Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 41: The road to advancement, Xuantian sword box

"Sir, where are we going?"

"Gaya Island!"

"There don\'t seem to be any famous pirates nearby!"

"The target is not those pirates! It\'s the upwelling current!"

"Do you want to surf, sir?"

⊙o⊙)... Upwelling currents can rush up to 7,000 meters, playing with that thing will kill you!"

(A certain strongest creature: Will people die? I stand still, you just come, move a little, and I will lose!)

Hearing Dongze\'s words, Robin was taken aback for a moment, blinking his water-cut eyes, "Then why are we going?"

Seeing Robin\'s innocent appearance and what he said before, Dongze couldn\'t help but examine her again.

"Hmm~ there\'s an inside smell!"

(Beginning to become black-bellied!)

"Okay! When you get to that place, don\'t go~"

Hearing Dongze\'s tone, Robin suddenly felt something was wrong, "Sir, is there anything else there?"

Dongze chuckled and waved his hands, "No, it\'s just a piece of historical text!"


Robin glanced at Dongze cautiously, and said in a low voice, "Can I take back what I said earlier?"

Dongze was expressionless, "One word from a gentleman is hard to follow!"

Robin rolled his eyes, then scratched his head, "Eh~ I don\'t understand~"

Dong Ze glanced at her and continued, "It\'s hard to get over the water!"

Robin lowered her head and deliberately didn\'t look at him. Not only this sentence, but even the previous sentence, she could guess the literal meaning, but there was the historical text that she dreamed of, so she pretended not to know it, and replied : "It\'s okay, I\'ll serve you another bowl!"

Dong Ze sighed lightly, wanting to tease the beauty in front of him, so he made a sharp turn, "I am cultivating immortals, eating wind and drinking dew!"

Robin raised his cheeks, "You are not human!"

The corner of Dongze\'s mouth twitched, "You are shameless!"

"What do I want it for?"


(Sure enough, you are such a Robin!)

After some bickering, Dongze finally lost the lawsuit. Sure enough, he is not Robin\'s opponent in such things as quarreling.

Sailing in the sea is no longer lifeless because of someone\'s bickering. With Huahuaguo\'s housekeeper, Dongze can spend much more time practicing than when he was sailing by himself.

The sea breeze blew, lifting a lock of hair hanging from his ear temples.

Looking at the calm sea, Dongze began to reflect, what happened to the proficiency lock before?

Also, the skill that Garp dropped after the previous battle also made him rub his teeth, what the **** is this tnd.

Do you have to beat your opponent to give something good?

(Author: Dongze, you are telling the truth. After being hammered, you still want good things? Are you awake or asleep? How can I give you good things if you are so stingy!)

"Sleep: 1/100000"

Seeing this skill, Dongze said that he collapsed. If this skill is fully brushed, he might fall asleep when he uses the sword.

Whether it is Ace or Luffy, they have inherited Garp\'s unique skill. Anytime, anywhere, the two of them can fall asleep as long as they want to sleep.

And Luffy is still young, eating meat while sleeping is definitely a bug-level skill.

Dongze now expresses that he does not dare to use this skill, but he has to use it. If he does not sleep for two days, he can still handle it, but he must be like Blackbeard, who does not blink for seven days and seven nights. In other words, that is "he is not human~~"

So this skill is inherently full, but this effect made his scalp tingle.

There is also the most important thing, that is why the proficiency of the two-color domineering is locked at 500,000 points and will not increase. For me now, this is the most important thing.

Thinking of this, Dongze\'s eyes slowly moved to his panel.

Iron head skills: max (can be merged!)

Heart network: max (can be merged!)

Iron crotch skill: max (can be merged!)

