Phoenix Rebirth : The Unruly Empress

Chapter 79 - The Yu Family's Love

Out in the Ying Courtyard, There were two young men inside the study. One was arguing while the other sit silently.

"Big Brother! I can't take this anymore! That idiot had one job and still can't do it right! I am going! I can't just wait here and wait for more bad news!" Zhefei clenched his fist while walking back and forth in the room.

Zheqi sighed and looked at the letter on his desk. At the bottom of the letter was a swallow bird. Zhefan's insignia. In the letter, he said that he still hasn't seen their Little Lulu. It has been over a month already and they miss their little sister. Knowing that their third brother hasn't found their Little Lulu, it didn't sit well with them. Plus, they have heard some news that the Crown Prince was not in the Kingdom as well. The last time they heard anything was that the Crown Prince was still looking for their sister.

"As soon as you go, you know that they'll track you. Even our father can't move or send anything right now. The Emperor has his eyes on our Yu Residence." Zheqi sighed again.

"I can't just wait until the Crown Prince finds her and drag her back here! You've seen how adamant Little Lulu was! There is something about that Crown Prince that set our Little Lulu running! We all know how fascinated Little Lulu was with the Crown Prince, there's definitely a drastic reason why she chose to run away. I can't just let my Little Lulu be with that Crown Prince. He'd have to pass over my dead body first!" Zhefei rarely gets infuriated. Unless it involves their family, then someone will think that he was a demon!

Zheqi rubbed his forehead. He too agreed with his younger brother. He regretted not following Little Lulu. That idiot third brother is at fault! Why was he not intellectually smart like Zhefei? And he knew he won't be able to protect their sister since Zhefan was not martially inclined like him.

As the two went back in forth on this conversation, someone kicked the study room's door open.


The two instantly looked at the door and pursed their lips instantly when they saw who it was. It was Prime Minister Yu Zheyu, their father.

"Can you be a bit louder and announce it to the whole Kingdom that the Yu Family knows about Yu Ronglou running away?!!! I could hear you two as soon as I got home!"

Zheqi and Zhefei both looked down and stepped aside like obedient puppies. No wonder their Little Lulu was scary, she had got it from their father.

Seeing his two sons, Prime Minister Yu sighed and walked towards the desk and took a seat. His hands went towards the letter, did a quick read and toss it back on the desk. "Zheqi, what're your thoughts on this?"

Zheqi looked up and said, "I want to go, father. I want to make sure that Little Lulu is fine."

Prime Minister Yu looked at his eldest son's eyes before looking at his second son. "Zhefei?"

"I want to go as well, father. Please permit us on finding her. I have this ill-feeling that something might happen to Little Lulu." Zhefei stared at his father, his decision was firm at the day.

Prime Minister Yu sighed and said. "I have recently received news that the Crown Prince is on Lulu's tracks. Zhefan had been careless with his moves and had gotten followed."

Zheqi and Zhefei's eyed went wide. "That idiot!!!" They both said at the same time.

Prime Minister Yu could only agree. His Eldest Son was martially inclined while his Second Son was more like him, Scholarly. His Third Son was frivolous and dandy. Though he never steps the line and causes trouble, Zhefan still worries him.

His Eldest Daughter was trained to be the Crown Princess by the Current Empress. They pampered and indulge her, but she was smart and wasn't spoiled. Unlike his Second Daughter who was a brat and spoiled. Still, Hualou wasn't without manners and would know when to stop.

Then there's his Fourth Son who adored all his siblings. He wanted to be both martially inclined and scholarly at the same time. Also a brat like his second sister but he was smart like his eldest sister.

He and his wife really did good job with their children and he was thankful for his wife for giving him these many kids. He didn't need concubines to give him kids since he had enough. These 6 children are enough to drive him and his wife into madness!