Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 161: Arriving in the Furry Principality, the unexpected person who was surprised

"I heard that someone went to challenge Hawkeye again yesterday!"

In a bustling tavern, someone with good intentions drank two sips of cat urine, and then began to talk about what happened yesterday.

In the past two days, most of the people in the sea were detonated by a wooden sword.

Before, I always heard about how powerful the Sword Emperor-Dongze is, how powerful they are. At first, they seemed to believe it but not to believe it.

But when they saw the huge Iceland left by Dressrosa, Green Bit that was erased by divine power, and one-fifth of the area on Cake Island filled with waste swords and knives.

Only then did he have a clear understanding of the importance of the Fifth Emperor of the Sea, the Emperor of Swords—Dongze. He became even more thirsty for the kendo that had been passed down by Dongze.

But on the sea, they only know four small wooden swords, one from Rayleigh, one from Hawkeye, one from Gion, and one from Smoothie.

Knowing the value of the small sword, the four of them faced more and more battles. The opponents of Rayleigh, Hawkeye, and Smoothie were those lawless pirates. There are those low-handed methods, which make them a little upset.

As for Gion\'s opponents are not pirates, but the navy, and even some spies from the CP agency, but because of Karp, these people dare not use those underworld tricks, they can only do it openly, but Gion\'s strength During this period of time, the rise was very fast, and these people came here in high spirits and returned in disappointment.

There are countless eyes surrounding these people these days.

Smoothie hid in Wanguo, and few people were targeted. Since the last time the Shuihan Sword Intent broke out, the children of the Charlotte family who have experienced that day have kept secret about the small wooden sword. Dare to be interested.

Most of the opponents are from within the Pirates, but after hearing that the small sword is only effective for swordsmen, most of the interest has dropped, and only a few people are still persisting.

Because of their identities, other people have not been exposed many times, but Hawkeye is different. As the world\'s number one swordsman, he has always paid a lot of attention and heated discussions.

As for Hawkeye, it is true for those challengers who come to the door. A black knife-Ye resounded through the sea again, not only making those newcomers stop, but also surprising some old monsters. The situation of the battle is becoming more and more eye-catching.

"How is the battle going?"

"I heard that he is the captain of the Red Fork Pirates. He is a great swordsman with a reward of one billion. I heard that the battle is very exciting! These old monsters come out of nowhere these days!"

"Old Yu, stop nagging, who will win in the end!"

"Cut! What\'s the hurry, I\'m not going to stop talking, let me have a drink first!"

"Nimma! You have a big face! I\'ll beat you to death!"

"Ah, don\'t hit, don\'t hit, I say, I say!"

"Put your farts away~~"

"Not to mention, this is indeed the legendary world\'s number one swordsman. I heard that the one was defeated by Hawkeye with seven knives!"

"Every slash flies several thousand meters, it can be said to destroy the world!"

"I heard that the sea outside Kehobil Island should be smashed to pieces!"

"Before he died, the captain said that he wanted to see the new way of swordsmanship. I heard that Hawkeye swung the sword at the end. The sword light was so bright that it froze the 10,000-meter sea outside Kehobil Island!"

"This knife is really unpredictable. It is said that there is a new sword way on the sea, which can freeze the sea, change its appearance, swallow the sky and devour the earth, and thunder from the sky. Everyone has never seen it with their own eyes. This knife truly shows the supreme demeanor of this kendo!"

"Under one blow, the sky and the earth turn pale, and the celestial phenomena are coming, not even inferior to the ability of the fruit. The future must be the world of swordsmen who master this new power!"

"It\'s a pity! The Sword Emperor\'s trace cannot be found now. Even the Kingdom of Totland, where the Sword Emperor fought last, and the BIGMOM Pirates have not spread any news! Not even the gossip has spread!"

Hearing this, the eyes of all the people present were filled with enthusiasm, their hearts were surging, their complexions were flushed with excitement, and they wished that they were the ones who had mastered this way of swordsmanship.

But the voice is over here, those who have their own power know, in fact, it’s not that those people don’t know about the Sword Emperor’s trail, but they dare not say it, perhaps this time, the combat power of this lord makes those spy agencies I really started to be afraid, even those underground dark organizations blocked the news and didn\'t dare to spread it out.

