Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 265: Rayleigh vs Hawkeye

Marin Vanduo, Crescent Bay.

Hawkeye took a step forward, and above the black knife, the black-red electric light exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

Don Quixote and Doflamingo unnaturally dodged aside

"Overlord color winding!"

"This lunatic!"

With a move of this level, each blow has extremely strong destructive power, and Hawkeye actually opened up directly here.

Boa Hancock was taken aback for a moment, "The overlord\'s color is entwined?"

Regarding the high-end application of Overlord Color, Nine Snakes did not have detailed records. This kind of advanced application about Overlord Color, even in the sea, not many people know it, and it is limited to those who have reached the peak of combat power Several emperors.

Brother Ming looked a little envious and jealous.

He replied with a slightly low voice: "That\'s right! The four men who are respected as the Four Emperors in the New World know this powerful move!"

"It can raise its own attack power to another level, allowing ordinary attacks to exert extremely terrifying power."

"Four emperors fight, how terrifying is its power, the range can even radiate to a small island. After a big battle, the whole small island will be sunk!"

Doflamingo\'s expression was not fake, the Shichibukai who were approaching felt their scalps go numb for a while!

The destructive power caused by this is not at the same level at all.

The aftermath of a great war can destroy an island, which is comparable to the Demon Slaying Order.


A crisp knife sound suddenly exploded, making the hearts of several people nearby tremble.

Looking at Whitebeard and Pluto Rayleigh standing on the Moby Dick, Hawkeye raised Heidaoye high above his head, and then chopped down in horror.

A slash mixed with dark green and black red came out of the sky, destroying everything.

The nearby glaciers were all crushed by this slash.

At this moment, a tall figure ran over from a distance, trying to block this mighty knife.

This person is none other than Diamond George, the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But at this moment, Lei Li narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Little brother, step back! This knife has surpassed the power of a general in the general sense! Even if you can block it, then you can\'t stop it!" It is bound to lose its fighting power!"

White Beard glanced at the slash, but didn\'t force it.

What Lei Li said was true. Although George was good, he was not strong enough. Without the domineering slash, he would have no problem resisting it.

After all, as the toughest man in the world - the fifth diamond king, he has the capital.

But if George blocked this blow, it would probably be destroyed directly.

Perhaps Hawkeye had already guessed that his simple slash might be blocked, so he directly used the overlord color to wrap.

In other words, this blow was prepared for Rayleigh and Whitebeard.

None of the other members of the Whitebeard Pirates at the scene could stop them.

"Young man, it\'s really good!" Lei Li chuckled while speaking, and the long sword in his hand trembled with a buzzing sound.

The domineering armed color instantly covered the long knife in his hand, followed by sparks and lightning. The moment he raised the knife, a black and red slash shot out in a burst.

"God avoids!"

It is also a slash that is entwined with the overlord\'s color.

Hawkeye narrowed his eyes, he had seen this move before, and the red hair had used it in the battle with him, it was a very difficult move.

After a few breaths, the two slashes collided violently. Between the stands and the Moby Dick, the two slashes were like two wrestling bulls, point to point, corner to corner, you come and go , not giving in to each other.

The two slashes were like two real famous knives. When they were in a stalemate, there was a piercing sound of steel clashing.

And the two slashes began to become more and more unstable, and the slashes under the blessing of two-color domineering were very ferocious.

Amidst the buzzing sound of swords, there were big cracks and sharp scattered sword aura, which was exaggerated to a shocking degree. Both pirates and marines nearby hid far away. There were two of them before. The navy and pirates who were not in a hurry to dodge were directly torn to pieces by the aftermath of this move.


The final bang of the two slashes was like two equivalent bombs exploding. The terrifying air wave directly blasted a large crater of eighty to ninety meters in place.

After the blow, Hawkeye\'s eyes suddenly lit up. Rayleigh\'s strength gave him the urge to swing the knife again. The old man in front of him was very strong, even stronger than Shanks before his arm was broken.

As soon as he thought of this, he ignored the expressions of the other Shichibukai, jumped straight up, and stood in mid-air, the black sword—Ye was lifted above his head by him, and a majestic saber energy naturally emerged from the blade. The knife wheel becomes a full moon.

Another blow, slashing blatantly, a slash almost full moon sounded, as if it meant to split the Moby Dick in the distance into two.

"God Breaking Strike!"

Seemingly feeling the majestic fighting spirit of Hawkeye, Lei Li laughed.

"It seems that today I have to move my old bones!"

Rayleigh nodded to Whitebeard, then moved his feet slightly, and disappeared on the spot in a flash.

In the middle of the sky, Lei Li suddenly revealed his true body, with the long knife horizontally in front of him, and with a horizontal cut, a long slender black line appeared in the sky.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn\'t help being stunned, but the expressions of those strong men who stood at the top suddenly changed.

In their eyes, that is not a long line, but a slash that has been compressed countless times, a majestic slash that has been compressed into a thin line, its power will not be weakened by half, on the contrary it will be geometrically multiple growth.

This time, unlike the previous slash, which resulted in a stalemate, it collapsed with one blow.

That inconspicuous black line directly split the slash that Hawkeye made into two. And the castration remained unabated, at a speed that surpassed what the naked eye could see ~www.novelhall.com~ slashed towards Hawkeye.

Hawkeye was in mid-air, tense all over, like a fully stretched bowstring, his pair of eagle eyes didn\'t appear to be panicked, only his feet trembled slightly, and there were two sudden explosions from his feet.


Hawkeye\'s body was like a rocket, he accelerated suddenly, leaped suddenly, he was forced to rise several tens of feet, and then he didn\'t stop his movements, and he hit another backhand, but this time it was not a slash, but a close-fitting blow. fight.

Taking advantage of the height and the inertia of the body, Hawkeye held the knife in both hands, and then slashed vertically from top to bottom.

At the same time, the black knife—the black and red electric light on the night has been hunting. Obviously, this attack, he also used the overlord color to wrap.

"Gu la la la! This brat is really crazy!"

White Beard looked at Hawkeye and laughed, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

Back then, he and that person often had such battles!