Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 196: Sauron's Analysis, Robin Appears

East China Sea, Sea Restaurant Bharati, when everyone opened their eyes again, the sky became a bit dark.

The previous shocking blow made all of them have endless aftertaste.

There was a moment of silence.

But when they looked at the green-haired man leaning against the mast again, they became silent again.

A look of extreme heartache flashed in Nami\'s eyes.

"My God! My ten billion Baileys!"


"Luffy, why don\'t we go back! It\'s really scary outside!"

Knowing that the little sword was worthless, a trace of regret flashed in the eyes of the chefs present.

When the pirates looked at Sauron again, their eyes became a little crazy. The pirates went to sea for money and fame. Now that Sauron made them lose such a huge fortune, why not let them hate it? However, he is afraid of the person in front of him and dare not step forward.

Sauron glanced at the pirates, feeling mixed emotions in his heart. He slightly pushed the long knife in his waist, with a murderous look, and said coldly, "Go away!"


Time went round and round, and it was another half month, and the wheel of fate kept rolling.

When the lights on the Mei Li were turned on again, there were two more people on board.

That\'s not right, it should be a person, a reindeer.

These two people are Qiaoba and Abrastan\'s princess Weiwei.

During the period, the two giants that the Straw Hats still met, Dongli and Broki.

Forged a good relationship with these two.

Hearing Weiwei\'s words on the Meili, the Straw Hats\' faces darkened.

"Sha Crocodile??"

"I remember that he is a king Shichibukai!"

Hearing these words, Usopp felt his whole body go limp, his legs went limp.

"Hey! Sauron, you said he is a king\'s Shichibukai?"

"Is that Hawkeye from before also Qiwuhai??"

Hearing Usopp\'s words, Nami and Sanji\'s expressions changed suddenly, and Hawkeye impressed them too deeply.

If that Crocodile also has the ability of Hawkeye, then even if they go, they have no chance of winning.

Sauron also knew a lot about the division of combat power.

Hearing Usopp\'s words, Sauron said in a deep voice, "Impossible!"

"Hey, green algae head, do you have any information?"

Hearing this title, Sauron smiled lightly, a flash of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, but it was so fleeting that no one noticed it.

"I have carefully studied the seven people in the world government. Generally speaking, their bounties are no more than 500 million!"

"In the sea, the amount of bounty offered is generally a reflection of one\'s combat strength. Crocodile\'s original bounty was only 81 million Baileys! Even though it\'s been a long time now, I don\'t think his strength will be too outrageous! We should have the strength to fight!"


Marine Headquarters, Marin Fando, looked at the information in his hand, and Sengoku\'s eyes showed a trace of heaviness.

In the past few years, the information about the small wooden sword has never been broken. As Mihawk said, the small wooden sword did appear in the New World several times, but it was quickly acquired by the Four Emperor Pirates.

About every Four Emperors got a new one in their hands, and the navy also had one, but they were forced to hand it over by the World Government.

In the past six months, the news about this little sword gradually died down, but unexpectedly it appeared again in the East China Sea.

But fortunately, the sword intent in it was used, and that eagle-eyed Jorahor Mihawk went to the East China Sea at this time, and he also thought about it secretly.

Looking at the green-haired boy in his hand, he straightened his teeth again. This guy has always been a pirate hunter, hunting pirates, and has never done anything wrong with the navy.

Even this time, he didn\'t take action against the navy. It doesn\'t make sense to put a reward on this guy!

But he just joined a pirate group, and he is also a powerful swordsman.

"Ah! Isn\'t this my lovely grandson??"

"Karp, it\'s you **** again! This old man blows your dog\'s head off!"

What followed was not much different.

Yudi, a slightly dark-skinned woman wearing a sun hat and sunglasses, looked at the information in her hand, with the corners of her mouth slightly curved.

"Is it finally here?"

"I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time!"

Then a light flashed at her fingertips, and the information in her hand was turned into ashes. After a moment of silence, she stood up slowly, took a box on the side, put it behind her back, and walked briskly. out.

The straw hat gang, under the guidance of Sauron, Luffy came into contact with the practice of domineering, but now due to physical and age reasons, the progress of armed domineering is very slow.

But because when he went to sea, his strength was much stronger than the original book, so facing these people in the Baroque studio, the pressure was not very great.

Until in the rainy land, Luffy met the real master of the desert kingdom, Sha Krokdal. And Sauron also met an unbelievable person, a woman, a woman carrying a box.

Seeing these two people, Wei Wei gritted her teeth and shouted angrily, "Crocodile, Miss. all sunday! Your end is here!"


After shouting angrily, Luffy went straight to Crocodile, he never hits a woman unless he can\'t help it!

So he left that woman to Sauron.

"How could it be you?"

The first sentence at the beginning made Weiwei\'s face change, but she knew how strong the three-sword swordsman beside her was. Hearing his words, she seemed to know this Miss.allsunday!

This couldn\'t help but make her think that Sauron was the dark son of Sha Crocodile, and she couldn\'t help feeling ashamed. His eyes dimmed.

"Long time no see, Mr. Sauron!"

"Nicole Robin!"

This person is Robin who disappeared in the sea. An came to Abalastan according to Dongze\'s instructions, secretly contacted the revolutionary army, and launched revolutionary activities in the four seas.

"That sand crocodile belongs to him?"

Sauron\'s expression darkened ~www.novelhall.com~ and asked quietly.

Robin chuckled, and glanced at Weiwei. She knew that the princess of Abalastan in front of her had a lot of thoughts, but fortunately, Sauron had experienced the world, so she didn\'t call out her name directly.

"Hehe! No!"

"Where did he go? And Guina!"

Robin sighed softly, and said in a somewhat complicated way: "I went out to practice! Kuina also went, I don\'t know if I have found him now! But he should be back soon, this year!"

There was a hint of joy in Sauron\'s tone, and the corner of his mouth grinned, "Really!"

After Sauron finished speaking, he fell silent and stopped talking. His eyes flickered, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.

At this moment, Weiwei\'s eyes were full of determination, she held her peacock chain, and said loudly: "Who the **** are you? What is the purpose of coming to our Abalastan!!"
