Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 207: I have 1 sword, the name of the sword is boundless

In the Valley of the Gods, when darkness and light collide, when a long sword pierces through the gate of heaven, when a person is alone, facing the entire sea, chic and fearless.

The lightsaber pierced the dark sky, and the tip of the sword pointed at Rocks who was standing there.

At this moment, the shock in Lockes\' eyes has not faded away, and the young Garp also opened his mouth wide, muttering, "This is impossible! Did the thief be fooled by someone?"

The few people who were still standing on the battlefield also looked at Dongze cautiously, with a hint of imperceptible fear in their eyes.

For this war, the combat power carried by these forces can be called high-end combat power.

Overlord color domineering on this high-end battlefield, although it is effective, it will never be swept away.

But today\'s situation made them really dare not not be frightened. Except for a few people from each side, everyone else fainted.

And it was the always blurry figure in front of them that caused this kind of consequence. Up to now, they could only hear that the other party was a man from the voice.

"Annihilate the black hole!"

With a burst of shouting, the sky darkened again, but this time, it was not like the black smoke covering the sky and the earth before, but a pitch-black black hole appeared.

This move is exactly the terrifying move developed by Lockes after the dark fruit awakened.

The characteristic of the dark fruit is to devour everything, and the black hole, whether it is life force or fruit ability, always refuses to come, and it is extremely terrifying.

During the battle, just resisting this terrifying gravitational force makes people feel flustered, plus there are dark tentacles protruding from the black hole, as long as they touch objects, they will quickly drain everything, stones will be turned into dust, and creatures will be turned into dust. Dry bones, very difficult to deal with.

The black hole exudes terrifying devouring power, like a huge mouth of an abyss, showing its cruel fangs to the world.

But seeing this terrifying black hole, Dongze didn\'t panic. Before traveling through time, he used five sword intents to create a terrifying move like Mieshihai, and he had some understanding of the power of devouring.

This kind of black hole looks quite bluffing, but he knows that there are some things that cannot be swallowed in this world, such as the power of rules and the arrogance of god-level weapons.

Swallow a little, and it will have indigestion, and it will burst completely, and whether it is the god-level armed domineering, or the power of rules, it happens that he can do it, and the power of rules is not just one.

But just now he also discovered a strange thing, that is world consciousness, which is what Rocks and Garp said. It stands to reason that if the power of rules riots, that guy will definitely show up, but until now there is no movement , which made him a little strange.

Then he glanced at his panel through his mental power, and the way of the sword has been activated at this time, and the sword intent that was activated before is all complete at this moment.

If An Zhao was the man in white who had fought against him before, the power of the rules he had mastered at this moment was no less than that man.

In other words, at this moment he really has the power to slay a dragon.

He was also waiting for that guy, but right now he had to deal with Lockes\' move first.

Dongze held the sword, his left hand slashed across the blade in front of him, and the sword intent shot up into the sky.

Then a phantom of a huge purple sword rose inch by inch from the ice behind him.

One, two, three, and then countless purple giant swords rose from the ground.

It can be said that Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

This is called immeasurable, immeasurable sword.

The purple giant sword that was almost condensed into substance exuded an aura like a mountain, thick and immovable like a mountain.

"what is this?"

"Is it a devil fruit?"

"After awakening, the devil fruit can affect the surrounding objects, there is a great possibility!"

"What about the previous move! It\'s completely different from this one! Could it be that he ate two devil fruits?"

"Impossible! Rocks has two abilities because of the characteristics of the dark fruit!"

"Wait! There must be a reason for this person to appear at this time! I don\'t believe he\'s just here to stop this battle!"

The huge sword was in the air, thrusting up, like a purple mountain rising from the ground, confronting the black hole in the mid-air, and staring dumbfounded at these figures standing on the peak of the sea.

"I have a sword, the name of the sword is boundless!"

A cold voice sounded, and then Garp and the others were dumbfounded. Is this the way of swordsmanship?

Garp\'s eyes were full of surprise, and he asked Roger beside him, "Hey! Roger, is this the way of the sword?"

As soon as these words came out, even Whitebeard, Kaido, Lingling, Wang Zhi and other cadres of the Rocks Pirates all looked at Roger.

Roger can be said to be the most outstanding swordsman in the sea recently. The "God\'s Avoidance" with a domineering look in one hand can be described as avoiding ghosts and gods. It is amazing to avoid the opponent\'s weapon and directly attack the opponent\'s body.

As for the other people, most of them are capable people. Although they have dabbled in the way of swordsmanship, it is not their strongest method.

Seeing that everyone around him was looking at him, Roger couldn\'t help feeling a little embarrassed.

The whole situation in front of him is also confused, but he can be sure that this thing is definitely not the way of swordsmanship. If the way of swordsmanship is so powerful, he will be chased and beaten by Karp?

Under this tactic, his "Divine Avoidance" was simply useless.

"Hehe! This shouldn\'t be the way of swordsmanship! It\'s not like you haven\'t fought against swordsmen before. The most swordsman\'s methods are cutting iron, cutting steel, and cutting! It\'s hand-to-hand combat. You see, this move looks like a swordsman\'s. Is it a move?"

Hearing Roger\'s explanation, these people couldn\'t help showing a look of thought. Even Kaido and Lingling, the youngest among them, had fought sword masters before. In their impression, sword masters were not those who just disagreed. A fool with a knife?

If it is more powerful, it will be considered powerful if it is covered by armed colors and can make slashes.

If they can cut this thing, they also think it is impossible, if the swordsman has such a thing~www.novelhall.com~ what are they going to do in the sea, let\'s learn swords! If you learn it, you will have everything.

"Roger is right! This should not be the move of the swordsman. If the swordsman is so powerful, we would have been killed by the samurai of Wano country!"

Hearing what Whitebeard said, Kaido\'s eyes were a little surprised, and then became a little deep, and he couldn\'t help repeating it in his mouth.

"Wano Country??"

At this moment, countless giant swords began to frantically rush towards the black hole in the sky. One round after another, the purple giant swords rose from the ground one by one as if there was no end to them, and then merged into the torrent of giant swords again.

Seeing this scene, the faces of everyone present couldn\'t help but change again. The flying purple giant sword, like a waterfall flowing backwards, poured into the black hole crazily.

This scene is like the sky and the earth hanging upside down, and the sword energy is like a waterfall, surging and surging, pouring into the endless abyss.

Amidst the roar of the world, Lockes\' face turned red, and it became more and more difficult to control the black hole. Only those who have experienced it personally know what those purple giant swords are.

Although it looks like a gigantic sword with a handle of nothingness, it is actually transformed by wisps of the power of the laws of the world.

It just stumped him.


Lockes spat out a mouthful of blood, and the black hole burst.