Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend

Chapter 102: 5 old star reactions, unexpected peach rabbit

Seeing all kinds of bubbles floating not far in front of him, Dongze felt a little emotional!

It has been nearly ten days since he left the island, but the tense atmosphere here still hasn\'t dissipated.

It seems that the death of St. Watts has attracted the attention of the world government. Of course, it may not be that the five old men have been holding on to it, but the group of Celestial Dragons living in the holy land of Mariejoa will definitely not let go.

He could feel that there was at least one general-level navy stationed on the island in front of him. As for those guys who hid their aura, there probably would be many of them.

In a room in the holy land of Mariejoia, five old men had solemn faces, and the atmosphere was frighteningly oppressive.

"Hua Ke\'s life paper has been burned!"

"What did he do before?"

"He already has the strength of a general!"

"That **** won\'t provoke those old immortals??"

"I don\'t know, but something like this happened to him, and no news came back~~"

"Could it be the Four Emperors?"

As soon as these words were said, the air suddenly became a little dignified. For them, the Four Emperors were a topic that they had to pay attention to.

The strength of each of the four pirate groups across the new world in the second half of the great route is terrifying, and the pirates under their command can even compete with the world government and navy.

In order to check and balance them, the world government even introduced the somewhat deformed system of Qibuhai, which formed a delicate balance with the world government, navy, four emperors, and revolutionary army.

If Hua Ke really provoked the Four Emperors, they would not be able to say anything, they would even be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis, unable to tell if they were suffering.

And no news came out, which also explained a problem from the side, the people provoked by the other party are definitely not an existence that they can take lightly.

They know that when the CP organization is dispatched, seldom or even almost no one acts alone, and there are at least three phone bugs equipped.

There are so many people, but none of the news is leaked out. There is only one problem, that is, the other party kills people instantly with one move.

Kill a general in seconds?

This kind of thing, when they think about it, they all feel very funny, but unnaturally there is a kind of panic in their hearts, which spreads uncontrollably.

Killing the general in seconds, doesn\'t it mean that even if you kill all the top leaders of the world government and navy, it won\'t take much effort.

It is precisely because of this that the atmosphere of the previous conversation was so dignified. Of course, they didn\'t say this sentence, but they knew it well.

"What should we do about this?"

"Do you want to continue the investigation?"

"I don\'t recommend continuing the investigation, just strengthen the supervision. Let\'s talk about other things after Lord Im wakes up!"

"That\'s true, such an enemy is beyond our ability to deal with! In order to ensure that Lord Im wakes up smoothly, we should keep a low profile! Second!"




Unexpectedly, when facing this matter, Wulaoxing unanimously chose to quiet down. Since the other party did not target them openly, they were more willing to live in peace with each other.

And one thing is also reflected in this conversation, that is, they have full confidence in the Lord Im who has not shown up. It seems that as long as Lord Im wakes up, they will not be afraid of any difficulties.

The general-level combat power stationed here is precisely a general\'s backup, Momotu Gion.

Now! She came to Xia Qi\'s rip-off bar! Chatting with Xia Qi.

Speaking of getting to know Xia Qi, she only learned about it through her titular sister, Vice Admiral He.

As a member of the One Piece King Gol D. Roger\'s ship, Xia Qi is not weak. In addition, there is also the right arm of the One Piece, Sirbazz Raleigh. In her spare time, she is more willing to come here. visit.

Don\'t forget, she is also a great swordsman and is keen on swordsman sparring. For those young pirates, she is not very interested. As long as they stay quietly in the Chambord Islands and don\'t cause trouble, She was also happy to open one eye and close one eye.

As a descendant of Crane, she can still see the shape of the sea clearly. Catching one or two pirates will have little impact on the general situation, let alone those people who have just gone to sea. Hello!

In her opinion, this kind of person is more like a crucian carp crossing the river. There are countless people. As long as they don\'t touch her hand directly, or commit such a heinous crime, she doesn\'t bother to care about it.

"Sister Xia Qi! When will Mr. Raleigh come back?"

"Gion, you little girl, I don\'t know what the crane said to you, but you are not afraid at all, we were pirates before we washed our hands in the golden basin! You just come to me so brazenly, you are not afraid of those People gossiping?"

"Tch, Miss Xia Qi said that it all happened in the past, and now you are just the proprietress of a bar! They dare to chew their tongues, I will send them away!"

Gion drank the wine in front of him in one gulp, and raised his fist mischievously.

However, speaking of it, Gion\'s height is not short. Although it is not as tall as those generals who are more than three meters tall, it is also more than two meters tall. With a pair of high heels, it is even taller than Hancock.

"You also know ~www.novelhall.com~ The old man in our family is now a coating craftsman, and sometimes he only comes back for a few days! So I don\'t know when he will come back!"

"Really, I still want to compete with him! I have been staying in the branch during this time, and my body is going to rust!"

After finishing speaking, Gion couldn\'t help stretching her graceful body, her chest was high, but not beyond the specification, her waist was graceful, it was hard to imagine that the beauty in front of her was a swordsman.

Suddenly, Gion let out a light snort, and she suddenly found a somewhat familiar face in the domineering look.

"Shichibukai-Dongze? What is he doing here?"

As if aware of something, Dongze frowned slightly, a sword light lit up in the depths of his eyes, and the sword intent spontaneously protected his body, directly cutting off the opponent\'s visit.


To put it bluntly, the domineering ultra-long-range spying is essentially about the extension and application of the spiritual aspect. Dongze, who has become more and more proficient in swordsmanship, has been able to cut off this trace of spiritual power to a certain extent.

Gion didn\'t expect this kind of situation to happen, and if he was not careful, the sliver of spiritual power that came out was directly crushed by Dongze, and he couldn\'t help humming softly under the sting of his spirit.

"What\'s wrong?"

Seeing Gion\'s strange behavior, Xia Qi asked curiously.

After taking a few breaths, Gion said with some seriousness: "Qiwuhai—Dongze!"

"It\'s not unreasonable to be worthy of a famous name. Before, I thought he was a young man full of middle two! I didn\'t expect to have such strength!"

"My sister warned me before that I must not underestimate everyone. I never took it seriously. I didn\'t expect to let him teach me a lesson today~"