Abdominal breathing: max

Primary Meditation: 500/1000

Flying on water: max

Sleep: 1/100000

Basic swordsmanship: max

Swordsmithing: max

Hundred Steps Flying Sword: max (sword intent not activated)

Across all directions: max (sword intent is not activated)

Sword drawing: max

Flying Immortal: max (Sword Intent is not activated)

Sitting and forgetting with light: max (sword intent has been activated)

One Sword: Max (Sword Intent is not activated)

Taiji swordsmanship: max (sword intent not activated)

Marksmanship: 1200/1000000

Six styles - shaved: max

Six Forms—Monthly Steps: max

Armed color domineering (activated): 500000/1000000 (can be merged!)

Knowledge-colored domineering (activated): 500000/1000000 (can be merged!)

Overlord color domineering (activated): 25000/1000000

Sword Intent (Unlocked): 2/100

Erosion Sword Intent (activated): 420000/1000000

Invincible Sword Intent (activated): 350000/1000000

World Will (Unlocked): 1/10

Kendo (Xiaoqianworld is locked): 1/10 Wushuang sword box (to be unlocked) Shenbing storage 0/13

It can be said that you don\'t know if you don\'t look at it, but you are startled when you look at it. It turns out that the harvest from the previous battle is not just the funny skill.

It\'s a series of changes on this panel.

First, the skill fusion option appears.

According to his guess in the bottom of his heart, the combination of these two skills has a high probability of breaking through the bottleneck of the two-color domineering.

He further speculated that the advancement of armed color should be the first to come from one aspect.

Just like Karp, in addition to the title of naval hero, there is also Iron Fist Karp. If he said this, the choice he used to break through this level should be his hands.

Similarly, there are black-armed Zefa, awl-headed green peppers, and a series of domineering strong men with armed colors, and the arm wrists, awl-headed and so on they choose.

However, Dongze still blushed when he thought of his previous iron head skills. Could it be that his first choice to break through was also his head?

Thinking of the domineering and colorful appearance after the armed color covered the whole body, he couldn\'t help feeling a little chilly in his heart.

Good guy, if I wear such a hat in the future, I\'m afraid I\'ll be ashamed to see others.

But the remaining one also made him feel an indescribable shame. Would it be possible to take off his clothes first when facing the enemy in the future, and compare whose one is bigger, and whose one will shine?

He was not walking the bird under the moon and not wanting Bilian. At the time, he just thought about how to protect himself and not leave himself behind. He practiced there first. Now that he thinks about it, he also admires his courage at that time. up.

Thinking about it this way, UU reading www.uukanshu.com these two places are not advisable, he neither wants to be a strong gourd baby, nor does he want to watch birds under the moon, so he can only practice one more place.

As for the heart net, it can be integrated with it. He guessed that it should be able to open up a general direction of knowledge, and listen to the voice of all things.

This ability is very abnormal. Roger, the pirate king who conquered the entire sea, had this ability. Now his new straw hat successor, Luffy, seems to have this ability.

To be honest, Dongze has no objection to this ability, and he likes it better than Ka Er\'s ability to foresee the future.

Then there are five unactivated sword intents, which is a big deal, if all five sword intents are activated, his combat power will definitely increase by a large amount.

But how to activate it specifically, his eyes are darkened now, Wuzheng Sword Intent was activated when he was fighting Garp, and it was almost destroyed by the old man, and he used other sword moves as well. But in the end, only one was activated. If it was simply a battle, it didn\'t make sense.

Also, the improvement of his spiritual power has become a big problem for him. Even if all five sword intents are unlocked, he can only release three swords in the end. It doesn\'t make sense!

In the world of pirates, those monsters are too strong. The battle between the red dog and the blue pheasant lasted for a week.

Just thinking about it makes people go numb, which is much harder than not sleeping for a week.

Then there is this unparalleled sword box, which should come from the time and space of the boy Gexing!

The thirteen divine weapons constituted this mighty weapon, but only one-tenth of the world\'s will was unlocked before this follow-up came out. No matter how he looked at it, he felt a little unreal.

"That\'s all! Try it first and then talk!"