piercing thunder suddenly sounded.


   It was the figure of Shiraha who disappeared.

as well as.

  Bai Yu let out a soft drink.

   Shouting softly, the double knives in Bai Yu\'s hands also slashed at the big snake\'s head in front of him.

   One company, two companies!


   An extremely sharp slash.

   Terrifying explosive power.

   Two swords and one cut.

   He cut through the flesh and blood under the snake\'s head.

  The double knives completely penetrate the snake\'s neck.

   directly chopped off the huge snake head to the ground.


  Finally, the snake\'s head hit the ground uncontrollably.


  One of the snake heads suffered a fatal blow, and the pitiful scream of the black charcoal snake came out immediately.

   But before Heitan Dashe could catch his breath, Bai Yu moved again.