Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 252: Dongze appeared, targeting Ralph Drew

Fate turned, and the Straw Hats arrived as scheduled.

But as soon as they arrived near the Chambord Islands, Guina left directly.

"Hey! Where\'s Miss Guina?"

Sanji walked out of the cabin with a glass of juice, just about to show his hospitality.

Sauron thought of Kuina\'s look before, with thoughtful eyes, and waved his hand.


Sanji shook his head regretfully, and looked at Zoro with a long sigh.

Hearing the nonsensical complaints over there again, Zoro raised the amount with his hand, he couldn\'t understand, they are both human, why Sanji\'s brain circuit is so strange.

Looking at the small sword in his hand, Sauron fell into deep thought.

The little wooden sword that had consumed its sword intent became radiant and restrained again.

"Has it already reached this point? Really! It puts me under a lot of pressure!"

After that, there were not many deviations. The supernova gathered in Shambord, Luffy beat up Tianlongren at the auction house, and then the yellow monkey came, one bite was terrible, and one kick was a supernova.

Later, Robin made a move to stop the yellow ape, and the tyrant bear came to the rescue, and shot all the straw hats away! Things were pulled back to the original track, the only difference was that Robin was not shot flying, and had no choice but to retreat in the siege of the big bear and the yellow ape.

Then Huang Yuan took a meaningful look at Big Bear, he felt that something was wrong with this guy, he seemed to be a friendly army!

But he didn\'t expose it, instead he said with a smile: "Is that okay? You\'ve shot the culprit away this time! I can\'t teach you badly, and you\'ll have to suffer from the World Government too!"

Big Bear didn\'t speak, just turned around and left. On the afternoon of the same day, the king\'s Shichibukai—the tyrant bear was held accountable by the world government, and then Big Bear directly withdrew from the King\'s Shichibukai, regained his identity as a pirate, and disappeared.

At the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey Dlong sighed slightly when he saw the newspaper in his hand, the line of Qiwuhai under the king was broken, but luckily he was fine.

Most of the people in the Sorbe Kingdom have already moved out, and there are only a few people left, but it is a finishing job, so it is not a cause for concern.

Robin returned to the Wanli Sunshine, and began to mobilize his forces to hide the ship.

Then, according to the reminder that Guina left for herself, she came to an island at the northernmost tip of the Chambord Islands.

In an open space by the sea, three people waited here for a long time.

"Robin! Long time no see! How are you doing?"

As soon as the words fell, Dongze only felt his body sink, and a figure had already fallen into his arms.

A voice rang in the ears.

"Since you\'re all back, why don\'t you come to me, you bastard!"

Before Dongze could reply, Robin was already sobbing.


Dongze could only shake his head with a wry smile. In fact, the last time he traveled through time and space was the time when he came to this world.

That is to say, at the time when he opened his eyes in Pirate World.

There are not two Dongzes allowed in the same time and space, which is like an iron law.

Just like when Kuina left earlier, in fact, it didn\'t take long for him to return to this time and space this time, only about half a month.

He still has some things to deal with, and Robin has been traveling all the time, so he didn\'t come to see her.

But now it looks like I did something wrong.

"Sorry! I\'m late!"

"Hey! Sister Robin is so old, she still wants to cry!"

"Robin sauce, in fact, Dongze came back not long ago, and you should be able to feel the inherited sword intent!"

The two women were also comforting at the side. After a long time, Robin gradually stopped crying, and the faint snoring of mosquitoes and flies sounded. It turned out that she was lying in Dongze\'s arms and fell asleep deeply.

Feeling that the front of the clothes in front of him was wet, Dongze was a little dumbfounded. He waved his hand lightly, and the Wushuang sword box slipped gently from behind Robin, and then came to Dongze\'s side, trembling slightly, as if It\'s like blaming Dongze for not coming to see it for so long.

Dongze felt a little empty, a little funny.

"You! You are not satisfied with a beautiful woman by your side~~"

But as soon as the words were finished, they laughed dumbfounded. What kind of beauty does a weapon know? It is estimated that in their weak consciousness, the creator is the most important!

Then he gently hugged Robin horizontally, and then softly shouted: "Wang Chen!"

The Wushuang sword box made the sound of hooking and closing, and then slowly unfolded one by one, and the thirteen flying swords began to make a faint sound of swords at the same time.

It seems to be cheering for the return of its master.

The flying sword on the far right trembled slightly and flew out. After circling Dongze twice, it landed in front of Dongze, suspended in mid-air, and then slowly grew larger.

Dong Ze jumped up first with Robin in his arms, followed by Shi Xuan and Ku Yina.


The flying sword turned into a rainbow and flew away, and as the sun set in the west, it was like a ray of light piercing the sky.

"Dongze~ Haven\'t we all experienced those histories? What\'s the point of reading those historical texts?"

Kuina knelt on Wangchen, and pretended to take Robin who was asleep. When she and Sauron were rescued in distress, Robin took care of herself carefully. She still remembers this kindness! Now, just as she was about to do her best, Dongze shrugged her shoulders and gestured with her eyes. Kuina saw the hands firmly grasping the corner of Dongze\'s clothes, so she could only give up.

