Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 325: Weird five old stars! Allies are here

Hearing what the bald old man said, Bai Yu paused.

   Didn\'t expect Wu Laoxing to be so easy to talk to?

   Also replace Bai Yu to deal with it?

   Weird, really weird.

   "This time, we can help you stop it."

   "But the next World Conference, there must be no more mistakes."

   "If something goes wrong during the period, even if you are a general now, you can\'t escape the responsibility."

"do you understand?"

  The bald old man then said to Bai Yu.

"Of course."

  Bai Yu nodded.

   "Okay, it\'s just a misunderstanding, you can prepare for the World Conference with peace of mind."

  The bald old man said again.

   Then, he waved his hand to signal Bai Yu to back down.

   Seeing this, Bai Yu frowned.

   Without asking any more questions, he left the castle directly.

   Wait until Bai Yu leaves.


   "Just let him go like this?"

   "You have also seen that he is becoming more and more defiant now!"

  The blond old man who was interrupted just now said angrily.

"if not?"

   "Could it be that you can still do it to him like this?"

  The bald old man asked the blond old man back.

   The blond old man was speechless for an instant.

   "Don\'t worry, as long as things go smoothly as Master Im said."

   "If we don\'t need to deal with Bai Yu personally, he will lose everything he has now."

   After finishing speaking, the bald old man showed a sly smile.

  The other four five old stars also smiled knowingly.

   Apparently under Im\'s order, Bai Yu was once again set up.

   On the other side, I don\'t know the white feather on Wu Laoxing\'s face at this time.

   After leaving the castle, he returned to his residence.

   Garp has been waiting for a long time.

  Bai Yu told Karp exactly what happened.

   "Strange. It\'s so weird!"

   "The Tianlong people were injured in Pangu City, Wu Laoxing shouldn\'t have such an attitude!"

   After listening to Bai Yu, Garp also felt very weird.

   No other.

   This time, Wu Laoxing is really easy to talk to.


   "It seems that this World Conference is indeed going to be uneasy."

  Bai Yu nodded in agreement, and then said.

  Wulaoxing has been emphasizing the importance of the World Conference.

   After thinking about it, Bai Yu can only think that something big will happen at the World Conference.

   "But since it\'s here, let it be."

   "I want to see what tricks the world government can play."

  After thinking it over, Bai Yu showed a confident smile.

   Soon, another two days passed.

  In these two days.

  Bai Yu did not encounter any troubles.

   Dedicated to the security prevention and control of the world conference site.

   With the arrival of the third day.

  The World Conference will start the next day.

  The kings and monarchs of the major allied countries.

   Arrived in Mary Joa one after another.

   Then Tongtong was led to live temporarily in Pangu City.

   Among the three parties that Bai Yu made friends with, Neptune and others from Fishman Island were the first to arrive.

   After all, Murloc Island is relatively close to Mary Gioia.

   Followed by Dressrosa.

  The last is Alabasta.

   As for the other Allies.

   Such as the Kingdom of Goa, the Kingdom of Magnetic Drum, the Kingdom of Illusia, the Kingdom of Proteus and so on.

  arrived on time.

   All of a sudden, the whole Pangu City became lively.

   Until that night.

  All the allied countries arrived smoothly.

  The five old stars representing the world government specially set up a banquet to entertain the kings and monarchs.

  The scene was unprecedentedly lively.

  It\'s Bai Yu.

   I am mainly responsible for security, so I didn\'t participate in it.

   "Master Baiyu!"

  While Bai Yu was inspecting the area around the castle.

   A familiar voice came from behind.

  Hearing the sound, Bai Yu immediately turned around.

   It was Princess Shirahoshi.

   "How did you come out?"

  Seeing Bai Xing appearing, Bai Yu asked suspiciously.

   "There are all the same elders as Father Emperor."

   "I can\'t get into the conversation between them at all"

   Bai Xing said timidly in a low voice.


  Hearing this, Bai Yu nodded understandingly.

  Bai Xing\'s courage is a bit bold, but not to the level of communicating with people anytime and anywhere.

  Facing the special eyes of the kings, it is obviously uncomfortable.

  The conversation between the kings was not something that a "little girl" like Shirahoshi who hadn\'t experienced much in the world could get into.

   "Master Baiyu, can you take me around?"

   Bai Xing plucked up his courage and said to Bai Yu.

  When Bai Xing asked for it for the first time, Bai Yu was taken aback for a moment.

   nodded immediately.

   "Nine ways."

   Then, Bai Yu gave a soft drink.


  A figure flashed from not far away.

   came to the front of Bai Yu.

   "The safety of the castle is left to you."

   "I\'ll take Princess Shirahoshi around."

   Bai Yu gave instructions to Jiu Dao.


  Jiudao respectfully agreed.

   Didn\'t even dare to look up at Bai Xing, and backed away immediately.

   "Your men are nothing like you."

   Seeing this, Bai Xing said in a rare joke.

   "You actually learned to tease me?"

   "Not bad, good, there is progress."

  Hearing this, Bai Yu laughed.

   Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu took Bai Xing and wandered around in the jungle of flowers and plants near the castle.

   Whoo, whoo, whoo!

  However, it wasn\'t long before Bai Yu and Bai Xing left the castle.

  Three black shadows sprang out from the castle, looking in the direction Bai Yu left.

   "Follow me."

   "Remember to keep a good distance and control your breath."

   "Bai Yu\'s strength is not simple."

   The leader emphasized to the two subordinates.


   The two men immediately agreed.

  Then, the three of them followed in the direction Bai Yu and Bai Xing left, without haste.

  Looking back to Bai Yu.

   "Lord Bai Yu, I heard from my father that this world conference may be dangerous."

   "Are they targeting me?"

  Walking on the edge of the flowers and plants, Bai Xing suddenly asked Bai Yu.

   "Yes and no."

   "But don\'t worry, I\'m here."

   "No one can hurt you and your father."

  Bai Yu nodded and shook his head.

   Then he swore a promise.


  Hearing this, Bai Xing seemed to believe in Bai Yu\'s words very much, and was immediately relieved.

   "These flowers have never been seen on Fishman Island."

   "It seems that it only blooms under the sun."

  Under the night, Bai Xing looked at the gorgeous flowers all over the mountains and plains.

   asked Bai Yu with his eyes shining.

  Everything in the outside world can arouse Shirahoshi\'s curiosity.

   Regardless of flowers, plants and trees, there are things that have never been seen in Murloc Island.

   "Remember what I promised you."

   "It won\'t be long before all the residents of Fishman Island will be able to see the beauty of the outside world."

   Bai Yu said with a smile.

   Naturally, Bai Yu would not forget that he had to help the Fishman Island and relocate to live on the sea.

  This promise is not just a talk with Bai Xing at the beginning.