Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 345: Brush rewards again! Arrive at G1 Navy Headquarters

After discussing the details of the encirclement and suppression of the Revolutionary Army stronghold with Akainu, Bai Yu hung up the phone.

   Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu called Smoker, Maya, Kebi and others.

   Tell the story to several people.

   And explained that this time he was planning to go alone.

the other side.

  World Government, Pangu City, within the Flower Room.

  The five old stars gathered here.

  At this time, the five old stars pulled their heads together, knelt on their knees, and didn\'t even dare to breathe.

   Standing in front of the five people is the head of the world government.


  The two sides were silent, and the atmosphere froze to freezing point.

   After a long time.

   It was Im who spoke first.

   "Didn\'t you say that the transaction list is in Bai Yu\'s hands?"

   "Where did the list in the hands of the revolutionary army come from?"

  Im questioned the five people in a strict voice.


  Hearing the displeasure in Im\'s tone, the five old stars trembled.

   "I didn\'t expect that either."

   "Bai Yu is playing tricks on us."

  The blond old man explained while sweating like raindrops.

   "What a bunch of useless things."

   Im said coldly.

   "How is the arrangement for the encirclement and suppression of the revolutionary army?"

  Im asked again.

   "Go back to Lord Im."

   "Akainu has already issued the task, but"

   Speaking of which, the blond old man hesitated to speak.


   Seeing this, Im\'s eyes flashed a cold light.

   "It\'s just that the commander of this operation is Bai Yu!"

   "Akainu handed over the mission to Shiraha!"

  The blond-haired old man hurried on.


  Hearing the blond old man\'s words, Im instantly crushed the flower pot in his hand.

   Dirt splashed all over the ground.

   Wu Laoxing\'s heart suddenly rose to his throat.

   After a while.

  Im spoke again.

   "It\'s rare to find a stronghold of the Revolutionary Army this time."

   "If something goes wrong again, you should know what will happen."

   After saying that, Im went deeper into it.

   Until now, Wu Laoxing dared to raise his head.

  The clothes on the back are already soaked.

  The five of them looked at each other and smiled wryly.

  Looking back to Bai Yu.

   After explaining to his subordinates, Bai Yu boarded the warship non-stop and rushed to the navy headquarters.

  As the commander-in-chief of this operation, Bai Yu still has to go to the headquarters.

  After arriving at the headquarters, lead the army and set off together.

  G5 branch is located in the first half of the Great Route.

  The Navy Headquarters has been moved to G1.

   A new world located in the second half of the Great Route.

  Bai Yu still has to cross the Red Earth Continent again to go to the new world.

   On the road.

  Bai Yu stood alone on the deck, and had a rare time to count with his sword.


  Bai Yu held the Tiandi Wushuang Dao in both hands, and swung the Tiandi Wushuang Dao one after another according to the standard saber swinging posture.

  Before fighting the revolutionary army, Bai Yu wanted to improve his proficiency in moves.

   After all, it is the base of the Revolutionary Army, maybe you can meet the dragon whom you met once before!

  The strength of the dragon is still a mystery so far.

   But one thing is certain, it must be very powerful.

   And its devil fruit has definitely reached the level of awakening.

   Even after awakening for a long time, the fruit ability has been developed to the extreme.

   Time flies.

   Half a day passed.

  Relying on the powerful propulsion device of the new warship, and the Murloc Island is now a good place for Bai Yu to make friends with.

  The warship that Bai Yu was on board had a smooth journey and entered the new world without hindrance.

  At this time, they are rushing to the headquarters of the G1 Navy.

   Look at the white feather on the deck again.

   Still repeating the same movement of swinging the knife tirelessly, chanting the number of swinging the knife in his mouth.



   After half a day, the number of sword swings has reached 5000.

  The system\'s reward notification sound followed.

【Ding! The host successfully swings the knife 1,000 times, and gets rewards: Gathering Ninety-six Company proficiency +5%, Ye Soul Invasion proficiency +5%]

  【Eight times critical strike proficiency +5%, double recovery proficiency +5%】

  The reward for swinging the knife is settled every 1000 times.

   This is already the fifth time Bai Yu has received a reward for swinging a knife today.

  After accepting the reward.

  Bai Yu temporarily stopped swinging the knife.

   "System Panel."

   Immediately afterwards, with a thought, he called out the system panel.

  【The Strongest Swordsman System】

  【Host: Bai Yu】

  【Swordsmanship: Advanced Swordsmanship, Two Swords Style】

[Movements: Six Styles, Azure Dragon Sword Intent, Gathering Ninety-six Companies (55%), Dragon Force, Thunderbolt, Azure Dragon Extreme Ten Thousand Blade Scroll, Eclipse Double Shadow, God Glazed Fire, Flame Explosion Airflow Slash, Night · Royal Soul Invasion (35%), Sakura · Thousand Falling Feather Slash]

  【Weapons: You · Tiandi Wushuang Dao (Supreme Great Sword), Sakura·Fudu Yuhun (Supreme Great Sword)】

  【Physique: SSS level】

  【Domineering: armed domineering (90%), knowledge-colored domineering (90%), domineering-color domineering (90%)】

  【Passive: Eight times critical strike (30%), double recovery (35%)】

  【Special Skills: Awakening (You·Heaven and Earth Wushuang Dao), Awakening (Sakura·Fudu Yuhun)】

  【Items: Pluto Design Drawing, Rage Skill Book】

  After receiving five sword swing rewards in a row.

   The proficiency of moves has been greatly improved.

  Among them, Flame Burst Airflow Slash was directly raised to full proficiency.

  The only regret is.

  Three-color domineering, still stuck at 90% proficiency, the 1% breakthrough has never been seen.

   "It seems that there are more tasks to be completed."

   Glancing at the system panel, Bai Yu muttered to himself.

   Compared with the rewards for swinging a knife, the rewards for system tasks will undoubtedly be more generous.

  Bai Yu had a hunch that the 1% breakthrough of Tri-Color Domineering might still depend on system tasks.

   "Report! General Bai Yu!"

   "Our warship has arrived at the headquarters!"

  At this time, a navy soldier on a warship trotted over to report to Bai Yu.

  Hearing this, Bai Yu moved his mind and dispersed the system panel that only he could see.

  Come to the bow of the warship.

as predicted.

  The warship has entered a place called a sea fortress.

  The original G1 branch, now the Navy Headquarters!

  The rebuilt Navy Headquarters is even bigger than the original Marin Fando.

  It is very difficult for something like the top war to happen again.

  The warship of Bai Yu, who is also in the navy, has to go through layers of checkpoints when entering the port of the headquarters.

   Finally, the warship docks at the port location.

   After Bai Yu ordered his subordinates to take care of the warship, he disembarked.

   "Mr. Baiyu."

  As soon as I got off the warship, an acquaintance walked up to me.

   It is Fujitora, who is also one of the generals.

   It seems that he has received the news of Bai Yu\'s arrival a long time ago, and Fujitora came to greet him specially.

   "Marshal Akainu has been waiting for a long time."

"Please come in."

  Fujitora waved his hand.

  The tone is full of respect.


   Bai Yu agreed.

   Immediately afterwards, followed Fujitora and walked all the way to the Navy Headquarters building.

   Along the way, Bai Yu also saw the situation of the Navy Headquarters.

   Overall, it is much more prosperous than Marin Fando.