Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 257: Fight Quinn! Brachiosaurus Form Awakening


  Under the control of Bai Yu\'s mind, the flame of sword intent burning on Shuang Dao Dao became more and more intense.

  The color of the flame also became darker.

   "Dual Sword Style·Blue Dragon·Extreme·Million Blade Scroll!"

  The next moment, Bai Yu faced the front and slashed out with two knives.

  Two huge blade tornadoes whizzed up immediately.

   "Dual Sword Style·Blue Dragon·Extreme·Million Blade Scroll!"

   This is not over yet, after releasing the move from the front, Bai Yu immediately turned to the left again.

  Double swords continue to sweep out.

  Hoo hoo, hoo hoo!

   Another huge blade tornado roared up.

   "Dual Sword Style·Blue Dragon·Extreme·Million Blade Scroll."

   Immediately after is the right hand side, behind.

   In all four directions, the moves of Qinglong·Ji·Wanjianjuan were used.

  A total of eight blade tornadoes spread out in all directions with Bai Yu as the center.


  Puff, puff, puff!

  The pirate who had just rushed up was instantly swept up into the air.

   A series of blades slashed on the pirate\'s body, and blood fell straight down.

   Not only that, but the poisonous gas that fell down also blew into the sky again with the blade tornado.

  The poisonous gas was gradually blown away by the blade tornado.


   After doing this, Bai Yu\'s breathing became heavier.

  Slowly adjust the breathing rate and stabilize it.

   Wait until the tornado of eight blades dissipates.

  The poisonous gas falling from the sky was also blown away.

  The remaining pirates, none of them survived, were all strangled to pieces.

   Around Bai Yu, corpses were strewn all over the field.

   "Next, it\'s you!"

   Seeing this, Bai Yu raised his head and looked at the surprised Quinn.

   In his tone, killing intent surged.


   Hearing Bai Yu\'s words, Quinn frowned slightly.

  Quinn really didn\'t expect that the 30,000 elite pirates would be beheaded by Bai Yu alone!

   This was beyond Quinn\'s expectations.

   "Damn it!"

   "We should summon more pirates!"

   Quinn cursed inwardly.

  But Quinn is not completely without confidence.

   Quinn, who had a great sense of people, naturally also noticed Bai Yu\'s situation.

  The 30,000 elite pirates have been dealt with, and Bai Yu has also consumed a lot.


  Knowing that if he doesn\'t make a move at this time, he will give Bai Yu time to recover.

  Quin immediately jumped down.

  The strong body immediately stepped on the ground, creating a big hole.

   "I\'m curious, do you still have the confidence to say these words now?"

   "Even if it is an awakened animal-type ability user, it should fall down by now."

   "I\'m afraid you are struggling standing up."

  Quin looked at Bai Yu and asked tentatively.

   "It\'s just solving a bunch of rabble."

   "It was a waste of time, but it\'s the same for you."

   Bai Yu said coldly.

  Hearing that Bai Yu compared him with those pirates, Quinn suddenly became angry.

   "Originally, with your strength, you will definitely be appreciated by your elder brother."

   "It\'s a pity that you killed my subordinate and Jack."

   "It\'s impossible to keep you."

   Quinn said again.

   The subordinate that Quinn was referring to was Fei Liubao.

  In the Beasts Pirates, Quinn is in charge of managing the Flying Six Cells.

   "The same thing, I\'ll give it back to you."

   "You killed a hundred of my subordinates, they will pay for it, and you will too."

   "And Kaido!"

   "Sooner or later, I will slash my sword towards Wano Country!"

   Bai Yu said with a ruthless face.

  Bai Yu doesn\'t want to pay for his life.

  What he wants is to eradicate the entire Hundred Beasts Pirates!

   "What a big tone, I will let you stay here forever!"

   Huh boom!

   Quinn\'s voice fell.

   An extremely powerful breath erupted from his body in an instant.

   Ka Ka Ka!

   Immediately afterwards, Quinn activated his devil fruit ability.

   Quinn\'s already tall body swelled up again.

  The flesh and bones of the body changed rapidly.

  The skin gradually turned a dark yellow color.

   With the muscles squirming, Quinn\'s head turned into a dragon head.

  The whole person suddenly turned into a muscular brachiosaurus.

  Quin\'s brachiosaurus form!


   This is not over yet. After transforming into the Brachiosaurus form, a strange wave emanated from Quinn\'s body.

   This feeling is exactly the same as the Jack that Bai Yu fought against back then!

  Obviously, as soon as Quinn made a move, he also used his awakening ability.

  Awakened Quinn is better than Jack in strength, endurance, resilience, etc.!

  Among the three disasters, Jack ranks last.

   And Quinn is ranked second.

  Strength is stronger than Jack!

   "Go to **** and regret it!"

   "Offend our Hundred Beasts Pirates!"

  The devil fruit\'s ability was fully activated, and Quinn let out a loud drink.

  Tom, tom, tom!

   Then, Quinn\'s Brachiosaurus incarnation rushed straight to Bai Yu.


   During the movement of the huge body, the whole body of Brachiosaurus was covered with black armed domineering.

  Quin\'s strength has been further improved.

   In the blink of an eye, Quinn rushed in front of Bai Yu.

   Huh boom!

   Without warning, Quinn lifted his front foot.

   With the simplest and most direct step, he stomped **** Bai Yu.

   Seeing Quinn\'s heavy step down, Bai Yu immediately raised his double sabers to parry with them.


  In the next second, there was a harsh metallic impact sound.


   Immediately afterwards, the entire ground was shaken.

  Especially the ground where Bai Yu stood.

  After receiving this force stronger than Jack, the ground instantly shattered into countless pieces.

   A series of dense cracks like spider webs spread rapidly.

  Bai Yu\'s feet sank into the ground because of this.

  Finally, Bai Yu forcibly blocked Quinn\'s heavy stomping with two swords.


   Unexpectedly, Bai Yu still had the strength to take his attack.

   Quinn snorted coldly.

   Then, the other foot swings.

   also stepped on Bai Yu fiercely.

   Run Thunder!


   Seeing this, Bai Yu didn\'t mean to be kicked by Quinn in vain.

   With a thought, lightning flashed on both feet.

   squeak squeak.

  At the same time, Bai Yu\'s hands controlled the blades of the double blades to tilt slightly.

  The blade of the blade immediately rubbed against the huge soles of Quinn\'s Brachiosaurus, splashing sparks one after another.

  The double swords were drawn back.



  Bai Yu\'s figure disappeared instantly.

  The other foot of Brachiosaurus also stepped on it.

   But it came to nothing.

   Only on the ground, leaving a huge footprint.


   Seeing this, Quinn quickly released his knowledgeable arrogance, trying to find Bai Yu\'s figure.

"how is this possible?"

   "Can\'t even catch his movement?!"

  However, what shocked Quinn was.

  Even his knowledge and knowledge can\'t easily capture Bai Yu\'s movement trajectory!

  Bai Yu\'s speed was so fast that it was terrifying.


   Before Quinn could react, a sound of thunder sounded from behind Quinn.

  Bai Yu, who disappeared, suddenly appeared behind Quinn.

   Without the slightest pause, the two knives slashed towards Quinn\'s back as fast as lightning.