Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 219: strange country, invite roger

Sust Kingdom, the southeast port.

A three-masted sailing ship docked on the shore. Although the sails were furled very fast when it docked, sharp-eyed people still saw the skull on the ship, which meant that this ship looked very beautiful and imposing. It\'s a pirate ship.

But what! The strange thing is that the people here are not half afraid of this pirate ship.

The workers shuttled up and down on the seven or eight huge sailboats moored in the port, moving boxes of things down and boxes of things up again.

He didn\'t stop the work at hand because of the arrival of this pirate ship.

Those workers who sneaked in were talking about the three-masted sailing ship in front of them. This ship was very beautiful and magnificent.

It seems that the shadow of a naval warship can be seen. Obviously, this ship has an extraordinary origin, and it should be made by a famous craftsman in the capital of seven waters.

"Yo! Rayleigh, it\'s the breath of freedom!"

I saw a group of people getting off from that boat, and the leader had a strange expression, as if he was a little greedy, greedily sucking the air of this place.

Seeing his own captain like this, the man with eyes on the side felt a little helpless and couldn\'t laugh or cry.



"Hurry up and put away your appearance, don\'t look like a bumpkin, we have been in the sea for so many years, and we haven\'t seen anything!"

"Rayleigh! Did you see the eyes of those people? They didn\'t move at all, we are pirates who roam the sea!"

Regardless of whether Rayleigh understood what he meant, Roger walked out first and came to an old boatman who was smoking a pipe.

"Hey, brother, may I ask where you can buy Zhuye Niang? We came here from far away to taste the wine! The wine is really great!"

Once in contact with the crowd, Roger\'s natural smiling face easily drew the distance between him and the other party. Hearing this, the old boatman knocked his cigarette stick on the big bluestone under his buttocks twice, Then he said: "It\'s on the fourth row of this street, in the second room, turn left, there is a sign of Susite\'s specialty bamboo leaf brew next to the shop! But young people, that kind of wine is not cheap, especially for you outsiders people!"

Hearing the old man\'s answer, Roger laughed.

"That\'s right! It\'s okay, thank you so much!"

Suddenly, Roger was taken aback for a moment, and his expression changed dramatically.

Because a hand was on his shoulder, he didn\'t even notice it before that.

"Hello! Gold Roger!"

Listening to the words in his ear, Roger turned around with some difficulty.

Because apart from this hand, his knowledgeable and domineering perception is still empty.

But how is this possible! Could it be that the person behind him is a ghost but not a human?

Roger\'s Adam\'s apple slid twice, and secretly swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva. Amidst the arrogance of knowledge and domineering, Raleigh and the others were still laughing, as if they were watching their own jokes. Every time the pirates asked for directions, these guys They will take a gamble to see if they will be rejected or rejected, and they will take pleasure in watching the embarrassment of the person asking for directions.

Of course, it seemed a bit low-interest, but they kept teaching them repeatedly. Those who asked for directions never shot at the person being questioned. This has become a customary rule.

The few of them didn\'t seem to feel wrong about their current situation at all. Normally speaking, this is impossible. They are powerful pirates in the new world. Even if there is a slight disturbance, they will be aware of it.

When he turned around and saw the person coming, he was taken aback again, without him, he was really too young.

The other party was accompanied by two extremely beautiful girls, who were also looking at him with a smile.

"Haha! Hello, I\'m Roger!"

Seeing that the few people seemed harmless, he suppressed the shock in his heart and greeted them with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Dongze! They are my wives! Shixuan, Kuina!"

When Luo Jie heard Dongze\'s introduction, his expression froze. Although the world does not object to polygamy, if he introduced his women in such a broad daylight, wouldn\'t he be afraid that they would be unhappy?

But when he saw the two extremely good-looking women, he found that the other party didn\'t seem to have that kind of sad expression.

Seeing this, Roger couldn\'t help giving the person in front of him a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart, good job.

"Brother, you are really blessed. The looks of these two girls are not seen in the whole sea!"

Luo Jie winked at Dongze, made an appearance that you are really happy, and then began to praise Kuina and Shixuan. With his eloquence, he was embarrassed until the two girls said everything Yes, and hid behind Dongze.

Dongze couldn\'t help being a little amazed by this mouth escape technique.

That\'s really a high mountain looking up and stopping, and scenery walking and walking.

"I\'m a foreigner. I don\'t have anything to do today. How about I treat you and your friends to a drink?"

Roger\'s eyes lit up, he licked the corners of his mouth, and then he laughed, "Really? We made a special trip to drink bamboo leaves!"

Dongze smiled slightly, "It\'s okay, I like listening to stories very much, if your stories are exciting enough, why not let me fill you with another one after drinking this meal?"

Roger was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again and said, "Haha! Then you lost money for this meal!"

Then Roger went back to Rayleigh and the others and told them that Dongze wanted to buy them a drink.

After listening to Roger\'s words~www.novelhall.com~ Rayleigh couldn\'t help but a trace of suspicion flashed across his eyes, "Roger, that young man really said his name is Dong Ze?"

Seeing that Raleigh\'s expression was a little off, Roger asked back, "Yeah? What\'s the matter?"

Raleigh pushed his eyes, and his voice became a little heavy, "Roger, do you know the name of the new king of the Soest Kingdom?"

Roger narrowed his eyes, and then showed a wry smile, "No way! We were blocked by the other party as soon as we arrived?"

Lei Li also gave a wry smile, glanced at the three people in the distance, and said in a low voice: "However, from what you said, the other party doesn\'t seem to have any malicious intentions. I think this wine is drinkable!"

I don\'t know what came to mind, Lei Li leaned on Roger\'s ear and whispered: "You don\'t know how expensive this kind of bamboo leaf brewing is in other countries. If it can really fill ten barrels for us Eight barrels, we can make a fortune!"

Roger laughed, and patted his vice-captain, and he was indeed the guy who was gluttonous and very stance.

After thinking about it, he didn\'t express his guess about Dongze\'s strength. He killed his own existence by himself. Just thinking about it made his scalp tingle. Could there be such a person in the world?


"It\'s okay, let\'s talk while walking over there, I will introduce you to this kingdom!"