The flying sword is very stable, and there is a layer of sword protection outside, and several people can\'t feel the bumps at all. Feijian is chasing the sun, and the scenery is too beautiful.

Facing the afterglow of the setting sun, Dongze said with a smile: "Why, don\'t you want to know how those people evaluate us? Has our appearance really changed the direction of history?"

Hearing this, Shi Xuan and Guyina couldn\'t help being taken aback. It\'s true that the three of them traveled through time and left their own marks in the past. A strong man who resounded through that era.

Maybe those people really have records! At this moment, the two couldn\'t help but feel a little moved. They suddenly wanted to see how those people recorded themselves and how they evaluated themselves.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Dongze couldn\'t help laughing.

Robin in his arms seemed to feel something, arched slightly, found a comfortable position, and snored again.

Thinking of the last two special historical texts, Dongze began to look inside, looking at his golden finger.

Combat rating: SSSR level

Common Skills: Basic Swordsmanship:

belly breathing

water fly


maneuver the boat

Advanced Meditation: 980W/1000W


Bloodline inheritance: 7/20

Six types: max


Armed color domineering: max

Knowledgeable domineering: max

Overlord color domineering: max

Sword Skills:

Hundred Steps Flying Sword: max

Across all directions: max

Sword drawing: max

Flying Fairy: max

Sitting and forgetting with light: max Invincible sword intent: max

One Sword: Max

Tai Chi swordsmanship: max

Yu Jianshu :: max

Green Snake with Two Sleeves: :max

Sword Opens Heaven :: max

Sword intent: 14/100

Erosion Sword Intent: max

Thunder Sword Intent: max

Cracking Sky Sword Intent: max

Moonlight Blossom Morning: max

Infinite Sword Intent: max

World Will: 7/10

Wushuang Sword Box: 13/13

Special Skill: Sword Intent Domain: max

Mieshihai: max

Passive Skill: Sword Wizard



flat day

Seeing this string of various comments, Dongze couldn\'t help laughing, sometimes! He found that these comments were more interesting than the moves he had learned.

And when my golden finger wakes up again, its intelligence and humanization have made great progress.

For example, it will remind itself that there is still a skill that can be improved, and it will also release some tasks that can improve its strength.

Skills that can be improved: Advanced Meditation.

Historical text: 7/30

Who is empty at the end of the kendo:

Above the flying sword, two hours passed by in a flash. Robin finally opened her sleepy eyes and smelled the reassuring breath in her nose. Her eyes were a little dazed again. She was not dreaming!

Then her gaze began to move upwards, looking at the figure that kept her from tossing and falling asleep for the past three years.

"That\'s great~"

She began to whisper softly in her mouth, yes!

That person didn\'t break the appointment, it was only three years, and she could still wait. May the years be quiet and the people you and I care about are still there. I don\'t want to live forever, but I want to support each other until I grow old.

Holy Land Marie Gioia, the Five Old Stars slapped the table.

"The former King Qiwuhai Bartholomi Daxiong is actually a member of the Revolutionary Army???"

"Is Tian Gang\'s report a little unreliable? At the beginning, he sent people to the territory of the king of Qiwuhai-Moonlight Moriah, and almost killed Bartholomi Daxiong! The other party left this time, perhaps because Don\'t be mad at us for treating him like this!"

"What\'s the point of arguing about this! That guy has already left without authorization!"

"It must not be revealed so lightly. The Qibuhai system under the king is what we use to balance the balance between the navy, pirates, and four emperors. If those big pirates can break away from the Qiwuhai system so easily, then our world will Where is the government\'s face going?"

"That\'s right! This matter~www.novelhall.com~We must deal with it seriously, and propose to send a ten-man team to kill it completely, and then hang the body in Shampoo, let those pirates know that the authority of our world government cannot be challenged , only the Qiwuhai we don\'t want, no Qiwuhai can withdraw without authorization!"

"Let\'s put this aside for now! The navy is only seven days away from Ace\'s execution! What\'s the matter with Whitebeard?"

"According to the information sent by Tian Gang, the Whitebeard Pirates have begun to mobilize on a large scale! The Four Emperors are also gearing up! Beast Kaido intends to attack Whitebeard\'s territory. If you come out in full force once, you will eat a piece of the opponent\'s flesh! If Whitebeard dies this time, it is estimated that the huge territory will be reduced to his territory!"

"This is not acceptable! Why don\'t you inform that person and ask him to stop it!"

"This~~ we don\'t need to ask Mr. Im\'s opinion! After all, this person is~~"

"Forget it, let\'s just send the information over! As for what he wants to do, let him do it!"

"But there is one more thing to note, the woman disappeared! Just disappeared for no reason! The last time our people saw her was on the northernmost island of the Chambords, but then they lost track of each other Already!"

"Let\'s put this one aside for now! According to the information we have piled up with our lives, we can see that this woman is not invincible! After the war is over, let\'s take back the sword box!"

