Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 259: 7 Wuhai is in place, Yuyuan VS Hawkeye

Time passed quietly, and the atmosphere in the world became more and more tense.

Marin Vanduo, Sengoku walked into a huge conference room, where several princes Qiwuhai who had already arrived were sitting here.

Doflamingo laughed.

"Young! Come and see, who is this??"

"Hee hee hee! Isn\'t this Marshal of the Warring States Period??"

"I didn\'t expect that a man like you would come!"

Crocodile, exhaled a puff of smoke, and squinted at Hawkeye.

Hawkeye\'s legs were resting on the table, his top hat was pressed down, and his hands were crossed on his chest.

Hawkeye is just a person, and there are no members under his command. It is typical for a person to eat enough and the whole family not to be hungry. In the situation of the other party, the various regulations of Qiwuhai under the king restrict him to an outrageous level.

If one day, it is possible for the other party to raise a knife and face the navy.

"I just want to see how strong that man is!"

"Tsk ha ha ha! Mihawk, after inheriting the Sword Emperor\'s sword intent, isn\'t he satisfied with the title of the world\'s number one swordsman?"

Hearing Doflamingo\'s words, Mihawk raised his head and glanced at him, his eagle-like eyes exuded a chill.

Seeing Doflamingo\'s heart go cold, and being stared at by such a pair of eyes suddenly, no one will feel good, and he is the same.

"Don\'t you think I won\'t dare to kill you if you wear the hat of a Celestial Dragon?"

Doflamingo\'s forehead suddenly burst into a vein, and his face was a little gloomy.

"Hahaha! Hawkeye! If you dare, you can try!!"

"Some words in the dark world are really good, a clown, don\'t think that you will be safe and sound if you have something to do with it. If I go to Dressrosa, how many people in the Don Quixote family will be able to survive in the end?" survive?"

Doflamingo was a little silent when he heard the words, like this kind of lone ranger, or a particularly strong lone ranger, he really can\'t afford to provoke him.

"Zhahaha! As expected of a man who can fight against the Four Emperors undefeated!!"

Brother Ming laughed, flattered the other party, and stopped talking to him.

Behind the red sunglasses, the tyrannical murderous intent in his eyes was suppressed by him like a tide.

To put it simply, he was cowardly.

It\'s not that Hawkeye didn\'t make a move here, and even some old antiques with super general strength died in his hands.

And as the number of shots increases, some of his things can\'t be hidden, like the overlord-like arrogance, the overlord-like entanglement, the sword intent, and the extreme armed arrogance.

He does have the strength to challenge the Four Emperors.

Brother Ming probably wouldn\'t be able to do it even with the whole family, so he turned to look at the other side, a man who was lying on the table and devouring it.

A man who can survive the hands of Fire Fist Ace, and the place is still a glacier that has not yet melted.

"Young! The original pirate of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marshall D. Teach! Are you interested in cooperating?"

Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach had a strange smile on his face.

"Tsk ha ha ha! The Marshal of the Warring States is still here, aren\'t you afraid of arousing the vigilance of the Marshal of the Warring States??"

Hearing this, Brother Ming laughed. Hearing what the other party said, there should be something interesting, but as the other party said, they are indeed not easy to be presumptuous here in the Warring States Period.

"That\'s right! After the big battle, let\'s drink together again!"

Seeing this group of lawless people, Sengoku felt a headache. These people are directly under the World Government. As long as they don\'t openly oppose the World Government, the Navy will not do anything to them.

After standing for a while, Sengoku narrowed his eyes.

Not long after, a beautiful woman with a sea snake came in, but it was the Nine Snake Empress Boa Hancock who came late.

Her arrival made everyone present lick their tongues. Apart from fame and fortune, beauties are no exception. They are naturally very interested in the Pirate Empress who was voted the most beautiful woman in the sea.

If you can get this woman, not only can you embrace the beauty, but also the whole Nine Snakes can be used by you, that is a terrifying force that cannot be underestimated, because the women of Nine Snakes are all people who have mastered domineering .

Seeing that the last person was also present, Zhan Guo took advantage of another two minutes and said, "After three days, I hope you can faithfully fulfill your responsibilities! During these three days, someone will take you to a special rest area!"

"During this period, I would like to advise you a few words, it is best not to run around! Now Marin Fanduo is on a first-level alert, if you are misunderstood! If you die, don\'t blame me for not reminding you!"

Brother Ming grinned, "Marshal of the Warring States Period! What do you mean, do you want to put us under house arrest?"

Sengoku turned his gaze to Tian Yasha, his tone unchanged, still calm, "If you don\'t want to be beaten into a fool by Xiaohe and Garp, then just pretend I didn\'t say this!"

The corner of Brother Ming\'s mouth twitched, and when these two people were mentioned, he couldn\'t help but shudder, one was because of the fruit ability, and the other was because of the fist.

If he is caught by Lieutenant General He~www.novelhall.com~, it will definitely be an experience that is worse than death, especially for an ambitious person like him. As for the other one, that mad dog really dared to beat himself to death It\'s embarrassing if he can\'t beat him.

He grumbled twice and stopped talking.

Then Zhan Guo looked at Hawkeye with his legs up, thought for a while and said, "Mihawk! If you have nothing to do, you can go to the No. 23 training ground!"

Hawkeye looked up suspiciously, he didn\'t want Zhanhui to tell him this.

Sengoku\'s expression remained unchanged, but he felt a little helpless in his heart. He was annoyed by that little girl in Gion. He said that he wanted to compete with Hawkeye. It was originally Crane\'s back, and that small mouth seemed to be wiped. Honey, coaxed Garp to speak for her, so he could only mention it in passing.

"There is a person in the navy who also learned sword intent! Maybe both of you will gain something!"

Brother Ming laughed, "Is that Taotu Gion?? I heard that she is also a great beauty!"

Crocodile\'s face was a little dark, and he still often wakes up from nightmares when he was beaten violently.

Blackbeard lowered his head. Speaking of that thing, he was a real victim. His younger brother was killed by Ace\'s little wooden sword. If it wasn\'t for that little sword, why would he be like this? passive.

Boya Hancock glanced at Sengoku, "Aijia also wants to go, can you?"

Warring States looked at Hancock somewhat unexpectedly, as if he didn\'t expect that the other party would be interested in such a thing. After all, except for the swordsman, few people would master that thing.

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