As for the sword emperor—Dongze doesn\'t know this now, but has come to an inexplicable sea area in the new world.


Looking at the huge figure that blocks the sky and the sun in front of him, Dongze sighed inexplicably. The huge figure in front of him was an elephant no smaller than Kentaro.

According to the strength of Ruo\'an, the strength of this huge elephant surpassed the strength of ordinary generals. No wonder later, this big guy beat Jack into an idiot with a single nose.

Looking at the elephant legs standing in front of the sea like giant pillars supporting the sky, their sailboat in front of it is like a leaf in the sea, as small as an ant in the palm of a person, Robin\'s mouth is full of wonder!

"Is this really an elephant?"

Pokmus grinned, and said proudly: "This is the patron saint of our furry principality, the Elephant Lord!"

Dongze stood still for a while, and swept out domineeringly, covering the entire elephant master in a short time.

His sight swept across, past the ancient city, across the deep forest, across the entire furry principality, and finally landed on the big tree located in the entire furry principality.

At this moment, Dongze frowned slightly, and a wave of fluctuations came to his mind.

"Get out of here, young man!"

Dongze chuckled, at this time, there is only one person who can communicate with him, no, it should be an animal, and that is the elephant owner.

Speaking of the Elephant Lord, Dongze couldn\'t help but have a lot of relevant information about this behemoth in his mind. He seemed to have fought side by side with Joyboy, and seemed to be related to the Guangyue family, and for hundreds of years, he has always abided by the law of the light and the light. The contract of the Yue family is to walk on the sea non-stop, and can only walk, and can\'t do anything else, including his own counterattack, which must be approved by the descendants of the Guangyue family.

Thinking of this, an inexplicable smile flashed in Dongze\'s eyes, he wanted to test whether the legend was true, "Old man, are you teaching me how to do things?"

When the Elephant Master heard these words, he paused slightly, but the expression was not obvious, and with its huge body, even the fur tribes living in the Furry Principality didn\'t feel the slightest bit.

But Dongze was different, because his knowledgeable arrogance had already enveloped the entire elephant master, and its performance fell into his eyes without any omission.

I saw the corner of Dongze\'s mouth curved, and an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes, and he activated his special ability of knowledge and domineering - listening to the voice of all things.

"Hey! What if you are not convinced! Then hit me!"

Hearing Dong Ze\'s words, a elephant honked suddenly, and the sound shook the sea, and I don\'t know how far it spread, but after that, there was no movement at all.

Seeing this scene, Pokmus couldn\'t help being taken aback. He was born in the Furry Principality, and this was the first time he heard a roar like the Lord!

It seemed that he was angry, but Xiangzhu didn\'t do anything else, which made him a little curious, what happened to Xiangzhu today?

But Dongze didn\'t take it seriously, and continued to flirt crazily, "Come on! You\'re here to hit me!"

This time, the elephant master stopped in mid-air for a long while, and it probably didn\'t expect that Dongze would continue to flirt with it, and the meaning of these words was still so impressive, oh no, let the elephant get on top, if it wasn\'t that he couldn\'t make a move, he I really want to call this guy down there an idiot.

Even Pokmus noticed the abnormality of the Elephant Master. The Elephant Master\'s legs stepping on the sea seemed to be caught by something, and it took a long time before he moved forward.

Seeing the movement of the other party, Dongze couldn\'t help laughing again.

At this moment, Dongze heard a somewhat annoyed voice coming into his mind, "Young man, don\'t be ignorant! This old man can kill you with just one nose!"

Dongze continued to reply in his mind: "Then you came to hit me! I won\'t fight back!"

Immediately afterwards, there was an echo of Xiangzhu in his mind, and the fluctuations began to rush, obviously because he was angry with Dongze, "You~~~"

It is estimated that if Xiangzhu can do it, he will not be stingy with his nose, but now he dare not break his promise and agreement, he can only stare at Dongze who is still crazy and flirtatious, and directly treat it as I ignored the wind, and no longer paid attention to it.

"Cut! That\'s it?"


