Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 328: prestige! to suppress

The meeting will continue as usual.

   Not long after, a guard from Pangu City ran in outside the meeting room.

  Disgraced, looking very embarrassed.

   "Master Wu Laoxing"

   "The big thing is bad!"

  The guard ran all the way to the blond old man in the Five Old Stars.

   Then, sticking it to his ear, he explained quickly in a low voice.

   After a while.

  The blond old man\'s complexion began to turn ugly.

   Immediately afterwards, the blond old man told the other four five old stars what he had heard.

  The expressions of the other four also changed drastically.

   "Master Wulaoxing, is something wrong?"

   Seeing this, Dalton, king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, asked suspiciously.

  Everyone present noticed the change in Wulaoxing\'s expression.

  Hearing this, Wulaoxing glanced at Bai Yu first.

   "Revolutionary Army"

   "The revolutionary army has invaded Pangu City."

  The bearded old man among the five old stars said seriously.


  As soon as these words came out, many kings and monarchs at the scene suddenly burst into an uproar.

  Who are the Revolutionary Army?

   Those who intend to overthrow the world government and overthrow the rule of the original system.

  The people here are the allies of the world government, so they are naturally afraid of the revolutionary army.

   What shocked everyone even more was that the revolutionary army had the ability to break into this ancient city.

  Everyone felt a sense of crisis.

  No one wants to get involved in this turmoil.

   "But please rest assured, it is absolutely safe here."

   "The goal of the revolutionary army seems to be to rescue their partners."

   "We have sent enough people to suppress and expel."

  The blond old man explained immediately.


   "The revolutionary army can even break into this ancient city. May I ask the five adults, how dare you guarantee the safety here?"

   Hearing the words of the blond old man, the king of Rommel Kingdom, one of the allied countries, asked back.

   "I don\'t think it\'s the same as the outside rumors."

   "Actually, this World Conference, is it because you want to force us to accept an increase in taxes?"

   "Otherwise, how could this revolutionary army enter Pangu City so easily?"

   "Our countries are not allowed to bring troops in!"

   Another king of the allied countries expressed suspicion.


   "If you can\'t give a satisfactory explanation today, we won\'t accompany you!"

"Me too!"



  As the discussions among the kings became more intense, some people even proposed to leave the scene.

   And send out a signal to summon the Royal Army that was brought and guarded at the port of Mariejoia.

  The scene was very chaotic for a while.

  Among the kings, only King Liku, Cobra, and Neptune were very calm.

   All three subconsciously looked at Bai Yu.

   It seems that as long as Bai Yu is there, the three of them are not worried about the invasion of the revolutionary army at all.

   "Kings (monarchs), be quiet."

  At this time, I received the questioning looks from the three of King Riku.

  Seeing that the situation was becoming difficult to control, Bai Yu stepped forward and shouted.

  In an instant, the scene fell silent.

  All eyes were on Bai Yu.

   All the kings have heard about Bai Yu\'s various deeds.

  White Feather comes from the navy. Although the navy is under the jurisdiction of the world government, it can still be accepted by the kings to some extent.

   Moreover, Bai Yu has always fought with \'justice\', and the G5 led by him doesn\'t listen to the orders of the world government, which is not new.

   "I will personally go to suppress the Revolutionary Army."

   "Kings, please stay here."

   "My subordinates will ensure everyone\'s safety."

   After finishing speaking, Bai Yu snapped his fingers.


  In the room, Jiu Dao appeared one by one.

   "Jiudao, I leave this to you."

   "No matter who, trying to take away or threaten the safety of the kings."

   "You don\'t need to wait for my order, just kill them on the spot."

   Bai Yu ordered in a cold tone.

   "Yes! Subordinates understand!"

   Jiudao nodded in agreement.

  After giving Jiudao instructions, Bai Yu glanced at Wulaoxing.

   Then, without waiting for the consent of the kings.

   Turned around and left the room.

"What\'s the meaning?!"

   "Is this asking us to put our lives in the hands of other people?"

   "Don\'t even think about it! I\'m leaving now!"

  After Bai Yu left, a king stood up immediately.

   He stated on the spot that he would not sit here and wait for death.

   is about to walk out of the room.

"Excuse me."

   "In order to protect everyone\'s safety, please listen to General Bai Yu and stay here."

   Who knows, the king just took two steps.

   was stopped by Jiu Dao with a cold face.


   "Even the world government has no right to forcibly keep us!"

   "You count again"



   A scene that surprised everyone even more happened.

  The king also wanted to drink back nine times.

  But Jiudao hit the back of the neck with a hand knife.

   Lost consciousness on the spot and passed out.

   Then, Jiu Dao helped the king back to his original position.

   "The current situation is very complicated, please forgive me, my lords."

   "If necessary, I will take tough measures."

   Jiudao said with a blank expression.


  Seeing that the king was knocked unconscious by Jiu Dao, the other kings couldn\'t sit still.

   One by one, they stood up and made a gesture to attack.

   "Everyone, I wonder if you can listen to me?"

  At this moment, King Riku stood up.

  All the kings know what King Liku is like.

   Belongs to the kind of person who hardly has much scheming.

  In addition to its high prestige, everyone is willing to listen to King Ku\'s words.

   "I don\'t dare to guarantee anything else, but since Mr. Bai Yu said that he will guarantee our safety."

   "I hope everyone can sell me a face and stay here for the time being."

   "Mr. Baiyu rescued the people in Dressrosa without expecting anything in return. You must have heard of it."

  Liku Wangyu persuaded everyone earnestly.

   "I also believe in Mr. Bai Yu."

   Hearing the words, King Neptune also expressed his opinion.

"Me too."

   "I, Alabasta, have also received great kindness from Mr. Shiraha."

   Cobra also said.


  Seeing that the three kings expressed their willingness to trust Bai Yu one after another, they stayed where they were for the time being.

  The rest of the kings, you look at me, I look at you.

  Finally, one by one sat down again.

   Seeing this, Jiu Dao gave the three kings a thankful look.

   On the contrary, it was Wu Laoxing, whose complexion was even uglier.

  Things have evolved into what they are now.

   Unexpectedly, the world government\'s words would not work, but Bai Yu\'s prestige calmed down the kings.

   Such a situation is something that the world government never wants to see.

   But things have come to this, Wu Laoxing can only swallow his dissatisfaction.

  At least, protect the lives of the kings.

  Looking back to Bai Yu.

  After leaving the conference room.

  Bai Yu hurried to the commercial area of ​​Pangu City.