Phone App: Portable Armory

224 Ambrosia Cartel: Part 31 Side Chapter: Anniversary Edition

It was another evening with my girl. Well, my girl or my fiancee, well, both options applied for now. Still, I still had to think about what would I give to her? This was literally our second anniversary. The first anniversary was the return of me, but well, Lynn might want something more surprising.

Should I turn into Commander Lizeth Grant? Well, that would be a very bad decision since Clara would probably hunt me down again. Yeah, Clara would be remembering the memory of her parents who got killed by two mysterious contractors which were me and Aline. However, it seemed to be a very bad idea since some of the personnel would hate that idea too.

I got up from my bed to think about something. I needed a present. Maybe requesting a firework from the personnel in the base would not be a bad idea. Well, it was quite an abuse of power so I wouldn't do that. I needed to think about this anniversary present.

I wore my combat boots and I went outside of my bedroom. Lynn had left for the main base for today. She said that she had a business with Herring, but I knew that Herring would be leaving the main base soon. Clara was coming to the Main base as well since they brought an F-15 there since they would also act as Herring escort.

In the meantime, Clara would make sure that the flight lasted longer so Patrick could have a longer time for preparation for that anniversary event. Well, Patrick was still thinking about what he should do although Lynn would be coming back at the base tomorrow morning.

As he walked in the hallway of the living quarter, he met personnel who had left for their own room. All of their faces showed one similar expression which was the expression of tiredness. Patrick understood that and letting them sleep was one of his duties as a good commander. He couldn't let them work 24 hours straight since it would also decrease theirs efficiency as combat personnel.

I walked outside of the living quarter to breathe in the fresh air of the Panamanian mountain. It was fresh, although it was mixed with some combination of diesel and jet fumes. Nevertheless, I was tired of the air that was coming from the air conditioner and fresh air was all I needed to think.

One thing for sure, Lynn loved flower. However, the flower that she liked was hard to be found since it was that bloody white flower that was very rare and I only found them in the old town out of luck. Yeah, it was that Bethlehem flower that she liked and I gave back in the old town. She said that it made her remember the peace day, the day when she hadn't become a contractor yet. Well, a flower would be a nice surprise, but I needed to find it first and I didn't have any time to find any flower without compromising my time.

There was Lynn's car in the parking lot of the living quarter, I took it and went to the command center where the commander of this base could be found. The streets of the base were filled with vehicles. Those vehicles were either transporting goods from one side to another or they were transporting personnel. Nevertheless, Patrick watched out for them since they were trucks that could potentially damage Lynn's car.

After a long drive thanks to the slow-moving truck, I finally arrived at the command center. The command center was quiet. It was quite a routine for the command center to be quiet at this time since there were fewer missions on the night than during the day. I entered that command center and headed for the secretary desk.

"Excuse me, but can I book an appointment with the commander?" I asked to the secretary. She called in the commander and told him that commander Grant needed to see him quick.

I felt bad to abuse my position as a commander right now. I wasn't supposed to be doing that, but Lynn was a priority at this point and I couldn't disappoint here. I walked to the door of that commander office and I knocked on it.

A voice told me to open the door and I opened it. The commander was sitting on his chair like a boss. There was no paperwork on the desk since all of it had been finished way before Patrick came to the base. Well, the commander seemed to be at a relaxed condition right now and I could ask him some unnecessary questions about love. To be honest, it was quite embarrassing for me to ask him that since he adored me so much.

"Excuse me," I said.

The commander looked at me. His eyes clearly told that he was surprised to see me this late. Usually, I came to visit him in the morning or in the afternoon, but this time, I visited him during the nighttime when the missions weren't that much and the base was resting. Well, he couldn't disobey me either so there was that.

"Sorry commander, I was missing out. Anyway, how may I help you, sir?" He asked me.

"General, I need you to speak freely to me. I need an advice. Not as a commanding officer, but as a young adult asking for advice to an older one," I said.

The general nodded. His gaze showed that he was sure that this wasn't about base management since I usually gave him some tips instead of him giving me. Well, time to find out whether he was willing to cross the line of formality or not. I hope that the answer was yes.

"Sure, Commander. How may I help you, son?" The general asked me in a more friendly manner. Well, at least, he viewed me as a younger person instead of a superior officer right now.

"Well, General, it's about love," I said.

"Hahaha, I see. Is this about you and Commander McGrath? Or is this about side relationship? Sorry, If I cross the line sir," the general said.

"Of course, it's all about Charlie Lima. By the way, I never have any side relationship. Unless we're counting Commander Charlie Sierra," Patrick said.

"I see. Well, how may I help you then? You haven't told me the issue either so I can't help," the general said.

"An anniversary, General."

The general nodded. He seemed to know what I meant. Well, only one way to find out whether he knew or not. If he knew, he would usually give me a brilliant answer, if he didn't knew, well, I would find someone else for that matter since there were a lot of old people inside of this base. Hell, I could even call Herring if I wanted to.

"Well, you know, woman is quite hard to be figured to be honest. Just give her something simple. I bet she would like it. For example, both of you could have a dinner in a fancy restaurant. If I recalled correctly, you and her only did it once. However, I would be gladly set up a fancy dinner in the cafetaria if you want, commander," He said.

"I see. Well, General, I think I will just go subtle this time. General, thanks for the help. I appreciate it. However, forget about the fancy dinner. She was quite a wild girl," I said.

The general laughed. "Keep this between you and me or I will have you executed." I pointed my finger at him and he nodded in acknowledgment. Well, it was one problem taken care off. It was time to set up something that Lynn might like. I left that office and went back to Lynn's car.

I would be planning something very usual. I realized that our live until now was full of adrenaline burning in our body. We needed something that was quite relaxing. We needed something that didn't require us to run or fire our gun. I had an idea on what I should do. The problem was that, there was no need for a preparation on this one.

The only thing needed was Lynn's cooperation in my plan. This would be quite fun and quite rewarding. However, it would also feel quite jarring for both of us. Ok, time to head for the armory. They might have something that I needed.