Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 189: I have 1 sword! Where there is a dragon, kill the dragon

"What did you say?"

"Nami~~be my navigator! Please~~"



It has been two days since the Battle of Orange Town. After accidentally learning about Nami\'s talent, Luffy fell in love with this navigator, and then began to stalk him.

Not to mention, after going through the previous battle, the few of them have become somewhat friendly. Nami\'s sense of Luffy and Zoro is not bad, and she is indeed a little moved.

Although her sailing skills are good, it is too difficult for her to conquer the sea as a little girl alone. The previous person has not heard from him since three years ago, and she is also very worried.

Now that there are two powerful bodyguards, she can either draw her own nautical chart by the way, or go find that person.

"Then do you have a boat?"


"Get out~~"

But the fate has already been arranged. In Sirob Village, they met their fourth partner, the sniper Usopp, but this time Baiji Locke\'s fate was a bit miserable, and he was directly unloaded by Sauron.

Usopp was so scared that he almost didn\'t board the ship.

And these four people also got their own ship, which was the Merry.

It was another crazy day, looking at the sea in the distance, Nami sighed softly, she seemed to have some regrets, this group of people were a little unreliable, even if it was Zoro, that dementia almost didn\'t make her crazy up.

During the battle in Sirob Village, Sauron ran around the island twice, but couldn\'t find the battlefield. It was Usopp who sent a firework signal, and he rushed over.

Then he went crazy in embarrassment, smashed Baiji Locke\'s boat with three or two knives, and then the culprit was chopped into pieces by him, which scared Usopp to pee. Who the **** is this damn!

As a result, Usopp didn\'t dare to get close to Sauron these two days. After Luffy found out about this, he looked for Sauron, but Sauron only said, "The wicked will be punished by the wicked. Treat those vicious pirates. , Salvation is God\'s business, and what he needs to do is send them to God."

"As long as he shoots at his companion, he will not be polite!"

Said Luffy was speechless and disheartened.

Because the words that Sauron said reminded him of the person he admired the most, Shanks. At that time, he said this, as long as he drew his sword, he would risk his life.

On this day, a man with eagle eyes, wearing his top hat and carrying his own black knife, came to the East China Sea.

A sea restaurant called Balati welcomes a special guest.

"Boy! Do you want to eat Overlord Meal??"

"Don\'t you ask where our Bharati is!"

"I don\'t care, I\'m here to find a cook! We still need a cook on board!"

"You still want to steal? Tm I will kill you!"


. . . . . .

On the ancient battlefield of Wano Country, Dongze strolled past, the ground was full of corpses, the corpses of samurai, and long knives were stuck everywhere, but in the battlefield ahead, the fighting situation did not stop because of such outrageous battle damage. On the contrary, it became more intense.

Dong Ze raised his eyes and looked at the battlefield here. There should be a village head here, but the house was lit by the dragon\'s breath, and ruthless flames were everywhere, igniting the extremely oppressive atmosphere.

A giant blue dragon hovered in the air. Its huge eyes were as tall as a person, and the pupils shrank from time to time exuded infinite killing intent.

The four sharp claws seemed to be holding something, the white bones were vaguely exposed, and the blood was dripping, but the next moment, the giant beast threw it into its mouth and began to chew, and there was a piercing sound, which looked extremely ferocious.

Below is a group of warriors, but in the face of this giant dragon, they are looking at the sea and sighing, with despair in their eyes.

The long knife in his hand is covered with a layer of dark armed arrogance. They are the strongest samurai in Wano country, and this armed arrogance is also their strongest method, but on this giant dragon Couldn\'t leave any trace.

There is only one person, a special swordsman, but the long knife in his hand is covered with a layer of radiant armed color domineering, which is the advanced version of the armed color domineering, Liuying-level armed color.

This person is none other than the man revered as the God of Swords by Wano Country, Dragon Slaying Warrior—Ryoma.

Soon, the vision of Dongze attracted the attention of the people present, because he was not holding a weapon, and his body was not stained with dust. He walked through the battlefield without changing his face, and his indifferent eyes were like a person who had experienced The vicissitudes of life are used to seeing the gods of life and death.

"Hey! Who are you, boy?"

Seeing him like this, some warriors couldn\'t help but make a sound.

But for these people, Dongze didn\'t pay attention to them, but came to the front of the giant beast, and stood side by side with the dragon-slaying warrior Longma.

"You~~ not bad!"

When Longma heard this, he was slightly taken aback. He knew that the young man in front of him was speaking to him, but he was still a little uncomfortable with the praise of a younger man than himself.

"It\'s almost there!"

Suddenly Dongze said softly again.

The voice was not high, but it sounded like Huang Zhong Dalu, causing Longma\'s expression to change drastically.

The next moment, Ryoma said with an expression of seeing a ghost: "How do you know?"

This is the reason why he is confronting that monster instead of going up to fight now. He has a feeling that as long as he breaks through that layer of membrane, he can break through the defense of Qinglong.

Then his face changed again~www.novelhall.com~ An extremely strong aura on the battlefield exploded in an instant, those raging flames were swept up by this aura, and the sky-high fire tornado rose mightily.

"what is this?"

Seeing this scene, the eyes of those warriors who were still fighting almost fell out, and even the giant dragon entrenched in the sky was attracted.

The window-sized dragon pupil looked at Dongze, and at the same time, it still had that kind of shocking beastliness and wildness. Looking at Dongze, there was a trace of crazy killing intent in its eyes, and immediately a terrifying energy fluctuation spread over it. exploded in his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Dongze\'s expression remained unchanged, and streaks of light shot up into the sky in his eyes.

In the outside world, a sword force rose from the ground, piercing the sky like thousands of miles of mountains, and rolling up turbulent waves like a vast ocean.

"There is such a sword power~~"

Being in it, Ryoma\'s face has no expression at this moment, only shock remains. After so many years of sword practice, it is the first time he has seen such a terrifying sword force. It is simply not like something in the world, more like a legend of gods.

Then Dongze put his **** together, and a light blue aura hovered above the two fingers. When Longma saw this aura, his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and a gleam of light suddenly appeared in his eyes. This was the layer of membrane he needed to break through.

But the next moment, his eyes brightened even more.

"I have a sword! There is a dragon to kill the dragon!"