Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 202: Shocking God Valley, who is he?

Location, Valley of the Gods.

Garp vs Rocks, Roger vs Whitebeard, Rayleigh vs Kaido, Jabba vs Big Mom, Douglas vs Wang Zhi...

A battle broke out, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and huge waves surged to the sky.

The islands near the Valley of the Gods were directly sunk into the bottom of the sea, and the nearby waters were not quiet for a moment. Even the bottom of the sea, which was thousands of meters away, received violent vibrations.

Thousands of meters below, the piece of solid ice that has not moved seems to be affected, and the person in the ice seems to have signs of awakening.


A crack suddenly appeared on the ice that had not changed for decades, and a mysterious breath overflowed from the crack, disappeared in a flash, and merged into the sea.

In the cold ice, the long sword seemed to feel something, and it trembled lightly.

At this moment, the outside world suddenly turbulent, and the sky and the earth changed color.

Above the sea, the faces of the people fighting couldn\'t help but change at the same time.

Especially those few powerhouses who are known for their arrogance and arrogance, the expressions on their faces are even heavier.


Amid the knowledge-colored arrogance, a little cold light bloomed at a position about 500 meters underwater, and then began to spread upwards at an unbelievably fast speed.

"Shiki! Quick! Use your ability to float us up!"

Roger\'s pupils were wide open, and he, who is known for his knowledge and domineering, also clearly saw the situation on the bottom of the sea.

"Little ones! Go to heaven first!!"

As for the navy, needless to say, Garp\'s order is more effective than the accompanying generals. This time, most of the accompanying sailors have practiced the six styles, and they are more slippery than anyone else.

After three breaths, the Valley of the Gods was directly frozen, and the cold air rose from the sea, which caused these people in the war to shiver. Thieves and sailors.

Looking at the endless glacier, everyone cursed in astonishment.



"What exactly is going on?"

"I was almost frozen by a piece of ice!"

"Which turtle grandson who killed the whole family dared to sneak attack! I crushed his eggs!"

"Sneak attack from the back, really **** it!"

"Grandson, get out of here!!"

"I care about your whole family, do you know that?"

"I\'m out of luck with you! You bedbug!"


When Rocks saw the endless glacier, he didn\'t yell at the pirates under him, but looked cautious. He glanced at Garp, who was also extremely serious, and said with some surprise: "The domain of the gods? ?”

Hearing this, Newgate and Shiki\'s expressions changed slightly, while Kaido and Lingling were a little puzzled. They had just become interns of the Rocks Pirates, and they hadn\'t been exposed to this layer yet.

Garp looked at the glacier under his feet, his pupils shrank twice, and he remained silent. He knew that Lockes\'s guess was not wrong. It erupted five hundred meters below the seabed, and even more than this distance, the power had reached the level of God. extent of the field.

A gust of cold wind blew by, calming down these agitated pirates a little, and looked at their opponents with serious faces.

But seeing that their boss didn\'t speak, they also fell silent, and the entire Valley of the Gods became silent for a while, except for a few coughs occasionally.

"Crack! Crack!"

Suddenly, a rapid cracking sound echoed in the Valley of the Gods, and it was especially ear-piercing in the silence.

Rocks, Garp, and Roger looked a little dignified, and they all cast their gazes about ten meters in front of a naval warship.


In the huge crack, a sword sound resounded through the world.

"Where is this!"

Then a voice sounded leisurely, and everyone present could not help but change their expressions in horror, because the voice did not enter their ears, but the bottom of their hearts.

"Listen to the voice of all things!!"

Although Lockes has never mastered this ability, he has heard of this ability. It is an ability that he only possesses after he has cultivated his knowledge and domineering aura to a very deep level, even after he has achieved it. He can directly talk to people in his heart. Can only listen.

After another three breaths, they saw a scene they would never forget.

A beam of sword light shot up into the sky, piercing the sky, revealing a big hole, and a breath-taking aura descended on the sky and the earth.

People with higher strength will be more oppressed, just like Garp and Lockes, who have come into contact with the realm of God in the field.

They felt as if they were being stared at by some monster and became a piece of meat in the eyes of the other party. This feeling was strange, but it was extremely real.

A crisis of death surged into the hearts of the two of them, their hearts seemed to be grabbed by someone, and it became difficult to breathe.

"How is it possible! I am a strong man who has reached the realm of God!"

Cold sweat dripped from Lockes\' forehead.

Garp\'s fists creaked, but he still couldn\'t stop the trembling in his heart, and his teeth began to chatter.

"Where am I again?"

There was another sound, the violent momentum was like hundreds of volcanoes erupting at the same time, and the endless glacier began to tremble violently, as if suffering from epilepsy.

This time, not only Rocks and Garp, but everyone felt the momentum.

"Cool la la! Cool la la! It\'s really interesting, does the momentum alone have such power?"

White Beard—Edward Newgate laughed out loud as he looked at the body that was trembling uncontrollably.

He who has not yet touched the realm of the gods does not have the deep feeling of Lockes and Garp. He just feels that the other party\'s aura is really terrifying, but he doesn\'t know where it is.

But in the face of this unknown horror, he still showed the courage of the strongest man in the world in the age of the great pirate.

"Haha! MOM, MOM, what a great momentum!!"

Perhaps because of being stimulated, Lingling\'s cravings began to flare up, and a domineering arrogance swept out without warning~www.novelhall.com~ Then, like a stress reaction, the group of people standing in mid-air, People with domineering aura unanimously displayed their domineering aura and joined forces to resist the sudden coercion.

Among them, Rocks, Roger, Golden Lion, Newgate, and Karp are the most!

When Rocks saw Garp releasing his domineering look, he finally knew why this man could become his opponent.

This place is the most outstanding representative of this era. Both the navy and the pirates have both forces. They are domineering and domineering, and their momentum is like Tianwei. The dark clouds above are directly emptied by this terrifying momentum.


There was another sound, and the power of heaven and earth descended. Lockes was shocked to find that the power of the domain of gods suddenly began to riot.

Only when he came into contact with this realm, did he understand the horror of this realm better. The impact of power can even break through the barriers of dimensions and destroy the entire world.

He smiled wryly in his heart, "MD, that\'s outrageous! I haven\'t even seen anyone, so I\'m about to be killed!"