Robin gave Dongze a weird look, because Dongze said the last sentence.

Even Pokmus was pretending to be dazed, and blinked his small eyes a couple of times in a daze. What happened to this Lord Sword Emperor.

"Ah! It\'s all right! It\'s just a joke made by an old clapper!"

After saying this, Xiangzhu couldn\'t help but pause again. It is estimated that if Xiangzhu could speak, Dongze would definitely be sprayed to pieces by him, plus a day trip to the bottom of the sea.

"How do we go up? Do we climb up?"

Robin looked at the body that looked like a huge mountain, and said weakly.

Pokmus also spread his hands helplessly, and logged into the Furry Principality, as if there were not many other shortcuts to take.

Dong Ze patted the Wushuang sword box, and said softly: "Wang Chen!"

The next moment Wangchen got out of its sheath, and after a sword groan, Wangchen jumped out of the sword box, and then Dongze squeezed his hands, Wangchen turned around in mid-air, turned into the size of a door panel, and floated on the In front of Dongze.

Dongze glanced at Pokmus at the side, and said softly: "You\'d better not tell about my coming here. As for other things, it\'s up to you. Go back to your hometown, and you can go back and have a look later. I\'m here to read something, and I will leave immediately. I will not violate the agreement between us!"

After finishing speaking, Dongze stretched out his arms to pick up Robin and jumped on the flying sword, and the next moment he went directly with the sword, and turned into a black shadow in the blink of an eye, and he was no longer seen.

After a long time, the amazement in Pokmus\' eyes slowly faded away. He had never seen the battle between Dongze and BIGMOM. The aunt didn\'t go into details with him about anything else, she just said that the Sword Emperor—Dongze was looking for him. During the whole journey, facing such a calm man, he didn\'t notice the other party\'s terrifying fighting power at all, as if he was just a figure A strong ordinary person.

It wasn\'t until he saw the flying sword flying in the air that he realized that the man he was talking and laughing with was the emperor of the sea, a peak existence standing on the top of the sea.

At the same time, Dongze once again activated the ability to listen to the voice of all things, and once again communicated with the elephant owner, but this time if it was communication, it was more like a threat.

"Old guy, I\'ll leave after I read something, don\'t worry about me! Otherwise, don\'t blame me for being rude!"

After a pause, the voice of the elephant master came again. Just now, the Dongze Wushuang sword box was opened, and the sword was filled, making it feel how extraordinary the young man in front of him is. Now he also knows what the other party said before, indeed Yes, the other party was probably joking with him before.

"who are you?"

"A questioner! My name is Dongze, you can remember this name!"

"Asker—Dongze? That\'s right! I wrote it down!"

Seeing that Xiangzhu is so calm, Dongze was also slightly taken aback, this big guy has never been dealt with before.

In a blink of an eye, Dongze and Robin stood on the ground of Zowu, looking at the huge spiraling tree, Dongze couldn\'t help but think of what happened five years later.

Dong Ze sighed softly, "The incarnation of Joey Boi will come in the next five years, just wait patiently!"

Hearing this, the Elephant Master was shocked. This time, even the fur tribe living here could clearly feel the Elephant Master\'s shock.

Then a rapid wave came to Dongze, "How did you know about this?"

Dongze pulled Robin up ~www.novelhall.com~ and waved lightly, "Don\'t say it, don\'t say it!"

"Dongze, where are we going?"

"There is also a piece of historical text hidden here, the red one!"

Hearing this at first, Robin couldn\'t help being taken aback, and said in surprise, "Really?"

The speed of the two was not fast, and they walked while looking at the distant scene. To be honest, the environment here is not like the land on the ground, but more like an empty island.

When you look up, there are clouds and mist, and the trees and jungles are lush. Such a beautiful scenery is on the back of an elephant. It has to be said that this is more like a miracle.

At this moment, Dongze frowned suddenly, because he found a person who should not appear here in the place of the historical text, an unexpected person, and the history finally appeared here that was different from the original text. deviation.

This person is not someone else, but the controller of the time fruit, that is, Mrs. Toki who was adopted by Mitian as a harem in Wano country.

"How did she appear here???"