Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 155: Great War (8)

"As expected of the strongest creature in the world, it is really resistant to beating!"

Dongze sighed lightly. He also had a clear definition of how powerful his move was. In terms of pure lethality, this blow had surpassed most of the previous sword moves.

If it is said that the destructive power of a peak general\'s full blow is ten, then that of the Four Emperors is almost twelve, and Garp\'s full blow is about eighteen, and the two-sleeved green snake just now is almost Fifteen or so.

The definition of comprehensive combat power is not only in terms of destructive power, but also defense and vitality.

Just like the protagonist of One Piece World, Monkey D Luffy, do you think he has high destructive power? It can\'t even compare to Ka Er in terms of armed color and domineering, but what! I can\'t stand him resisting the beating!

In the battle of Cake Island, two generals, one of them was eaten to death, and the other was consumed.

What about Kaido on the opposite side! Defense and vitality are of the nature of fouls, so he was able to break into the naval headquarters a few times in a powerful way.

Although my own blow hurt him, it only hurt him. Such a **** bull is really very resistant to beating.

But after thinking about it, Dongze\'s eyes became strange.

Then he swept to his panel.

Combat power rating: SS level (approximately equal to 1.99 Karp, under suppression!)

Common Skills: Basic Swordsmanship: (max) (If the foundation is weak, the ground will shake!)

Abdominal breathing (max) (Murlocs are not as smooth as you!)

Fly on water (max) (You can\'t sink unless you don\'t run!)

Swordsmithing (max) (Forging Master!)

Steering a boat (max) (you can make waves without a rudder!)

Advanced Meditation: 400W/1000W

Marksmanship: 50w/100w

Bloodline inheritance: 1/20

Sixth Form: max (You are no longer a person, big animal!)

Domineering: armed color domineering (activated): 92W/100W (flowing cherry)

Domineering (activated): 97W/100W (listen to everything)

Bawang color domineering (activated): 86W/100W

Sword skill: Hundred Steps Flying Sword: max (sword intent activated: 65w/100W)

Across all directions: max (Sword Intent activated: 50w/100W)

Sword drawing: max

Flying Immortal: max (Sword Intent activated: 42w/120w)

Sitting with light and forgetting: max sword intent (activated): 49w/100w

One Sword: Max (Sword Intent is not activated)

Taiji swordsmanship: max (sword intent not activated)

Yujianshu: (activated): 30w/1000w

Two-sleeved green snake: (can be activated): 50w/399w

Sword opens the gate of heaven: (to be activated)

Sword Intent (Unlocked): 7/100

Erosion Sword Intent (Activated): 72W/100W

Thunder Sword Intent (activated): 45W/100W

Cracking Sword Intent (Activated): 55W/100W

Water Cold Sword Intent (activated): max. (The power of the rules freezes all things, seizes the vitality of the world, and freezes thousands of miles with a single thought. The sun is as hot as fire, sitting in the frosty sky. A little bit of cold light will never return after a thousand years.)

World Will (Unlocked): 3/10

Unrivaled sword box (unlocked) Shenbing storage 6:/13 (Long River, Thunder, Water Cold, Vertical, Horizontal, Feixian, Likong)

Special Skill: Sword Intent Domain: 42w/100w

Mieshihai: 42W/100W

Passive skill: Wizard of the Sword (Sword proficiency increase speed x 10)

Sword Dao: (Heaven did not give birth to me, Li Chungang, the way of sword is eternal like a long night! Converging all kinds of methods into one, condensing hundreds of sword intents, you can get the way of sword, and the road to longevity!) (to be unlocked!)

The three-color domineering is close to perfection, and the sword intent obviously has shortcomings, and the **** humanization of the system is becoming more and more out of tune.

A comment is added after each successful skill.

The words he followed after the combat power assessment caught his attention even more.


How is this going?

The old man didn\'t have this function before, he just showed the progress of his cultivation, how could he show such a sentence at this time!

And its humanization is getting higher and higher, that is to say, wisdom should also be higher and higher, so is the appearance of this sentence reminding yourself of something?

In an instant, he thought of a lot, whether the world does not allow existences beyond the strength of two Karp, or if his strength is exposed, it will lead to death.

Suddenly something appeared in his mind—historical texts.

"It seems that we must speed up this time!"

There is a saying that is good, history will tell us all the answers, maybe he wants to get this reason, he has to find it from history.

Holy Land Marie Gioia, Tian Gang was still in the meeting room, Wu Laoxing and him received the information from the guards at the same time.

"Yan Lars and the others are all dead!"

"This bastard!"

"It\'s not the usual Four Emperors!"

"However, it is difficult for us to define the combat power beyond the Four Emperors!"

"You said, is it possible that he is stronger than that old guy Garp??"


"If there was an existence stronger than that old guy Garp, Lord Im would have been awakened long ago!"

"That\'s not necessarily true. Isn\'t Lockes back then a living example!"

"What\'s the current situation?"

"It should be fighting Kaido!"


"Karp! Five Old Star\'s call!"

Marin Fando of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku stuffed the phone bug in Garp\'s hands. As for Karp\'s phone bug, that\'s another story.

Garp was taken aback, "Ah? Looking for me?"

Garp took the phone bug, and heard a serious voice coming over. He had dealt with Wulaoxing and knew that it was the voice of the old yellow hair, "Karp! The king\'s Qiwuhai-Dongze is in Germany Reis Rosa wreaked havoc, and according to reliable sources, Greenbit Island has been sunk!"

Karp rubbed his head, as if he was thinking about where Green Bit was.

"Huh? Greenbit??"

Not long after, Garp remembered the small island outside Dressrosa, and then he couldn\'t help but said in surprise: "I\'m so happy!"


But it didn\'t take long for him to laugh. He remembered that no one lived on that island, and then he turned on the mocking mode. These five old guys made things difficult for him several times, and finally caught the opportunity. How could he be old? Honestly!

"Is it so fierce?"


"I told you a long time ago not to cause trouble, now it\'s all right! If you miss his wife, he won\'t like it! You are just idle!"

The voice on the phone paused, "Karp! Watch your words!"

Karp seemed to be able to imagine the expressions of those people now, he said with a smile: "Haha! Hit me if you have the ability!"

"I\'ll **** kill you old dog!"

Hearing this sentence~www.novelhall.com~ Karp laughed again, really happy, like a bottle of heart-cooling in the dog days.


Not long after, an exasperated voice came from the opposite side, "You go to Dressrosa immediately, and let those two **** go! Otherwise, we will promote you to general!"



Garp was stunned for a moment, the phone bug was hung up, and then he was stunned.

He threw the phone bug towards Zhan Guo, and cried out in frustration: "Wow~~~ Zhan Guo, Nima is dead!"

When Warring States heard Garp\'s mourning, his forehead was instantly covered with blue veins, and he roared, "Karp!"

"Damn it! I beat you to death! Shock wave!"