Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 348: Onlookers! peak duel

Chi Chi Chi Chi.

  The magma waves were slashed back and broken by the cross-cutting of the white feather double knives.

  The hot magma immediately splashed on the surrounding ground.

   There was a chi chi chi sound, and even the ground was melted and penetrated.

   "As expected of the Admiral of the Navy, the response is very fast."

  Bai Yu withdrew her swords, looked at the retreating Akainu, and said with a smile.

  The unexpected fast attack and slash just now used the power of the thunderbolt and the quadruple critical strike.

  If you want to change to someone else, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape this cut.

  But Chiquan reacted in time.


   "What\'s the matter with your sudden soaring power?"

   Akaken was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the knife in Bai Yu\'s hand, and asked in surprise.

   Akainu, who has a keen sense, also noticed it.

  At the moment of the slash just now, Bai Yu\'s slashing power soared to a terrifying level.

   After the slash, the fluctuation disappeared.

   This made Akainu very puzzled.

   "I said Marshal, are you going too far?"

   "Whoever asks the opponent\'s details, the opponent will tell him."

   Bai Yu said jokingly.


  Hearing this, a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Akainu\'s face.

  Thinking about it, that\'s really the case.

   When the strong fight against each other, how can they show their hole cards to others on their own initiative?

   "Also, if you only use this kind of move, don\'t you look down on me too much?"

   Bai Yu continued.

  Hearing Bai Yu\'s words again, Akakenu\'s expression turned ugly.

"the same as you!"

   "I can feel that your strength is more than that."

   "You and I don\'t want to try again."

   "I will do my best next."

   Akainu opened his mouth and said.

   Akaken could clearly feel that Bai Yu didn\'t use his full strength.

   It is really unnecessary to continue the temptation just now.

   gurgling gurgling

   After the voice fell, Akainu began to fully activate the ability of the magma fruit.

   Magma exuding extreme temperature flows out of Akainu\'s body continuously.

   Even the temperature of the surrounding space rose sharply.

   "Since you said that."

   Seeing Akakenu getting serious without reservation, Bai Yu said.

   After finishing speaking, Bai Yu raised the Sakura Futo Yuhun in his left hand.


  First, the Qinglong sword will continue to flow into the blade.

  The sword-like flames of fuchsia red and faint purple suddenly burst into flames.

   Om, Om, Om!

   Immediately afterwards, there is domineering color of knowledge, domineering color of armed, and domineering color of domineering.

  Three-color domineering winding blends in.

  The light shining on the knife became more and more obvious.

   "Can\'t let him go on."

   Sensing the terrifying fluctuations emanating from Sakura Fudo Soul Knife, Akainu secretly said.


  The next moment, Akainu decided to strike first.

  The feet turned into magma, and the jet of magma was used as the propulsion force of the explosion.

  Hanging in the air, he accelerated and flew towards Bai Yu.

  Status is still in mid-air, and his right hand has clenched into a fist again.

  As long as you stay close to a certain distance, Akainu will attack again with a magma fist.

   Tap Tap.

   Just when the situation on the field is about to usher in a fierce battle.

  The movement erupting from the training ground also attracted the attention of a large number of elite naval personnel.

  Many naval soldiers came to the edge of the training field and looked at Shiraba and Akainu on the field.

   "My God!"

   "Isn\'t that Marshal Akainu?"

   "He actually got into a fight with someone!"

   "His opponent is"

   "General Bai Yu! It\'s General Bai Yu!"

   "My God, you two can be regarded as the representatives of the highest combat power of our navy!"

   "This scene is rare!"


   After identifying the two people who were fighting, the navy soldiers immediately started talking.

  Everyone watched the changes in the scene attentively.

   I am afraid of missing even a second of the peak duel.

   Whoo, whoo, whoo!

  At this moment, three more figures flashed to the front of the crowd.

   It was the other three admirals.

   Yellow monkey, Fujitora, green cow.

  The three of them shook their heads helplessly as they looked at the two men fighting on the field.

   "Stop them?"

   Huang Yuan asked.

   "Don\'t you want to see, Marshal Akainu and Shiroba, who is stronger?"

  The green bull on the side raised the corner of his mouth and asked back.


  Hearing this, Huang Yuan suddenly fell silent.

   Obviously, Kizuru is also very curious about what will happen when Bai Yu meets Akainu.

   None of the three generals chose to make a move.

   But soon, their hopes were completely shattered.

   Return to the field.

  Sakura Fudu Yusun tightly held in Bai Yu\'s hand, the power condensed on the sword has reached a sufficient level.

   Seeing the red dog rushing towards him, Bai Yu smiled playfully.

   A soft shout came out suddenly.

   "Sakura Fudo Royal Soul, Awaken!"

   "Field, open!"


  Falling down with Bai Yu\'s voice.

  The energy radiance condensed on Budu Soul Knife.

   suddenly turned into a circle of fluctuations.

   Spread out at an extremely fast speed.

   In the blink of an eye, he almost crossed the entire training ground.

   This is not over yet.

  The diffused halo then turned into a seemingly soft barrier and soared into the sky.

   Finally formed a hemisphere, completely closed up.

  In an instant, the scene in it was completely isolated from the outside world.

"this is.?!"

  Seeing this scene, everyone present all exclaimed.

  This is the first time they have seen such a strange move.

   "It seems to be a barrier formed by some kind of energy."

   "I can feel the arrogance attached to it. Very strong!"

   "I\'m afraid it will be difficult to break directly."

   Seeing this, the green bull stepped forward and put his hand on the surface of the barrier.

   After a while, he spoke.

  Green Bull discovered that this barrier contains extremely powerful arrogance.

  But just touching, there is no response.

   Domineering will only work when it is attacked violently.

   The specific effect is unknown to Green Bull.

   "It seems that Bai Yu is unwilling to let us see their battle."

  After careful induction, the green cow felt that it was not easy to break the barrier displayed by Bai Yu.

   Simply turned around and left.

   "If there is a result, the ward will let me know."

   After leaving a word, the green bull walked away completely.

  It is different from the messy outside world.

  In the field, it will appear much quieter.

  Especially after Bai Yu awakened Sakura · Budu Yuhun and opened the domain.

  The vigilant Akainu stopped immediately.

   He even stepped back a little.

   He stared wide-eyed at the changes around him.

  Everything around has turned into a sea of ​​cherry blossoms in full bloom.

  The scenery is extremely charming.

  But Chiquan didn\'t have the heart to appreciate the scenery at all.

  Because Akainu clearly felt it.

  His strength, his devil fruit ability, have all been affected to a certain extent.

   were forced to weaken!

  Even though he hadn\'t gotten close to Bai Yu, this strange thing happened.

   "It\'s this space!"

   Akainu woke up immediately.

   Obviously, it was this space that caused his strength to be weakened!