Pirate's General Tiger

v2 Chapter 58: Sarkaski's question

Dense footsteps continued to sound, and a large number of navies gathered from all sides.

The officers shouted at each other and assembled their troops. The evacuation of nearly 10,000 navies is a huge project, but because of its strong discipline, all this is proceeding in an orderly manner and does not delay time.

Under the guard of Pat and others, Tang En moved quickly.

His face was dignified, his heart expanded, and he was always paying attention to the two pirates who were heading towards here.

Bigumam, Kaido, these two forces, no matter which one comes, will be a huge pressure for the Navy. The forces of the Navy in the second half of the fairway today cannot resist such a powerful consortium. If it is encountered, it will be hit hard today.

On the flagship, he can clearly hear the words of the two big pirates, even every subtle movement can be seen.

The combination of the thunder fruit and the domineering experience is amazing. He was like developing the third sky eye in mythology and legend, able to see things that the human eye could not see.

Soon, Tang En boarded the Navy flagship.

High-level navy leaders such as Kuai, Sengoku, Kapu, and Crane also arrived. The naval assembly retreated quickly.

However, within a few minutes, warships were ready to sail at any time.

"General Tang En, what's going on?"

Seeing Tang En, Shen Sheng asked.

He really couldn't understand, clearly why they had the advantage, why they suddenly retreated.

"Marshal Kong, we can't stay here any longer, otherwise, we will soon be in great trouble and will suffer huge losses."

Tang En looked solemn, Shen Sheng said.


Kong also realized that something was wrong and his face changed slightly, but he still stared at Tang En.

"Bigumam, Kaido, is coming in the direction of this place."

Down Road said.


Karp was shocked.

Even though the navy’s current strength is already elite, it still seems insufficient to fight against the four big pirate regiments. One is not good, I am afraid most people have to confess here.

"So, we must retreat immediately, when the loss hasn't spread further."

Tang En said in a deep voice.

He stared at the void and spoke again: "If for the sake of a golden lion, all of our staff are lost here, it is not worth the loss!"

Startled, and then fell silent.

After a while, he took a breath.

"Tang En, you are right. We can arrest the Golden Lion in the future, but the elite of these navies cannot stay here."

Kong sorted out his emotions, then turned his head to the Warring States Road.

"Sengoku, give orders, accelerate retreat, and leave here in the fastest time!"

The Warring States nodded and walked away with dignified face.

Cap's expression at this time was also extremely condensed. He knew very well that once he encountered the other two pirate regiments, they might not have anything to do with these high-level navies, but the bottom soldiers must have suffered heavy losses.

Such a price is unwilling to pay for a golden lion.

He also believes that anyone who is upright and has a good heart knows how to choose.

"Retreat? What is Marshal thinking?"

Kuzan murmured lazily.

But he did not care, and hurried to the place where the warship was.

Above him, a golden light refracted the moment away, it was Polusalino.

On the other side, the scorching heat of Sakarsky looked distorted.

"Don! What the **** are you doing?"

"The Navy has a huge advantage, even if there is a white beard, the Golden Lion will certainly die today!"

There was anger in his eyes and he couldn't understand it.

But the command of the superior must be obeyed, and Sakaski still heads towards the warship.

When he returned to the flagship, he strode to Tang En and shouted angrily.

"Why evacuate?"

"Immediately, the Golden Lion will be arrested! His Pirate Group has lost more than 70%, and we have won!"

"Tang En, even if you are a general, you must give me an explanation?"

Sakaski's eyes widened and his expression fierce.

Kuzan stepped forward: "Sarkaski, calm down."

"Calm down? He lost his fighter!"

Sakaski said angrily.

At this moment, Tang En was silent for a while. He raised his head and looked at Sakarski's angry face indifferently.

"Sakaski, pay attention to your identity at this moment."

"Salute before your superior!"

The indifferent, high voice made Sukarski's anger even worse.

"Asshole! Do you think you are stronger than me?"

Kong is also inserted at this time: "Major General Sakaski, pay attention to your words and deeds!"

His voice was cold and imposing.

"Master Marshal, I want an explanation!"

"I think it is a huge mistake to retreat this military command! General Tang En, he made a big mistake!"

Sakarsky shouted.

Tang En laughed, disdainful in his eyes, and did not want to explain to him at all.

"Bigumam, Kaido Pirates, is coming soon, we must seize the moment to evacuate."

"The rest of the things will be said after evacuation."

"Sakaski, come back to your post!"

Karp also came over at this time, screaming sharply.

"There is no need to retreat! As long as the Golden Lion is captured, we will win the war!"

Sakarsky shouted.

"Then we will lose a lot."

After telling the order, the Warring States came back and said aloud.

"The meaning of soldiers is dedication, even if the loss is heavy, as long as the golden lion is won, our navy is still the winner!"

Sakaski insisted angrily.

Frowning slightly, Sengoku said: "You are too paranoid!"

"This is not the justice of the Navy."

"The justice of the navy is to wipe out the pirates, even if they give their lives!"

Sakarsky shouted.

"Immediately, go back to my job, Sakaski!"

"I order you!"

Empty also angry.

Clenching his fists, Sakaski was silent, but the whole person was like a volcano about to erupt, which was extremely dangerous.


Angrily snorted, Sakaski glared at Dunn fiercely, then turned around and strode away.

Pat Russalino smiled and said: "Sure enough, compared to the stubborn nature of Sakaski, I still think that Wenhu, the general, better contact!"

Tangen turned to look at Porosalino and smiled: "Polusalino, you go back to your post, we will have to evacuate immediately."

"Time is urgent, everyone obey the order!"

He said again.

After a while, the navy returned to the warship. With the officers and officers drinking, the huge fleet turned and then quickly moved in the other direction.

On the icy surface of the cold wind, the golden lion sat panting panting, and around him, the remnants of the Golden Lion Pirates gathered.

"Captain, are you okay?"

"Hah, I can't die!"

The Golden Lion laughed aloud and glanced at the remaining pirates.

"However, this time, these navy guys really made Lao Tzu lose a lot!"

More than 70% of the people stayed here.

This campaign really hurts him!