Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 262: Great development! 'Moon Wolf' established

After imparting the berserk skill book, Bai Yu explained the \'six styles\' commonly used by the navy to everyone.

  The Six Forms are actually the pinnacle of body forging, and they cannot be learned all at once.

  The most important requirement is that the physique first meets the standard.

   As for how much you can learn after meeting the conditions, it all depends on your innate understanding.

  However, at least like \'shaving\', \'moon step\' and \'pointing gun\', Bai Yu asked everyone to learn it.

   "Start training!"

   "I will supervise you and improve your physique first!"

  After explaining the six styles with everyone, Bai Yu began the hell-style devil training for these 250 people.

   Time flies, the past three months.

   During these three months, several forces headed by Bai Yu have achieved tremendous development.

   First up is Dressrosa.

   Under the reconstruction of King Liku and the G5 Navy, Dressrosa has built a perfect defense project.

  Ordinary pirate forces, it is difficult to shake Dressrosa at this time.

   Especially Dressrosa has strong support from G5 garrisons, new guns, and new turrets.

  It is worth mentioning that because King Liku purchased various rare raw materials in large quantities for Bai Yu without limit.

   Dressrosa seems to have become the object that all the forces in the underground world want to befriend.

   After all, the purpose of the underground forces is to make money, and with the support of Bai Yu, Dressrosa has no shortage of funds.

  As long as you have the goods, look for Dressrosa, they can eat them all!

   This is the description of Dressrosa that was later circulated in the underground world.

   And then Alabasta.

  Alabasta used to have a standing army of 600,000. After successive civil wars and riots.

   Most of the troops were lost.

   In the eyes of the people of Alabasta, Cobra is an out-and-out good king.

  Under the influence of Cobra, it only took three months.

  Alabasta\'s total army has jumped to as many as 800,000!

   There is a faint momentum of breaking one million!

  Of course, raising so many troops requires a lot of money.

  In addition to the funds of the Alabasta royal family, there is also a part that is supported by Bai Yu.

  Don\'t look at the fact that Cobra is currently in power. Under Cobra\'s instruction, Bai Yu has the absolute right to dispatch the 800,000 troops.

   It is somewhat similar to the general in charge of military power in ancient times.

   Then there is Daughter Island.

   As mentioned earlier, the Nine Snake Pirates intend to extend the defense line of Daughter Island.

  The Kuja Pirates have been doing these things too.

  The current Daughter Island domain spans almost half of the nearby windless belt.

  Any force passing by will be discovered immediately.

   There is one more important thing.

   That is Lie Qing who has recovered from her injuries.

   During the period, special arrows have been developed for the female warriors of the Nine Snake Pirates.

  The power is far greater than before, and they are all arrows made of the hardest materials.

  Of course, new guns and new turrets are also shipped from G5.

  With the current Nine Snake Pirates, as long as the four emperors are not personally leading the team, it is impossible for the pirates to force their way in.

   Then there is Fishman Island.

  Among the several forces, the only one that has not changed much is the Fishman Island.

  After all, the weapons used by humans are not suitable for the murlocs and mermaids of the murloc island.

   They prefer to fight at sea.

  However, under the leadership of King Neptune, Fishman Island has also increased a lot of troops.

  The murloc princess Shirahoshi is said to have already started practicing how to use her own power.

   It is still unknown what the results of the specific exercises will be.

  The last is G5 where Bai Yu is.

  With Bai Yu and Smoker\'s vigorous recruitment, the total number of G5 has increased to 10,000.

   This is the result of White Feather asking Violet to cooperate and screen through layers.

   Otherwise, there will be more people.

   Don\'t underestimate the 10,000 troops, but Bai Yu spent a lot of money to arm them to the teeth.

  It means that you can fight with more than ten times the troops.

   And that orc army.

  In three months, under the strict training of Bai Yu and Smoker.

  Physique has been greatly improved, and some of the foundations of the six styles can be used.

  The changes of Berserk skill and Devil Fruit are already very proficient.

  In order to better command, Bai Yu specially gave this orc army a name.

   Moon Wolf.

  It means wolves under the moonlit night.

  Wolves are pack animals, and they cooperate tacitly with each other when hunting prey.

   It\'s fine if you don\'t make a shot, but once you set your sights on the target and make a shot, you will hold on tight.

  In addition, the orc army is all animal devil fruit ability users, which is very suitable.

   One morning three months later.

  Bai Yu was the first to come to the training ground.

   "System Panel."

  Seeing that it\'s still early, and everyone from Moon Wolf hasn\'t arrived yet.

  Bai Yu called out the system panel at this time.

  【The Strongest Swordsman System】

  【Host: Bai Yu】

  【Swordsmanship: Advanced Swordsmanship, Two Swords Style】

[Movements: Six Styles, Azure Dragon Sword Intent, Gathering Ninety-six Links (80%), Dragon Force, Thunderbolt, Azure Dragon Extreme Ten Thousand Blade Scroll, Eclipse Double Shadow, God Glazed Fire, Flame Explosion Airflow cut]

  【Weapons: You·Heaven and Earth Wushuang Sword (Supreme Great Sword), Sakuragi (Supreme Great Sword)】

  【Physique: SSS level】

  【Domineering: armed domineering (90%), knowledge-colored domineering (90%), domineering-color domineering (90%)】

  【Passive: Eight times critical strike (50%)】

  【Special Skill: Awakening (Silence · Heaven and Earth Wushuang Dao)】

  【Items: Pluto Design Drawing, Rage Skill Book】

   Look at Bai Yu\'s current system panel again.

  Although Bai Yu spends most of his time training the members of Moon Wolf.

   Only take time to swipe the number of swings.

   But after all, after three months, most of the moves have been raised to full proficiency no matter how slowly they are.

  Among them, the proficiency of Ju·48 Lian reached 100%, unlocking more combos, 96 Lian.

   Proficiency has also increased to 80%.

   Furthermore, it is a passive crit.

  The quadruple crit has been upgraded to full proficiency, unlocking a higher eight times crit, and the current proficiency is also 50%.

  Adding the initial double crit, Bai Yu\'s crit trigger rate undoubtedly reached a terrifying level.

   It\'s the three-color domineering. After three months, it has been stuck at 90% and there is no movement.

   It seems that the conditions have not been met.

   Bai Yu is not in a hurry about this either.

  With Bai Yu\'s current domineering strength, few people can compete with him.

   "There are other supreme swords, but there has been no news"

   After seeing the brand new system panel, Bai Yu murmured in a low voice.

  During the past three months, Bai Yu has been ordering people to search for the whereabouts of the other supreme knives.

  The purpose is to promote Sakuragi to the supreme sword!

  However, in addition to the famous sword of Wano country.

   Haven\'t received any news.

   Not to mention the rewards for getting the fusion forging times.