Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 198: The shocking 1 battle 0 years ago

A hundred years ago, in the new world, the place where the two kings met, Ered Larson and Mirona Dean, the two kings of the sea looked terrified, and looked at Dongze and the mysterious person from a distance. Engagement direction.

Both of them have cultivated the three-color domineering aura to an extremely deep level, but within the range covered by their knowledge-color domineering aura, they still couldn\'t find the two auras that made their hearts jump.

Obviously those two creatures are farther away, but how is this possible? Their domineering aura covers a range of nearly a hundred miles, and there is no one within such a distance. Such a creature, how powerful is its combat power, and the fluctuation of the battle actually affects hundreds of miles away!

"how is this possible!"

"Who is it? It\'s unimaginable that the aftermath of the battle has reached us?"

"That is!!"

"Damn! How could this happen!!!"

The shock was not over yet, and the faces of the two of them changed again. Within the limit distance covered by the domineering look of the two, a huge wave with a height of more than 3,000 meters appeared. , It should be said that he hit all directions in this world.

Destroying an island can only be achieved by a huge wave of a few hundred meters. They simply can\'t imagine how the huge wave of a thousand feet high is formed.

In the knowledgeable and domineering perception, a small island, in front of the huge waves of thousands of feet, is like a pebble in the lake. It is so small that it is swallowed directly without even a little wave.

But no matter how small the island was, it was worth hundreds of ships. According to this momentum, the hundreds of ships behind them would face the same fate.

Ered Larson yelled sharply: "Milona Dean, hurry up, use your ability to lift our ship into the sky!"

Facing the tsunami as powerful as the sky, the king who had always been deep in the sea finally lost his usual calmness.

Hearing Ered Larson\'s words, Milona Dean showed a weird smile, and then burst out laughing.

"Haha! Hahaha! Hahahaha!"

"Larson, do you think I\'m going to do this when it\'s about to happen??"

Real pirates are ruthless and merciless masters, and now facing this situation, counting on a pirate for help is really no different from lighting a lamp in the toilet—seeking death!

When Larson heard Dean\'s words, his eyes looked fierce, "What, you want to break the contract? We just formed an offensive and defensive alliance!"

Dean curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Larson, you can\'t be so naive! It\'s just a verbal agreement! You really think that I will take it to heart! Besides, if something happens to you, you Will the old dog abide by the agreement? Don\'t think that I don\'t know what kind of person you are!"

"Besides, there are only us two kings in the sea today. If you die too, I will be the unique One Piece!!"

While speaking, Dean had already activated his ability, and fifty or sixty ships floated up as if they were not subject to gravity.

Seeing this scene, the killing intent in Larson\'s eyes was as real as it was, coming out through his body.

Just listen to his cold smile!


"Old man, do you want me to wipe out the entire army? How can I make you feel better!"

As soon as the words fell, a transparent light cluster loomed above his fists. When these two things appeared, the space seemed to be overwhelmed, and there was a creaking sound.

Seeing this, the smile on Dean\'s face stagnated, and he exclaimed.

"Shocking fruit!"

Larson said coldly: "That\'s right! Dean, I count to three. If you still want to escape alone, don\'t blame me for dying with you! Before my entire army was wiped out, your fifty or so ships, Guess how many ships are left!"

Dean\'s complexion changed, and he cursed: "You crazy!!"

Despite his reluctance, Dean used his abilities to pull Larson\'s fleet into the air, and it floated rapidly into the sky.

Looking at Larson, who had been maintaining the activation state of the shaking fruit ability, a strange color flashed across Dean\'s tyrannical eyes.

On the red earth continent far away from the place of the battle, on the holy land of Mariejoa.

In an underground dark room, a person seemed to feel something, his face was full of horror, his breath was suppressed to the lowest level, and he hid in a special coffin in the dark and did not dare to move.

At the place of the battle, Dongze asked with a cold face: "Who are you?"

There was disdain in the visitor\'s eyes, "You have no right to know!"

After finishing speaking, there was another Changhong Pilian, but this one was different from the previous one, it was like the sun falling, burning the sky with fire.

Apparently, he had just seen Dongze\'s icy power, and the other party displayed a regular power that could restrain Dongze.

Seeing this situation, Dongze\'s heart was shocked. This is a power of rules that is completely different from before, which means that the opponent has mastered at least two different powers of rules, and this is only the lowest situation.

In other words, the opponent is a terrifying existence not inferior to him, or even stronger.

When he came to this conclusion, he felt a little complicated in his heart. A hundred years later, he could be said to be seeking defeat alone, standing at the peak of the entire sea, with only the world consciousness hanging above his head like the sword of Damos.

There is no one who can match him. Even against the Four Emperors, against the World Government, it is like an adult beating a child. The thrill of fighting has not been felt for a long time.

A hundred years ago, I met this person, met an evenly matched opponent, and he really wanted to try.

He glanced at his panel, most of those sword intents were almost perfect now, and glanced at the disdainful man in white in front of him, he couldn\'t help thinking that maybe there was an opportunity in front of him.

Looking at the sky that had turned red after Ruhongpi practiced, he gritted his teeth and kicked the flying sword under his feet. The flying sword let out a sword sound and flew into his hand. Yi flew out, one of which merged into the long sword, and the other wandered around the whole body.

"Sword Seven—The Two-sleeved Green Snake Splitting the Sky!"

Sword Light Sasha~www.novelhall.com~ rolled up a thousand-foot waterspout, just like the attack in Dressrosa back then, but this time, with the growth of the sword intent, the power was even greater.

The waterspout of sword qi became more solid, and as Dongze\'s sword was drawn, the fangs and claws flew towards the rainbow-like horse to practice horizontal strikes.

Seeing this blow, the white-clothed man was stunned for a moment, his eyes were uncertain, and then he saw the splitting sword intent in the waterspout, and he couldn\'t help but sneered: "A gnat may shake a tree, you can\'t control yourself!"

Obviously, he saw that this sword intent was not complete.

After a loud noise, the two waterspouts were smashed by Pi Lian Changhong without accident, and Pi Lian\'s speed did not decrease, and he hit Dongze again.

The visitor sneered, "Die! Scum!"

At this moment, Dongze\'s figure shook, and a soft chant resounded in the world!

"A gentleman has no contention, shines with light, has no form, sits and forgets, and has no heart!"

Hanguang sit and forget to activate!