Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 387: Shichibukai! white beard ii

"Bai Yu, you already said that we are friends."

   "If you need anything, just say it."

  "As long as I can do it, I will never shirk it."

  Hearing Bai Yu\'s words, Neptune patted his chest to assure him.

   "Take everyone from Murloc Island and move to the sea."

  Bai Yu said immediately.

  Hearing this, the expressions of all the people present changed drastically.

   Move to the sea to live.

   Undoubtedly, it is to let the murlocs of the murloc island, the murlocs, begin to contact the human beings from the outside world.

   This point, even for Neptune, is difficult to decide.

   Murlocs hate humans, this is a problem left over from a long time ago.

  It is too difficult to really change.


   "I\'m afraid it\'s not realistic."

   Neptune explained.

   "I know what His Majesty Neptune is worried about."

   "If you don\'t take this step, how will you know if it\'s feasible?"

   "Murlocs and mermaids shouldn\'t just live under the sunless seabed."

   "This world should also have a place for you."

   Bai Yu continued.

  Hearing this, Neptune looked at his son and daughter.

   and the guard soldiers around them.

  No one took the initiative to meet his gaze.

   seem to be escaping.

   "Of course, I know it will be difficult for you to decide on this matter all at once."

   "I\'m just giving you a suggestion."

   "If you figure it out, come to me anytime."

   "I can arrange a suitable place for you to live in."

   Bai Yu said.

   "Also, you also know the identity of Princess Baixing."

   "This kind of \'kidnapping\' like this time will only increase in the future."

   "I made this suggestion to you because I can better protect Shirahoshi."

  As the Pirate World became more and more turbulent.

  Countless pirates want more power to dominate the world.

   And one of the three ancient weapons, Neptune\'s White Star.

   Undoubtedly the power that all pirates desire.

  Bai Yu just had a vaccination with Neptune in advance this time.

   It\'s really necessary.

  Bai Yu will even destroy the Murloc Island, and let all the Murlocs move to live on the sea.

   It\'s a bit of a \'destroyed boat\'.

   Subsequently, Bai Yu did not discuss this topic with Neptune.

   It gave Neptune enough room to consider.

  Because of Shira Xing\'s \'kidnapping\' just happened, Bai Yu decided to temporarily live in Murloc Island for a few days.

   But it was realistic, but it broke Bai Yu\'s plan.

  Noon the next day.

  Shiraha received a call from Akainu at the Navy Headquarters.

   "Bai Yu, there is a mission that requires you to come forward."

  As soon as the phone bug was connected, Akainu said to Bai Yu.

   "Tell me, I know that there is nothing good to come to me."

   Bai Yu said half-jokingly.

   "Do you remember the Qiwuhai hunting order we once issued?"

   Hearing Bai Yu\'s joke, Akainu didn\'t care, and asked.

   "Of course I remember, why did you mention this all of a sudden?"

   Bai Yu wondered.

   The abolition of the Qiwuhai system was attributed to Bai Yu.

  After that, Bai Yu single-handedly took charge of the pursuit of Qi Wuhai.

   Except for Hancock, basically the rest of the Qiwuhai were either beheaded or taken into the city prison.

  White Feather didn\'t understand why Akainu would mention Qiwuhai at this time.

   "The headquarters received a call for help, Edward Weible from the former Shichibukai."

   "Multiple islands have been destroyed."

   "The number of ordinary people killed or injured exceeds a thousand."

   "You have always been responsible for the pursuit of Qi Wuhai. I hope you will still solve it this time."

   Akainu explained.

   "Edward Weible?"

   "The Whitebeard II who claims to be Whitebeard\'s son?"

  Hearing this familiar name from Akakenu, Bai Yu was a little surprised.

  I thought to myself: How could I forget about this guy!

  In the original Qibuhai, there is Edward Weibull.

  Edward Weibull claims to be the son of Whitebeard, possessing very strong strength.

  After the war on the top, Edward Weibull started hunting down the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

   To put it bluntly, he is the orthodox heir of Whitebeard, and he wants all the captains to hand over all of Whitebeard\'s \'inheritance\'.

  During this period, Weibull has successively attacked sixteen captains under Whitebeard\'s command.

   Without exception, all were wiped out.

   It\'s not that Bai Yu didn\'t hear Weibull\'s news at all.

   I was just busy preparing for the battle with the Four Emperors, and forgot about it for a while.

  When Akainu brought it up again, Bai Yu immediately recalled it.


   "It seems that you also know him."

   "Originally, we didn\'t mind seeing pirates consuming each other."

   "But the recent disturbances in Weibull are too big."

   "There are too many ordinary people killed and injured, and he must be stopped in time."

   Red Dog said.

  How could the Navy Headquarters not know about Weibull\'s evil deeds.

   But after all, it is the "ghost fighting ghost" in Pirates.

  The headquarters turned a blind eye and closed one eye, allowing them to consume each other.

Until recently.

  Weibull became more presumptuous.

   Not only killed the captain under Whitebeard.

  Even the island where it stayed was brutally murdered.

   Countless ordinary people died tragically at the hands of Weibull.

   This move immediately attracted the attention of the headquarters.

   As the marshal, Akainu immediately contacted Shiraha, who had been in charge of Shichibukai\'s pursuit.

   "Is there any specific information?"

   Bai Yu immediately asked.


   "The intelligence agents sent by the headquarters have followed him."

   "It seems to be preparing for the next destination."

   Akainu said again.

   After Akaken finished speaking, Bai Yu fell silent.

  The brain started to think quickly.

   The crusade to hunt down Weibull should not actually require too many troops.

  With the current conditions, it can indeed be done.

   Bai Yu\'s only worry is.

  The Rocks Pirates who are about to move, and Kaido who suddenly calmed down.

  Besides, Bai Yu just knew the base of the Rocks Pirates, so he had the idea of ​​going to find out.

【Ding! Trigger the bounty task - crusade and capture Edward Weibull]

  【Task reminder: This task is a reward task, the host can decide whether to accept it or not】

  【After the task is completed, you will get difficulty rewards】

  While Bai Yu was thinking, the system\'s task trigger notification sound suddenly came from his mind.

   Rare reward missions.

  You can choose to accept or cancel.

   "You asked someone to send the information to G5."

   "I\'ll get back to you."

   After thinking about it, Shiraha said to Akainu.

   Before confirming whether to go or not, Bai Yu has to go back to G5 first.

  G5 is currently undergoing urgent training for all members to enhance their strength.

  If it will affect G5, Bai Yu will resolutely give up this task and hand it over to someone else.

   After all, the battle with the Four Emperors and the Rocks Pirates is the real highlight.

   "Okay, I will have someone send the information over."

   "You answer me as soon as possible."

   Hearing this, Akainu replied.

   Immediately hung up the phone.