Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 216: Reward Order, 1494 Years of the Sea Calendar

"Wow! Sauron, look here is our reward order!"

Luffy and Zoro came to the small town of Gaya Island, looked at the reward on the wall and laughed.

Seeing the reward order, Sauron quickly followed.

Then the two of them saw their respective bounties.

Straw Hat Boy, Monkey d Luffy, the reward is $12,000,000.

Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro has a bounty of $21,000,000.

"Hey! Luffy, is my bounty higher than yours? Haha!"

Luffy moved his fingers and counted, as if he had been hit, his dead skin drooped his eyes.


Sauron\'s eyes twitched suddenly, and then he saw the face that was about to cry.

"Hey! I..."

Seeing Sauron\'s bewildered look, Luffy laughed and made a grimace. He didn\'t care so much about the fact that Sauron offered a higher bounty than himself. Anyway, no matter how high it was, it was still his own crew.

Suddenly Sauron narrowed his eyes, and there was another reward order on the side of the two of them.

It is the portrait of Robin.

Luffy followed Sauron\'s gaze, looked over, and couldn\'t help but be taken aback.

"Hey! Isn\'t this Xiaoyi?"

Then he snapped his fingers and counted.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million..."


Luffy couldn\'t help being stunned again, as if he didn\'t quite believe it, and then counted again.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million, one billion!"


"Zoro!! What\'s going on here??"

Lu Fei swallowed twice, he never thought that the woman who claimed to be an archaeologist would be offered a reward of three billion Berries.

At the beginning, he had read it wrong, so he counted it twice.

The corner of Sauron\'s mouth twitched. Although he already knew that Robin was stronger than him, a reward of this level still made him somewhat unacceptable.

This is no longer two times or three times, it has already exceeded ten times. If a reward order is a symbol of a person\'s strength, then does it mean that her strength is more than ten times higher than her own.

"I don\'t know, ask yourself!"

Originally, I wanted to drink a glass of wine to satisfy my hunger, but now I have no interest at all.

He wants to go back, continue to exercise, continue to practice swords.

What bicycle, what champagne, what feast.

But it\'s a pity that people\'s wishes failed, and Bellamy, Luffy\'s fateful enemy, still found them.

"Yo! I heard that you want to go to Sky Island??"

"Hehe! Does anyone still daydream now??"

Lu Fei\'s face sank, "Who are you?"

Sauron didn\'t speak. Normally, he would consciously maintain the majesty of the captain.

Bellamy laughed, eyes full of tyranny.

"Ha ha!"

"My name is Bellamy, and I\'m the ship of the Bellamy Pirates! I\'ve always hated those unrealistic dreams, Sky Island is nothing but a legend! You idiots and scum!"

Sauron sneered, he didn\'t seem to have thought that such a person existed in this world.

"Tch, a poor **** who can\'t even think about it, how pathetic!"

The next thing did not differ much from the original work, and the two were beaten.

Seeing this situation, Nami who rushed over was dumbfounded.

Just when a few people went back, they met the black beard who had been waiting here for a long time—Marshall Ditch.

Although he has been warned by Robin, he also wants to know what kind of person the Straw Hat Boy is, who can win this favor.

But when he saw the straw hat kid with firm eyes, he couldn\'t help being shocked.

Although the other party was still a young man, he seemed to have seen the man who was fighting with the white beard back then.

It was the man known as One Piece Gol D Roger.

And that familiar straw hat.

"Zhaha, boy, do you match this straw hat well?"

Luffy chuckled, "That\'s right! I think it\'s good too!"

Blackbeard smiled again, "Why didn\'t you make a move just now! I can feel it, if you make a move, that Bellamy will definitely not be your opponent! A dog that barks won\'t bite!"

"A pirate who has no dreams is not worthy to be my opponent, he is just a poor fellow!"

Hearing this, Blackbeard laughed again, and he fully agreed with Luffy\'s words.

"That\'s right, you won the fight just now!!"

Thinking of the woman he met before, Tiqi said with emotion: "If you want to stand at the top, you will always encounter unreasonable provocations!"

"However, the era of pirates looking for dreams is over. It\'s just the wailing of poor people. Without dreams, what is the purpose of our going to sea!"

"A man\'s ambition and dream will never end!!"

. . . . . .

Afterwards, there were no further disturbances. Bellamy provoked Kuli Kai, but Luffy took him back and beat him up as an idiot.

Watching the Meili rushing up the upwelling current, Kuli Kai couldn\'t help laughing when he remembered what the woman had told him before.

"Sky Island really exists!"

"I didn\'t expect the kid back then to be that man. Can I brag about it in the future, the most amazing man I\'ve ever seen in the sea! Haha! Hahaha!"

. . . . . .

The sea calendar is 1494.

After wandering around for half a month, Dongze and Kuina found a familiar figure in Wano Country.

It was Shi Xuan who disappeared along the long river of time.

Back to the time when she met Dong Ze for the first time, although the future has changed, she firmly believes that at this point in time ~www.novelhall.com~ that man will definitely come.

Seeing the figure approaching from the horizon, Shi Xuan smiled knowingly.

"You are finally here! Dongze!"

Looking at the person in front of him, Dong Ze felt relieved. If it wasn\'t for the fact that the other party had sword intent, it would have been really difficult to find someone after such a long time.

The 20-year cooling time, once missed, wait for 20 years, no one knows how many things will happen during the period.

When we met again, Dongze\'s face was filled with the vicissitudes of the world, and Kuina behind him was a little more charming and quiet, but there was a flash of light in the depths of his eyes that made people daunted.

But what is surprising is that the appearance of the two of them does not seem to have changed, and the passage of time has not left traces on the two of them, and they are still the same as when they traveled through time and space.

"Shi Xuan, when is this time node?"

When Dongze followed Shi Xuan to a bamboo building, he settled down simply, and couldn\'t help asking.

Shi Xuan smiled lightly, and said playfully, "Guess!"

Dongze shook his head with a wry smile, "How could I have guessed that!"

Shi Xuan blinked his eyes twice, "It\'s the year 1494 of the Haiyuan calendar, the most brilliant era for those legendary heroes in the sea! There was the peak period Roger, White Beard..."