Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 153: Great War (6)

, the fastest update of Pirates: I Became a Legend, the latest chapter after seeing my proficiency!

Outside of Greenbit, it became the worst environment in the New World.

On the extremely cold glacier, two waterspouts that cover the sky and the sun are raging. The collision of the wind and space makes this waterspout entangled with lightning.

Everything around was sucked in, and the violent gale rolled up fine ice slags, and the three of Ya\'an Lars were also buried by the knife-like ice slags.

Then the endless seawater turned into a water sword with a handle, and the sword was surging. In a blink of an eye, the two waterspouts turned into two sword tornadoes.

Amidst the deafening bang, a voice came out clearly, without being affected by the sound at all.

In other words, this voice was not transmitted to the ears of several people, but to the minds or hearts of several people.

"I have a sword! Green snake with two sleeves!"

"You can ask the sky!"

"The fairy bows his head!"

The voice sounded, and Lie Kong\'s sword intent was about to move. At some point, Dong Ze\'s figure came to the sky.

In the next moment, he stepped forward and stepped lightly, and the waterspout that covered the sky and the sun gave off a sword cry that resounded through the sky.

It seemed that it was not a waterspout, but a sharp blade that pierced through the heavens and the earth. Following Dong Ze\'s step, it spun crazily and charged forward crazily.

With the power of heaven and earth, he pressed towards Green Bit.

With this step, the splitting sword intent completely exploded.

The terrifying power of space, the target of the stegodragon, was piercing a black hole near the trio who had escaped from Greenbit.

The terrifying force of attraction forcibly pulled the three fleeing back.

Yaan Rath looked at the two comrades who had been dragged back, a wry smile appeared on his face, the ground under his feet had been shattered by the coercion of falling from a high altitude, and now they had no place to stay.

If you can\'t beat it, you can\'t beat it, but if you can\'t beat it, you can\'t run away, which is a pain in the ass.

"I\'m so crazy!!"

"Sorry! We may really not be able to go back this time!"

One of the men in a jacket sighed silently as he watched the huge sword tornado rushing toward them.

Looking at his colleague who was dressed in a beggar\'s shirt just like himself, he once again held his long knife with trembling hands.

The armed color is strengthened, the flowing cherry-level armed color is strengthened, and the fear in the eyes is gradually weakening.

"Lars! Let\'s go for it! Facing this guy, we can\'t escape! I just didn\'t expect him to be so strong~~"

The other also responded. As great swordsmen, they have their own pride. Since there is nowhere to escape, they face it calmly.

Even if you die in battle, you can only die standing, and you must not die kneeling.

They are also Liuying-level armed colors, without fruit ability, they can reach the combat power of generals, relying on their outstanding domineering cultivation.

"Really! I thought that even the Four Emperors could be consumed by us, but I didn\'t expect to have such combat power! If I knew it, I wouldn\'t have come, Tian Gang\'s bastard, I will never let it go his!"

"Cut! That sounds good, can we go back?"

Yaan Rath\'s eyes darkened, and he sighed softly as he looked at the figures drawn in a line from the sky.

"I guess those **** from the World Government will definitely regret it, this guy is no worse than Garp! They angered a monster that can overturn the sea!"

"Unfortunately, we may not be able to see this scene!"

"But if you want to kill us, how can you let him do it so easily!"

"Boiling! Steam explosion giant!!"

This is the strongest move of Yaan Rath\'s fruit ability. It gathers water vapor in a radius of ten kilometers in one breath, uses the energy generated by the boiling of water vapor at high temperature, ionizes water molecules, produces hydrogen and oxygen, and creates a monster that can instantly destroy A bomb on a small island.

In terms of power, it is not much different from a nuclear bomb.

However, this trick also has disadvantages, that is, the power of the bomb is too great, and it is extremely inconvenient to move. It can only exert its huge effect when confronting people head-on.

Otherwise, no one would bite the bullet and get close to a bomb.

As Yaan Rath controlled the gas explosion bomb he made, it floated high into the sky. The density of hydrogen gas was only 1/14 of that of air. With Yaan Rath\'s external force, the speed should have been extremely fast, but now the air burst The sword intent pierced the space, creating a space wormhole, with a great attraction, the speed of the steam bomb is not so fast.

There was a hint of madness in Yaan Rath\'s eyes, "Adam, Baker, you cover, today I want to let Shichibukai have an unforgettable memory!"

Feeling the power contained in the steam bomb, the two of them nodded at the same time. They had a feeling that if this move was successful, the other party would definitely have a hard time.

Then the two looked at each other, their figures rose into the air, and two slashes pierced through the air, and then the figures of the two continued to follow, their bodies covered in armed domineering aura.

The two swords met, and the next moment the domineering actually merged together.

"Duoza! This time we may have to go to **** together!"

It turned out that these two brothers were twins from one mother, they practiced and grew up together, coupled with the pull of their blood, this is how they came up with such a unique move.

But they rarely use this move, because it will lose a lot of blood, but now they don\'t care about that much.


In mid-air, Dong Ze, who was falling, couldn\'t help but whispered when he saw this scene.

Domineering can also be integrated, this kind of operation is very novel, even in anime, he has never seen it before.

Only a few times, I have seen cases where slashes merged in mid-air, and it was Sauron\'s three-sword style that fused with the help of the black knife and autumn water to form a more powerful slash.

But that\'s a person\'s domineering, it\'s not surprising that it can be integrated, the power does not exceed the upper limit of a person\'s domineering, but the range has become larger.

Unlike these two, the upper limit of attack is increasing, and the domineering below, if An is divided according to his current proficiency, it should be close to the 80w limit.

This is only about 10w away from his current domineering cultivation base, which is already very remarkable in terms of the entire sea.

50w proficiency can activate Liuying. This kind of power, even if he is fighting Kaido, it is estimated that if he does not transform, he can break the defense.

There is also the thing below, which should be a kind of bomb, because the energy in it is extremely unstable, very similar to the last move of the guy he encountered when he was returning from Gion in the windless belt.

So he didn\'t plan to get close to them any more.

"One Sword Immortal kneels!"

There was a loud shout, and the three of them were stunned. At this moment, Dongze was still nearly a thousand meters away from them!

Are you sure you can kill someone at this distance?

After such a distance, even the bullets began to fall freely.

But the next moment, they knew that this distance could also erupt with unrivaled combat power.

The slashes of Adam and Baker were directly shattered by countless water swords, and then the two swords that had been armed with arrogance before they had time to slash were destroyed. Like a sharp knife~www.novelhall.com~ directly penetrated the armed domineering that the two are proud of.

The power of the water sword did not attenuate with distance, and they didn\'t even understand what kind of power it was.

How can there be such power? It stands to reason that the ability of a capable user will attenuate when encountering armed domineering.

But it is as sharp as a knife, and it seems to be able to pierce even space.

Then there was a loud noise, and a mushroom cloud rose, and Green Bit was wiped off half of the map by a huge force.

Dongze stood in the air, looking at Greenbit, the aura of the three had disappeared, Dongze shook his head lightly, some things are unavoidable after all.

At this moment, a flame came from the sky, "Heat!!"

Dongze\'s eyes turned cold, and he smiled coldly, another waterspout immediately burst out into a dragon chant. "Waiting for you!"

"Two-sleeved green snake!!"
