Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 305: After the war! The whole army celebrates

"I lost."

  BIGMOM admitted her failure with that very weak voice.

   "Why didn\'t you kill me?"

   BIGMOM asked next.

   BIGMOM is puzzled.

   The combo just now, BIGMOM can obviously feel that it can continue.

  But Bai Yu stopped.

   It seems that she is deliberately saving her life.

   "Don\'t get me wrong."

  Hearing this, Bai Yu put away her two sabers and said indifferently.

   "I don\'t have any compassion for you."

   "Killing you, it\'s just a one-shot thing."

   "But that\'s not enough!"

   "I\'m going to execute you publicly in this world, in this cake island!"

   "I want to let all the pirates know that this is the fate of being a pirate!"

   Bai Yu said with emphasis on each word.

   It is too easy to kill BIGMOM at this time.

  But the effect of that is not enough.

   What Bai Yu wants is enough deterrent power!

   Public Execution of BIGMOM!

   Tell all the pirates, the final fate!

  Of course, Bai Yu also has some other ideas in it.

  Public executions can also put pressure on the world government.

  Let the world government understand that the current Baiyu is the current G5.

  It is no longer the existence that let them calculate.

  Even the Four Emperors will be defeated!

   And one last point.

  Bai Yu also wanted to try it out.

  One of the Four Emperors, Kaido who has a close relationship with BIGMOM.

   Will it come to rescue BIGMOM because of this?

  If Kaido and his Beast Pirates dare to come, Bai Yu must let them come and go.

   Clearing out the BIGMOM pirates is just the beginning!


  Hearing Bai Yu\'s words, BIGMOM had a wry smile on his face.

   Immediately afterwards, his eyes darkened, and he lost consciousness and fell down.

  Look at another battlefield.

   Without the support of BIGMOM, the big BOSS, the pirates of BIGMOM Pirates are already defeated.

  Basically all Homiz (animals, plants) completely lost their sustaining power because of BIGMOM\'s defeat.

  The souls contained in it broke away one after another and returned to their original owners.

  As for the other BIGMOM pirates, under the pursuit of Aokiji and others, they died and were caught.

  The crusade against the Four Emperors by Bai Yu and his party started yesterday during the day.

   The fight lasted until the next night before it was completely over.

  Finally, Bai Yu suffered a small degree of casualties and wiped out the BIGMOM pirates.

  Countless pirates including BIGMOM were captured alive.

  That night, Bai Yu ordered people to arrange the defense project.

   Temporarily living in Cake Island.

  White Feather, Aokiji, Maya and others lived directly in the original BIGMOM castle.

  Late at night, the person in charge and the captain all gathered here.

  Everyone’s faces were filled with laughter.

   I was able to participate in the crusade against the Four Emperors, and finally succeeded.

   This battle is destined to be remembered by everyone.

   It has been an unknown number of years, and the Four Emperors have not been overthrown.

   "General Bai Yu, this is the treasure counted by my subordinates."

  In the castle hall.

  Keby took out a list first, handed it to Bai Yu and explained.

  Hearing this, Bai Yu took the list and looked at the dense records on it.

   "Plus the treasures stored on other islands in Wanchai"

   "I\'m afraid it will be an unimaginable astronomical figure!"

  Keby said a little excitedly.

   As one of the Four Emperors, BIGMOM has ruled all nations for many years.

  The treasure hidden in it is obviously unimaginable.

   Counting out so many treasures at once, how could Kebi not be excited.

  Hearing Keby\'s words, Bai Yu smiled slightly.

   Then, the eyes swept over the people present.

   After thinking for a while, he spoke.

   "Divide the treasures that originally belonged to other islands and return them to them."

   "In addition, half of the remaining treasures will be shared among Alabasta, Dressrosa, and the Nine Snake Pirates."

   "The last ones left will be rewarded to the brothers who participated in the battle according to our G5 rules."

   Bai Yu said.


  As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene burst into an uproar.

  Bai Yu distributed all the captured treasures so boldly!

   "Master Bai Yu, the G5 brothers and you are the biggest contributors to this battle."


   "How dare we accept it!"

  Hearing the words, Bell took the lead in expressing.

   Without the weapons provided by G5, the frontal battlefield would not be so smooth, and the casualties were almost negligible.

   Without Bai Yu to deal with BIGMOM, it would be even more impossible for them to accomplish this feat.

   Bell is still very self-aware.


   "We can\'t take this money!"

  This time, Repante, the person in charge of Dressrosa\'s team, nodded in agreement.

"I think so too."

   Hancock agrees.

   "Just distribute it according to my instructions."

   "It is not a matter of course for the three of you to participate in my plan."

   "If you have meritorious service, you should be rewarded, and if you have done something wrong, you should be punished."

   "This is the rule of our G5."

  Hearing what the three said, Bai Yu said with a smile.

   It\'s not that Bai Yu doesn\'t care about money at all.

   But Bai Yu already had the wealth and confidence of the \'Golden City\'.

   On the one hand, funds are rarely in short supply.

   Distributing the seized money can also better establish a good relationship with the three parties.


   Hearing this, Bell and Repante look at me, and I look at you.

  For a while, I don\'t know how to express it.

   "Just accept it, General Bai Yu has never been stingy with his own people."

  Seeing that the two were still hesitating, Bellumebo immediately stepped forward to smooth things over.

   "Then we will be King Deliku (King Cobra), thank you General Bai Yu!"

  With Bellumebo\'s persuasion, the two of Bell were not hypocritical immediately, and quickly thanked them.

  This amount of money may not be a big deal to Bai Yu.

  But for Dressrosa and Alabasta, which have also experienced ups and downs, it is too important.

   With this fund, they can also build better.

  As for Hancock, the treasures of the Golden City are stored on the Daughter Island, and the extra funds are just put in the vault.

   Didn\'t act too excited.

  In terms of Hancock\'s inner thoughts, it\'s all Bai Yu\'s funds anyway.

  After distributing the due rewards, Bai Yu mentioned to everyone the next public execution of BIGMOM.

  White Feather also reported this matter to Akainu in the headquarters.

   Especially Akainu, after hearing that the BIGMOM Pirates were completely pulled down by White Feather, let alone how excited they were.

  Akakenu expressed his approval for the public execution.

   He even suggested that if Bai Yu didn\'t bother, he could transfer it to the current Navy Headquarters.

   After all, this will be a huge boost to the morale of the navy.

  After everything was ordered, Bai Yu asked someone to hold a celebration banquet in the cake island.

  All kinds of food and wine, all soldiers enjoy it to their heart\'s content.

   This night is destined to be a happy night.