Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 295: BIGMOM! Homiz who controls Thunderfire

Nothing to say all night.

   Early the next morning.

  Bai Yu swung his army straight down, leading an army of millions to Cake Island.

  As soon as it landed, it was intercepted by a large number of pirates.

  The pirates, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately fought head-on with the army of millions.

   Bang bang bang.

   On the scene, the flames of war are pervasive.

   Gunshots, shelling, and the impact of swords and weapons can be heard everywhere.

  The number of casualties on both sides is increasing sharply.

   But more, the casualties of the BIGMOM pirates.

   There is no way, even if all the pirates are summoned.

  In terms of total strength, the number of BIGMOM pirates is still too small.

  Basically every few navy (kingdom army) soldiers deal with one pirate.

  How can this advantage be easily reversed.

   Soon, the pirates blocking the way were defeated in a straight line.

  The pirates began to retreat, their morale was very low.

   On the other hand, look at Bai Yu\'s side.

  The morale is high, constantly chasing and killing pirates.

   For this kind of head-on confrontation, Bai Yu didn\'t choose to make a move.

   Bai Yu is waiting.

   Wait for the appearance of BIGMOM!

  Since he did not choose to leave Cake Island, BIGMOM must be prepared to fight Bai Yu.

   Hand over the battles of your subordinates to your subordinates.

  King, to the king.

   In the blink of an eye, under the continuous retreat of the pirates.

   Bai Yu and his party have already approached the area around the castle where BIGMOM is located.


   At this moment, countless pirates emerged from all directions, and they turned around in a tendency to attack Bai Yu and his party.

  Look at the number of people, plus the pirates who originally retreated.

  Even if there are not as many people as Bai Yufang, the difference is not too much.

  The battle between the two sides entered a fierce stage in an instant.

   "White Feather!"

   "I didn\'t expect you to really dare to come to my place!"

   Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely.

  A muffled roar came from the castle.


   Immediately afterwards, a tall, obese figure.

   rushed out of the castle, and landed in front of Bai Yu and the others.


  The huge size made the ground tremble after landing.

   "Finally willing to show up."


   After seeing the appearance of the person clearly, Bai Yu said calmly.

   Only those who are familiar with Bai Yu know how much murderous intent is hidden under this calm tone.

   It was BIGMOM, one of the Four Emperors, who appeared in front of Bai Yu.

  The super big pirate with a bounty of 4,388,000,000 Berry!

  Devil Fruit Superman·Soul Soul Fruit ability user.

   "You killed so many of my people, you can never get out of here safely!"

   After BIGMOM appeared, he looked at Bai Yu viciously and said loudly.

   "Then it depends on whether you have the ability to keep me."

   Bai Yu smiled disdainfully.


  Hearing this, BIGMOM\'s expression changed.

  The incomparably powerful domineering arrogance burst out instantly as if it were real.

  Plop, plop, plop.!

  BIGMOM\'s terrifying domineering look, just one round of impact, knocked down a large number of naval soldiers and soldiers of the Royal Army, foaming at the mouth in awe.

   "Your opponent is me!"


   Seeing this, Bai Yu snorted coldly.

   With a thought.

   Also burst out the powerful domineering look in an instant.

   Chirp chirp!

  In an instant, two domineering auras that far surpassed ordinary people formed a violent impact on the air.

   Bang, bang, bang.

  The aftermath of the collision exploded the surrounding ground in an exaggerated way.

  For a while, everyone realized that Bai Yu and BIGMOM were about to fight.

   One after another subconsciously gave way to a huge vacuum.


  In the end, Bai Yu\'s domineering look is even better.

   Brutely broke away BIGMOM\'s domineering look.

  With the remaining strength of the domineering color, the shaking BIGMOM\'s body visibly swayed.



   Seeing this, he knew that relying on his domineering look and arrogance alone would not be able to gain any advantage in Bai Yu\'s hands.

   BIGMOM immediately raised his hands.

  The strongest Homiz created with its soul soul fruit is also a giant weapon configured with BIGMOM\'s own soul.

  Sun Prometheus, Thundercloud Zeus, suddenly appeared.

   are attached to BIGMOM\'s left and right hands respectively.

   "Thunderfire critical strike!"

  The next moment, BIGMOM jumped up.

  The figure of falling from a height, swinging his fists and smashing down.

  In an instant, thunder and fire burst forth.

   Armed color domineering winding.

   All of a sudden, the power of Prometheus and Zeus was urged to the extreme.

   BIGMOM\'s shot did not mean to test at all.

   One shot is to go all out!

   Whoops, whoops!

  Seeing this, Bai Yu quickly pulled out You·Tiandi Wushuang Dao and Sakuragi.

   With a thought.

  The Azure Dragon Sword Intent quickly condensed on Shuang Dao Dao\'s body, turning into a burning sword intent flame.

   Ka Ka Ka!

  In an instant, Bai Yu\'s thoughts moved again.

  The burning sword intent flame is even more blazing.

   Then, the flame went out instantly.

   Instead, a layer of crystal clear jade crystal condensed on the body of Shuang Dao Dao.


   After gathering his strength, Bai Yu raised his head to look at BIGMOM, who was falling at high speed.

   Use your feet to push the ground out of a big pit.

  The figure took the initiative to meet BIGMOM\'s fist.

   "Dual Swordsmanship·Blue Dragon·Extreme·Jade Slash!"

  The moment before the body was about to collide with BIGMOM\'s fists.

  Bai Yu suddenly swung the two knives in his hands and slashed.

   Roar, Roar!

  The flame of sword intent condensed into a jade crystal was instantly released from Shuang Dao Dao.

   Faintly, it turned into two furious and roaring Jade Crystal Dragons.

  The two jade crystal dragons ran into BIGMOM\'s two fists without fear.


   At that moment, the two attacked where they collided.

  The light bursts out.

  In the next second, an astonishing energy explosion occurred.

   The aftermath of the energy diffused just washed over the ground.

   will be completely destroyed on the ground.

  The ground shattered into countless pieces.

   A series of terrifying huge cracks appeared on the ground.

  The astonishing energy explosion once again caused everyone around to retreat a long distance.

  Anyone who is involved will be wiped out in an instant.

  That is simply not a force they can bear.

   Let\'s look at the position where Bai Yu and BIGMOM played against each other.


  After the two forces formed a violent hedge.

   A huge bombardment sound suddenly came out.

   Immediately afterwards, received the recoil force of energy.

   BIGMOM and Bai Yu each retreated.


   After separating, BIGMOM\'s expression changed slightly.

   BIGMOM did not expect that she went all out from the beginning.

   Prometheus and Zeus are used.

   Unexpectedly, Bai Yu failed to take any advantage!

  Bai Yu\'s strength exceeded BIGMOM\'s expectations.

   "The strength of the Four Emperors is not limited to this level?"

   On the other side, Bai Yu, who backed away, suddenly said mockingly.


  As soon as he heard Bai Yu\'s words, the anger in BIGMOM\'s heart exploded uncontrollably.

  The next moment, Prometheus and Zeus on the left and right hands of BIGMOM once again shone with dazzling light.